WC again on Copying

OK...because I am too lame to have signed myself up for a newsreader yet...can someone provide the link again?


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Bummer! So when they close them there they remove them also? Yuck


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LOL, thanks Starlia! I think it's great that so many people supported you on WC. Lately I've been so down on WC because it's seemed like people get picked on, but it looks like more people are speaking up about it. I'm still giving it a break for now, but I might get back on, eventually.


starlia wrote:

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Kalera Stratton

Tink posted a thread today that said something like there isn't a lot going on lately because she caught up to her reading. Well I for one am still stinging and I'm hesitant to post. I did a couple of posts, but I'm not giving it my all like before.

I am taking off a little at a time. I hardly touched it today, but if you read my night and day you would understand why. DH dislocated his knee and it's been a real chore to get everything done.

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One reason I like doing Peyote free form is that it is virtually impossible to copy - I couldn't even duplicate my stuff myself!

I also seem to be particularly inept at following patterns and instructions... so copying someone else's stuff is probably impossible for me anyway! LOL

Right now I'm updating some of my earrings to chandelier style... but I'm itching to do something free form again SOON.

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Karleen/Vibrant Jewels


I was thinking about this myself... instead of whining (I'm not talking about you personally Cheryl!) about being copied, why not think that it's an honor to be a mentor!?!

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Karleen/Vibrant Jewels

Well Starlia, just look at this way, you might be famous, and you might be INfamous, but at least you aren't being ignored! LOL

Flame on! (in a good lampworked way of course).

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Karleen/Vibrant Jewels

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