Re: No Pain!

I know. I'm waiting for my appt. on the 26th with my neurologist. Is exhaustion part of it? I'm so tired I could just scream but it's too much effort.

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Debbie B
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Oh, yes, exhaustion is part of it. I can't tell you how completely wiped out it made me.

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Yes, seriously...I did myself a great disservice last year when I held it all in, and now a good friend of mine is going through a similar struggle. It would have been much better for her if she had known what was ahead.

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On Sat, 15 May 2004 20:02:08 -0400, Jalynne wrote (in message ):

I know. And all those years I could run around like a loon, even with steroids, I couldn't keep weight on. (Except in the boobage - I am cursed)

But Bam - after the heart attack, and the sudden worsening of my osteoporosis, and all the broken vertebrae, I can't move around. I cut my food intake sharply, but since I can't eat negative food, I am having all the Cushingoid symptoms of anyone on long term steroid use. Duh.

Let's see what happens after I see the surgeon (in June) and the Pain Specialist (in August). These folks are supposed to be geniuses at what they do, and they have long waiting lists for non-critical cases.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

Me too. At 5' 7" I frequently dipped into a size 6 (even a 4). It wasn't pretty. ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

Haw! Yup. I used to take all her vintage dresses -- with all the intricate detail -- and make them perfect. Then she'd wear 'em all, and back into the loop we'd go. ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

Oh YES. Managing pain is incredibly exhausting. (No one ever tells you this.) Which is one of the reasons you feel better with painkillers -- it's far less tiring! Pain is so DRAINING. "Tired" doesn't begin to cover it. ~~ Sooz

------- "Those in the cheaper seats clap. The rest of you rattle your jewelry." John Lennon (1940 - 1980) Royal Varieties Performance ~ Dr. Sooz's Bead Links

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Dr. Sooz

YES! Pain is exhausting. Both physically and mentally. This is why Sooz emphasizes the importance of reducing pain quickly.

When I talk about Depression, I often tell people to imagine a 3 year old being taken shopping for 5 or 6 hours. She'll get physically and mentally tired from all the new information, all the standing quietly, etc. And her symptoms will be very much the same as Depression -- anger, weeping, unable to think clearly, sleep disturbance, etc.

So yes, pain is not only exhausting, but it also results in Depression.


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Christina Peterson

That is soooo funny!


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Dr. Sooz wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Oh god. I hope you get something that helps a lot! It's horrible that you just have to live with it that long. :(


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Debbie B wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Oh my GOD I hope they can help! And I wish you didn't have to wait so long... and why exactly is your case considered non-critical???


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Kathy N-V wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Um, ouch. I'm 5'3" and at size 6 I was almost skeletal.

"Pointier than a sack full of wet mice" as a friend says.


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Dr. Sooz wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

vj found this in rec.crafts.beads, from Kalera Stratton :

](I am not anti-doctor, but they really have little experience managing ]health, only illness.)


----------- @vicki [SnuggleWench] (Books)

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On Mon, 17 May 2004 17:19:00 -0400, Kalera Stratton wrote (in message ):

Because I am not terminal.

Kathy N-V

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Kathy N-V

I disagree. Everyone is set on a path leading to "termination," making everyone--terminal. The issue here should be what sort of trip you take along that path, and if your trip is wrought with pain and chronic disability of any kind, you should be given assistance. Maybe that made no sense coming from a chick who's sitting here with a bandana tied around her head to ward off the feeling that her skull is splitting in two. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense tonight.


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Well, that's a Damn Good Thing.


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Kathy N-V wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

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