OT: It's cold here!

Last night it was in the 40's or 50's here. My mean hubby has the heater thermostat set where it won't turn on. It's about 70 in the house and I'm freezing! This is one of the reasons we moved back to Texas.

Now with the cooler weather the cedar will start pollinating sooner. I get cedar fever big time. I'm miserable during those months.

Please send warmer weather to Austin!

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On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 8:49:22 -0400, starlia wrote (in message ):

heh, heh, heh.

It's time for our annual argument here, which we fondly call "Put on your sweater, dammit!"

I have an emotional problem with turning on the heat at any time before November 1, and I've been known to wait until mid-November before the big (expensive) day. Even then, I don't turn the heat above 65 degrees, and I rant and rave when various family members try to sneak the temp up on the thermostat.

These are the same people who try to convince me that the living room should be fifty degrees during the height of summer, and now they want it to be seventy-five (!) degrees in winter. Hello? Wear appropriate clothing for the season, and heaven knows that I have plenty of sweaters, throws and quilts in this house.

Your house is seventy degrees? Last night, the temp here dropped to thirty-nine. I slept with the windows open, so I wouldn't get all sweaty.

Kathy N-V

P.S.: I'm not totally heartless. If we get significant snow before November

1 (meaning not flurries, actual shovel-worthy snow), I'll turn on the heat until the snow melts or November arrives, whichever comes first.
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Kathy N-V

Kathy, I have a great way to deal with the temperature un-challenged, like you! In a word, birds. I always have a bird. We love them, the Australian Lovebirds. We can't risk big temperature changes, they really shouldn't be cold and my DH has a huge heart for creatures... It can't drop below 70 in here - in fact, warmer is better! And - even better news, if I get 75 replies to refute my "birds need heat" theory, no one in this household but chilly me will know. (Should have said, "chilly I", but that sounds odd)

(innocent grin)

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*chuckle* Ok. I won't say anything.


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I'll send up vibes for warmer weather for Austin, since I'll be there for a conference in November.

Any good bead stores (still on the Eternal Quest for Seed Beads) in Austin that I should skip a session and visit?


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My goodness, that's cold for your state! That's the same kind of weather we have here in the Great Lakes region. Weird.

/thinks about sending down a comforter!

-- Margie

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I'm the same way. Right now the thermostat is set at 60 degrees. I don't think it's kicked yet which is a good thing. I sweated all summer and am thoroughly enjoying this fine cool sweater weather.

I sleep next to an open window all year round. Granted when it's below 0 degrees it's only open a crack.

-- Margie

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TWIN!!! Well, it's not freezing here yet, but I've already put a blanket and a second quilt on the bed... and flannel sheets.... And, I'm wearing socks and sweaters as part of my daily attire.... Kaytee "Simplexities" on

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LOL - it's in the 40's here, and I love it! You can have the warm weather, Starlia. :)

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Kandice Seeber

So do I, and it gets significantly below Zero. It's only when it gets 40,

50 or 60 below that I have to worry about problems with the window. Like having it open just a crack and having it frost into that position. But I keep it warm in the house. Partly it's a thing where if someone is very cold outside and they come in to warm up, it's vital that they can really can get warm. Maintaining a temperature (for people in the house) isn't enough.


"MargieK" wrote

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Christina Peterson

But wait, you're still talking about above Zero, aren't you?


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Christina Peterson

You crack me up. That's exactly what my hubby says, put on more clothes. Hell no! It's my house too and I should be comfortable. I spent over two hours in a hot bath this morning until I looked like a prune. I had to get warm somehow.

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We usually keep the windows in the bedroom open. I guess it's time for me to pull out my extra blankets for my side of the bed.

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Yes, and it depends on what side of town you are on. There is a store called Nomadic Notions with great seed beads. They are the only "real" bead store around.

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That's exactly why we moved from Alaska to Texas. It could be 117 here and I'm happy, sweaty but happy.

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Smart alec. Yes above 0. I remember those Alaskan days and my daughters live up there.

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On Wed, 15 Oct 2003 15:27:28 -0400, EL wrote (in message ):

Elise, (one of my favorite names, BTW)

I _never_ buy seed beads in person. I was buying them based on screen shots, but like you, I discovered that the shades just aren't close enough for me. So, I bought a Miyuki sample card, which has samples of every color bead that Miyuki makes. Now I can just look at the card and order what I want.

Yes, in an ideal world I'd be able to compare tubes of beads and the like, but since I can't go out much of the time, this is a good second-best solution.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Who, me?


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Christina Peterson

Oh, goodie. A chance to feed my addiction. I'll be downtown, but according to Mapquest it's only 2 miles to the bead store ...



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The sample cards I've seen advertised come in a "complete set" for ~$132 or so, or 3 cards for ~$18 each for size 11, or 1 for size 8, 1 for triangles, etc. Do they truly have all the colors and finishes on the sample cards? Do they have enough samples so that for a tube of multi-colored beads like the iridescent ones you see the full range of what the beads will actually look like? I've thought seriously about ordering them, but it's a lot of money when I'm not real sure what I'd be getting, and when I think how many actual beads, rather than samples, I could get for that ...

(Not that I truly think having samples would do anything to keep me from wanting to go wallow in seed beads on the rare occasion when I get an oppportunity to do so :-)


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