thots and prayers please...from Jill

Hey all....crazy CRAZY days at the local ER. DH had to have emerency surgery and

As of right now...I've been awake for 38 1/2 hours straight. I could tell you ER stories that would make you want to slap 2 cats...a grandma...and a homeless baby seal. Took from 8:45 till 1:14 to get a room in the ER...which isn't really...just an urgent care as only the ambulance patients get the real ER treatment.

Anyhoo....after my wollering all over kingdom come...freezing to death (the blanket warmer was outside our cell ...I mean a blanket to be found, but I used it as a cuddle port to thaw out on occasion. At that stage of the game I'd been up for too many hours to count and looked the part in a Halloweeny way so all I got was...are you alright? you NEED anything?.....can I do anything for you? I had several answers but kept them tactfully to myself.

He was admitted for emergency surgery without them telling us. Then, the nicest doctor ladywoman came in to talk about the proceedure. By that time, DH was ready to let me carve into him with a nail file with poop used as sterilizer and didn't care what she said.

Long story not so short...we're home....he's fixed.....I'm mostly dead (more than half) and the cats are screaming mad at both of us for putting them out for such a minor thing.

I'm so wired I could light up New York on New Years Eve.

Jill Newman Tatercat Studio

contact me at: jnewman(>>>at

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Lifted too much...abdominal problem that he'd let go too long.

Thanks, Jill

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Crazy day(s) is right!!! Good thoughts and speedy recovery thoughts for you and DH headed your way...


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Polly S.

Jill -- Kisses and prayers to you, pretty woman. It sounds awful however the outcome is good, and that is what I care about now. Both you and hubby are home and going to be OK. The cats will recover.

Kisses and prayers.


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Jill -- Kisses and prayers to you, pretty woman. It sounds awful however the outcome is good, and that is what I care about now. Both you and hubby are home and going to be OK. The cats will recover.

Kisses and prayers.


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(((((((hugs)))))))) Yikes, what a nightmare! Glad you're all home and better.

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Kandice Seeber

Oh my gosh, 38 hours is an insane amount to be sleep deprived. I hope you and your husband get lots of rest.

Best, Christine

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Ouch hernia..... ouch ouch Remember taking a guy to the ER in an ambulance one night when I was a paramedic. He was pitiful..... Hope DH has nice painkillers and both of you are now rested... sure the cats have forgiven you by now... LOL Cheryl

tatercat wrote:

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Well you at least helped me a bit ... my weird day doesn't seem so bad... i just have a broken car and a cat that had to have emergency surgery! SHEESH...

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Vibrant Jewels

Hope the kitty is mending and the car is mended!

Sheesh..what an Octember this is starting out to be.

Thanks, Jill

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Ouch is right...he's not been in that kind of pain before and I'm sure he thot he was going to move into eternity.

He's resting...I'm a bit rested. Trying to bolster enough energy to get something made to list since I'm the breadwinner for a while. Eeek....!!

Thanks, Jill

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Cat had a hematoma on his ear, had to have it opened up and sutured. Now he's wearing one of those funky collars and he ain't happy. But he was purring to be home and he's sticking really close to me. Vet said it was probably an infected ear that he kept scratching, and that the hematomas come up pretty fast. Cost me almost $300. Car sporadically won't start and no one can figure out why. I was told it had to "break real good" before it could be fixed. GREAT.... LOL

Hope hubby is mending well. Those kinds of things are scary! Hugs, Karleen

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Vibrant Jewels

Hugs, Jill!! So sorry about the ordeal, but I'm glad it turned out ok.

Jerri (who's hoping she NEVER needs ER care!)

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Tell Kitty he's not alone...Kev has one of those collars on too! Not from the hospital....I'm torturing him for being silly enough to let himself get in this shape! :-)


Vibrant Jewels wrote:

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LOL does he keep bumping into things? Not realizing he now has a plastic head? hahahahahahaha

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Vibrant Jewels

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