OT: Need a Pick me Up

Due to our furnace's sudden demise, DD and I got to spend the weekend at my mother's house. We had a surprisingly good time, yakking about everything and anything. Because I am "mechanically inclined," Mom asked me to fix her CD-Walkman. It didn't require a hell of a lot of skill -- she had neglected to put batteries in the stupid thing. On Sunday night, DH called, saying that the furnace was now running and that the house was heating up -- we could come home Monday morning. Hurrah!

Well, not so fast. For a house that now had a working heating system, it was darned cold. I called the service dude and he said that he was afraid that might happen, and he'd be here today (Tuesday). I warned him that we have no more money to give him for this repair right now (he cleaned us out over the weekend, and DH doesn't get paid until Friday.). Grumbling slightly, he agreed to come over anyway.

Tuesday, of course, doesn't mean bright and early in the morning. It means 3 p.m. - ish, and another whole day of living in a house that was a refreshing

40 degrees F. (What's that? About 2 degrees, C?) Anyway, darned cold. I spent much of the day under the covers in bed.

Finally, at about 7 p.m., the radiators started making their noises, and heat started to come up. The repairman says it will take 10-12 hours before the house gets to a comfortable temperature, but it's a whole lot better now than it has been since Friday.

We did lose one thing to the cold -- my washing machine. I have a fancy-schmancy front loader that I adore. The intake tubing inside the machine (not visible from the outside) let go and all the guts of the machine are soaked. I have a call in to the washing machine repair dude, with an appointment for Saturday. (See above: DH gets paid on Friday) In the meantime, I have craploads of laundry all over my house, much of it stained beyond repair because DH gave the good towels to the furnace repairman when he asked for some towels to use.

On Monday, we were eating boneless breast of chicken and DH yelped. His tooth had split in half, and he was now in intense pain. The dentist was able to see him first thing this morning, and has temporarily repaired the tooth. Of course, the dentist recommends that the tooth get a root canal, a post and a crown. (Big $$$$) We have dental insurance, but it will only pay about 20% of the cost. So DH says he wants the tooth pulled! Say what!?!? I have a strong aversion to pulling any teeth that can be saved, and tell DH that his option is NOT acceptable. So, he'll be getting a crown next week.

Of course, he's scheduled to be at a trade show all week, so I get to be a single parent, and he gets to work 20 hours a day. We're both wicked cheery, take my word for it.

Right now, I'm fed up to my eyeballs with working on my kokschnik - the RAW veil is taking so damn long. I think I'm going to play with some pearls and see if I can make a real pearl netting that might be suitable. But not tonight.

Oh yes, I've had a migraine since Friday, and my primary care doctor wouldn't prescribe Imitrex over the phone. Normally, that would be fine, but I don't drive anymore. So I get to have a throbbing headache that gets more and less intense depending on outside stimulus. I'll be seeing my Pulmonologist on Thursday, and will get a prescription at that time.

DD is upset that her science teacher "hates her," so I have to call the school in the morning and get to the bottom of that. (I expect that it's related to her refusing to read aloud in class until her new eyeglasses arrive) P/T D is upset that the boy who had been holding her books every day is now reusing to speak with her, and seems to have found another girlfriend. Both these things sound minor, but if you're fourteen or fifteen, this is as horrible as it gets.

The sink is full of dishes, which couldn't be washed without hot water, there are blankets all over the living room (since it was so darned cold, we slept in there). I'm not feeling well enough to clean tonight, so it's going to have to stay messy for at least another couple of days.

I think I'll look at my new Beadwork Magazine and go to bed. Hopefully, there won't be so much snow that school is cancelled tomorrow. I really, really, don't want to deal with a bored child in my dirty house while I have such a headache.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V
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Kathy N-V wrote: > I think I'll look at my new Beadwork Magazine and go to bed. > Hopefully, there won't be so much snow that school is cancelled > tomorrow. I really, really, don't want to deal with a bored child > in my dirty house while I have such a headache.

