Re: OT: Growing Pains

so I am baffled by my utter emotional rebellion

>to this next step. I know that it's going to fly by and then she will be >gone to college.

relax - take a deep breath. The next three years will not fly by. This is just a wake-up call to slow down and savor your daughter while you can. She still has a lot of growing and changing to do before she goes off to college. Even then, you will see her and talk to her often. She's not leaving you yet.

My girls are 26 and 28. One lives 120 miles away and I see her every month or so. The other lives 3000 miles away and I see her every year. And even so, I'm not closer to one than the other. The feelings don't change, they are still my daughters, my "girls", my babies.

OTOH, the CA girl is due home Saturday for a 2 week visit and I'm practically counting the minutes here!

It really does seem like >just 2 or 3 years ago that she was getting on the kindergarten bus.

yeah, it seems like that to me too. And I have grandkids getting on that kindergarten bus this year!

I used to be disgusted by >mothers who clung to their children, and I refuse to do that to her, but I >am feeling pretty tumultuous inside.

Its okay to feel a little scared. I don't see it as clingy, but as a mother who knows what the world is really like and what her daughter is facing as she matures and has to start making her own decisions and start taking care of herself. You just have to trust in your daughters good common sense and whatever deity you believe in. And you will still be there to guide her for many years to come.

{{{{{Kathy}}}}} from another mother of daughters

Cheri Cheri (Bubbee to Emily and Nathan)

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It would be strange if we -didn't- feel some grief about an impending separation from those we love...

But I think that finding things to do that are all your own is a good idea, too.


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Deirdre S.

like, overnight.<

I know just how you're feeling, Kathy. My DD started high school last year and this year will be getting her driver's license. EEEEEEEK - where has the time gone??!! I'm pretty sure that if I didn't work, I would have gone out of my mind last year, LOL. I vote for the part-time job! (((Kathy)))

Carol in SLC My new stuff:

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Carol in SLC

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