OT yet another question...favorites

Oh dear, you missed the really good stuff, then! I saw Bruce in '76 after Born to Run came out, and again on the Darkness on the Edge of Town tour. Sooooo much energy!

I think my favorite album is still Born to Run. I love Thunder Road and Jungleland. Such poetry! "They'll meet 'neath that giant Exxon sign that brings this fair city light."


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Pink Floyd, The Wall La Bohemme Cats Original Cast Soundtrack

There a few others I might be tempted to smuggle, but I could be allowed 10 and that'd be more than my entire cd collection.


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I fell in love with Bruce during Darkness but I didn't get to my first show til BITUSA when my HUSBAND took me! lol Since then, I've seen him 70~ times (but who's counting?) My list was as is cause the ahem...COMPILATIONS I have include a LOT of old stuff as well as the new. (nothing like opening a show with Candy's Room or Night...)

PS...My cars license plates are RISE UP and SHESDA1 :)

marie~ "For what are we without hope in our hearts..." Bruce Springsteen

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On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 12:09:14 -0400, Karen_AZ wrote (in message ):

My favorite song in the whole world. DD was born to that song. I am probably the only person that bawls to Jungleland on the car radio. I seriously considered getting an old Dodge instead of Beulah, so I could be the barefoot girl.

As for Thunder Road, did you know its working title was Wings for Wheels? Try singing it with "Wings for Wheels" in place of all the "Thunder Roads," and see how you like it. I've "heard" that there is a bootleg of Wings for Wheels, and the evolution of that song is astonishing. I've also "heard" that there are demo tapes of Bruce as a kid with the "Castiles" and "Dr. Zoom and the Sonic Boom." The demos themselves are wretched, but it's an amazing thing to hear that talent trying to sneak out, way back when.

To get back on topic, maybe one of these days we'll be talking about Kandice or Tink "demo beads" and the nascent talent gleaming through from the very beginning. :-)

Kathy N-V

Add Bruce Tidbit: Thunder Road is about the only Bruce song that makes me want to punch Bruce in the mouth. Really. He's singing to Mary, the girl on the porch, who isn't sure if she wants to go with him:

"Show a little faith, there's magic in the night, You ain't a beauty, but hey you're all right.."

Yep, you look good enough that I'll mess with you in the dark. Nice.

It get's even better. Later, he's inviting her into the car:

"The door's open, but the ride ain't free."

Some guy (even Bruce) thinks I'm ugly, but would be a good boink in the dark, and won't even give me a ride without taking it in trade? No thanks, I'll take a cab. It's a song that sounds romantic until you listen to the words. Then it just ticks you off.

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Kathy N-V

Good one!

Something Beatles. And Tori Amos too. ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

I'll see your Bruce and raise you Billy Joel:

"C'mon, Virginia, don't make me wait, You Catholic girls start much too late. Sooner or later it comes down to fate, I might as well be the one."

IOW: I don't give a damn about you, chickie, I just wanna get my rocks off. Which is a shame, because the REST of the song has a lot of truth in it.

And then, of course, there's the classic example: "Every Breath You Take"... but at least Sting *wrote* it to be about a stalker -- he's said as much.


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Lee S. Billings

Leonard Cohen - Songs Elvis Costello - Girls Girls Girls Harvey Danger - Where Have all the Merrymakers Gone


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Diana Curtis wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

I picked three, and if I answered the same question tomorrow, it would be a different three...


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Kandice Seeber wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

ACK!! Cats! My 6 yr old is obsessed with Cats and can sing the entire

2 hours... I used to love that musical....

hmmmm..... 3 huh?

my disc of Grainger and Holst pieces for military band

Beethoven 9th symphony, a recording with the Chicago Symphony from the

50's (oh my god Brass)

Mahler 1st symphony, also Chicago Symphony 50's era.

Pink Flloyd's Dark Side of the Moon is really trying to break into the top 3... :)

I love so many other pop and folk and country and rock singers/groups, but I swing from mood to mood with all of those.... classical is always a constant. and Dark Side of the Moon is the only thing I can listen to when I get really, really mad/stressed/or generally peeved.

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Laura Nyro- the Early Years Train , their last one and a compilation created by me Barbara Dream Master

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If you want to make God laugh, tell him your future plans. Woody Allen

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Barbara Otterson

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