Re: Flaxseed oil (was Re: Mercury!)

>How does it help?

flaxseed oil is a very high source of vitamin e and particularly of omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids.(other sources are fish oils) I've read that they inhibit the development of the prostiglandins (and the accompanying enzymes that are also not good) that cause what we perceive as pain and build bone spurs or calcifications. (the new cox2 inhibitors like vioxx inhibit the prostiglandin but not the enzyme, and also have side effects that flaxseed oil does not.) Flaxseed oil also is good for controlling depression---and growing your skin and hair and nails and nerves, AND regrowth of healthy tissues with minimal scarring. Promotes synovial fluids which lube the joints. I know from my own and others' experience that I feel less pain and have better days, or take the bothersome days better, when I take it. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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I bought some flaxseed oil capsules the other day- but wonder how much of this you recommend to take.... I'm trying to combat the aches and pains that nobody will "label " yet -- and also heard it is good for menopause.... gulp...yeah that seems to be heading my way too....

the label says 3 or 4 a day (they are 1000 size) - is that for real????

I have a friend with fibro too - I'm going to recommend she try it...

Cheryl of DRAGON BEADS Flameworked beads and glass

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I may go buy a 50-gallon drum tomorrow!

Thanks for the info. I live with chronic pain that apparently has no cause (so they say). I prefer not to live on OTC meds, so I'm definitely gonna have to give this a try.


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By the way, if you didn't have Depression to begin with, chronic pain would put you there. My therp describes Depression as "overstimulation", which added to your manic stage must wreak havok.


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Christina Peterson

yes--and I can NOT get them down my throat, thaey are way too big for me. Get the bottles of the fresh pressed oil--its better, cheaper and easier to swallow. One tablespoon, once a day--or twice if you want--and I mix mine with yogurt in the AM for breakfast. My sister does hers on salad or drizzled on food. DO keep it refrigerated, do NOT cook or bake with it. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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I'm not a doctor, but I did a boatload of reading and research when diagnosed with spinal arthritis and unable to do much without awful pain --not even sit or lay down or sleep. Turns out a protruding disc causes most of it, but IF I walk daily, don't over do, and take my Flaxseed oil, glucosamine, and MSM every day its very manageable. A little twingey, a little bothersome---SOOOOOOO much bettter than in tears because it hurts so bad. AND--there are no bad side effects, I'm preventing the buildup of more damage, and it doesn't cost much. The flaxseed oil is $15.00 for a bottle that lasts two months. The MSM is in crystal form for $9.00 per pound.(lasts sesveral months) and the glucosamine was around $15.00 for a bottle that lasts two months. So less than forty dollars for two months of feeling WAY better, and building better healthy parts inside.Compare this to the cost of antidepressants, and antiinflammatories and painkillers/muscle relaxers. I haven't had a flare up of carpel tunnel since I started either, and my knees don't click all the time now. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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I have got to start taking this myself. I have heard so many good things about it and it sounds like it would really be beneficial for me.


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I have a history of moderate Depression and hypo-mania since childhood that worsened slightly at about puberty. They both worsened significantly as a result of medications I was taking in my late twenties and early 30's and then went heywire a few later when I entered peri-menopause. That's when near catatonia and psycotic features both set in. Interesting hormonal connection, if you ask me, not than any doctor has, mind you.

Havok it does wreck. Luckily, DH and I have both learned the signs and some fairly holistic ways of managing both.

I agree with your therp, that Depression is overstimulation. When I am depressed, I am exhausted, mentally and emotionally. Just wiped out.

I had a GP appointment this morning; I asked him about adding flaxseed oil to my daily regiment. He was very encouraging. He also suggested folic acid


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Wow. Saved to medical files.



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Christina Peterson


Is there any alternative meds for ADHD? I hate taking the uppers for my condition, and haven't taken them in a while. However, I like being able to function like a normal person when I take the meds. They make me jumpy though and I don't sleep well. I didn't know if there is anything out there, but thought I would ask.


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I've heard folic acid recommended, especially for men. My doc put me on a good B suppliment called Folgard. Made a noticable difference.

I seem to have had Dysthymia most of my life. Blossomed into Severe Chronic Depression in my late 40's. Also became Hypothymic. I'm mono-polar, with no "high" to relieve me, but also none to confuse me and require me to change management tools. I'll be getting flaxseed oil tomorrow too.


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Christina Peterson

So how much of this stuff do you take? I think I need to start taking it.... yesterday.