A sure-fire way to make sure nothing bad happens to you during the day:

Eat a live frog first thing in the morning. Then, nothing worse will happen to either of you for the rest of the day. :o)


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I am sending big big big toasty hugs to you.

We just went thru the furnace breaking down last December. The coldest time of the year here.

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Debbie B

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from "Marisa Cappetta" :

]my standard reply . . . was, "if you're bored, i have a list of chores waiting to be done. we can start with . . . " and usually by the time i got that far they had remembered what they needed to do.

even schoolwork was better than household chores!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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Hi Kathy,

Your washing machine didn't freeze and burst the pipes did it? I hope some did just let go.

About a month after I bought this house, I had a house fire. It didn't burn up, but I had to replace all the mechanicals/appliances, all the interior walls.part of the floor, all of the roof, etc, and all belongings. The next year Roger (DS) stayed with me, and I drove to Valdez with him. When we got back, the furnace had failed and the whole thing frozen up. Fortunately, it was only the walls between the closet and the bathroom that had to be replaced. One of the new control parts was defective. But the insurance company still refused to re-insure me!

Give Amanda an extra hug for me. Kiss DH on the top of his head for me. And be as good to yourself as you can. What an awful week!



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Christina Peterson

Sometimes the best thing that can be said for a day is that it ended! I hope things turn a corner soon and you feel better. As for the bored child, being the mother of a singleton as you are, I'll share my standard reply when DS announces he's bored. "I've never been bored a single day in my life!! Boredom is for the stupid and you are NOT stupid!" There is no real way to argue with this. Even if he is not happy about it, he usually shuts up and finds something constructive to do.

Stay warm, feel better soon Kathy.

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Marisa Cappetta

Only one thing to help with this..chocolate. Preferably in a mug, all hot and milky with whipped cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top.

Hugs, my friend. This too shall pass!

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Barbara Forbes-Lyons

What a horrible time you're having! I hope today starts out better with child in school.

I used to tell my ds if he was bored, I'd find him something to do and if he wasn't quick I'd assign him some chores. Worked a charm.

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vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Margie :

]I used to tell my ds if he was bored, I'd find him something to do and ]if he wasn't quick I'd assign him some chores. Worked a charm.

great minds think alike!

----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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----------- The measure of the menace of a man is not what hardware he carries, but what ideas he believes.-- Jeff Jordan

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Ugh! I'm so sorry for all that's going on! I really feel for you with the migraines, and poor hubby and his tooth. And I don't even want to remember being 14!

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oh Kathy....how dreadful. Although I can live with the thought of you not being able to do laundry and dishes for a day or so, I do know you'll probably be the one to deal with 'em later, so its hardly a holiday.

The headache I hope goes away very soon, or that its already long gone.

So sorry you are cold---that makes everything seem worse, even boys not carrying your books any more.

I wish I could send a hug with actual body heat attached, or come do your dishes for you---but will settle for good vibes your way instead. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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Marisa, you may be missing an opportunity. Try this, or a variation thereof:

"GREAT!!!! Bored people don't mind things like spending some time picking the old grout out of the bathtub. Then, when its time to put the new grout IN, you can tell me if you are still bored....." Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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Holy &%$#*!! Does it ever end? (((((((((((((((((((Kathy&Family))))))))))))))))

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Kandice Seeber

Oh, I like this one.. Must remember it for those chillybins..


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I Love it!! I'm adding this to my repertoire of annoying parental responses!

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Marisa Cappetta

Oh, yes, very good, I'll remember that too!

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Marisa Cappetta

Oh, my god, Kathy! I am just aching for you! That sounds like THE crappiest week EVER. (I am now knocking on wood. I DO NOT want anything else to go wrong for you because I said that, superstitious git that I am!)

Can't you EVER just get a break? I wish I could come cook and clean for you. If you lived in Oregon, ANYWHERE in Oregon (or Washington, for that matter, or maybe even Idaho or northern California) I would drive in and clean up your house, coook a nice big dinner, and then leave you in peace to enjoy it!

I hope it gets better. Not just soon. RIGHT NOW!



Kathy N-V wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

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