Melinda W

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melt melt melt

I've wondered about that. I've done a fair bit of reading and sometimes I'm convinced that I do and then I read something else and then I'm not so sure. Mostly, I wonder if mine isn't mostly due to a lifetime of having abused my body. Even though I wear a 22/24 now, about seven or eight years ago, I think I weighed about 330 pounds. Bad for hips, feet and knees. In fact, I have very little cartlidge left in either knee. I have very high arches and in steps, so that was a lot of pressure being put on a little bit of space. I have ulner nerve snydrome (think carpel tunnel in your elbows), and probably fairly low bone density. More cause for general aches and pains. My GP is generally wonderful, but I admit that he's not so good when it comes to my mentions of non-specifica aches-and-pains unless they seem chest/heart related, and then takes them perhaps too seriously (I had a heart attack at 36, so he gets a little freaky. makes me tend to not report unless I think it's heart related).

When you are up to it, tell me more about your expereince with fibro. Feel free to take it of list if you'd like.

{{{{{{{ Sooooozaroooo}}}}}}}}


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I have just about all the same symptoms, but can't rule in or rule out fibro and/or similar syndromes. The main thing that prevents "ruling in" fibro, is that the pain spots are all above the waist. Can't "rule in" hypothyroidism because the lab tests say I'm in normal range, despite having physical signs/symptoms. I forget why CFS wasn't "in".... Some things overlap with perimenopausal and osteoarthritis and angina and ADD symptoms, but with symptoms (and signs!) all over the map, I haven't been able to get a dx better than anything I could figure out on my own. American medicine being what it is today, if the machines don't say you have reasons for symptoms, then you don't really have them. Summer heat seems to be "good for" joint pain and general achyness, but I get heat exhaustion. I move better, and thus am more active, but "black out" more often. Not "hungry!", so I don't eat as much as in the colder months, but still don't lose weight, even with the increased activity. EKG is "normal" now, but still getting chest pains. And so it goes.... Kaytee "Simplexities" on

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He doesn't, I do. Until recently, I got almost no calcium and hadn't for years. I have very bad teeth (partly hereditary, partly bulimia, partly diabetes), which I wonder about it's their indication as to the state of my teeth -- sorry about that horrible sentence structure. And the women in my family have problems with their parathyroid, which leaches calcium out of the bones. Mine is right at the borderline of bad.

I hadn't factored in my weight as a plus, but then I got my medical degree out of a box of Cracker Jacks! LOL!

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Hi Starlia! I started to answer last night and AOL kicked me off--if it came through and I'm repeating myself, pardon please!

I've only read a couple of papers about ADHD. One was of the theory that hypersensitivity to processed sugars and bleached flour in the diet triggered many of the symptoms, and also food allergies to red food coloring in particular---so cut out all the stuff like Kool-aid, Jello, Hi-C, popsickles, pop-tarts, anything with red food coloring---and its lots of places. No sugared colored cereals, no hotdogs, etc. This is too hard a change for some people's tastes, but cutting all the processed crap out of a diet really DOES help ANYbodies cognitive process. Its easy to believe that some people are even MORE sensitive to the effects.

The other study I read stressed behavioral stuff, and had to do with eliminating competing stimulations. When studying, make sure there is no radio, tv, multiple conversations, whirl of activity going on around you. Have a steady light--NO FLICKERING. This resulted in changing test grades in kids, flickering lights are very subliminally distracting. Many overhead tube lights flicker. Also, reading things OUTLOUD, or hearing them read and seeing the print at the same time, raised retreval rates significantly.. Multiple inputs of the same info, as it were. Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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yea!!!!!! gee, I'm almost wishing I owned stock in the flax market! Sarajane

Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery

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I take a tbsp. of the flaxseed oil every morning. It contains over 8400mg (that'd be about 8.4 grams, right?) of omega 3 fatty acids, plus its got the omega 6 and 9's too. I put it in yogurt--it tastes a little bit brown. Smoothies are a great way to do it too---makes them VERY creamy.

I take 1/4 tsp. MSM in my morning coffee, more in the afternoon in some juice or water.

I take my glucosamine pill around noon and wash it down with a packet of Emergen-C in water---this has a whole gram of C and all the B vit.s including folic acid, AND minerals like magnesium and calcium. Alacer makes it, healthfood stores carry it, and kids will take it gladly. Great energy boost too.

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I go nowhere without a few packets in mypurse--this is my daily multiple vitamin source, and it goes into your bodystarting in the mouth--unlike pills which must get into the bowel first. Thisis particularly good if you have mouth or throat problems or want to preventthem, esp. if you smoke---ciggies take out vit. C and B from the body quite abit. I don't smoke, but my parents did for the 14 years I lived with them, andmy bio father died of cancer---something I'd like to avoid. Sarajane Sarajane's Polymer Clay Gallery
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Its great as an additive in breads, too, I've heard, but that would overheat the oils to the point of not being so effective. Fabulous roughage though!! Sarajane

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Yes, please keep in in group so we all can share.


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Christina Peterson

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