Danger - Floss boxes!

So where precisely does one look to tell a woman mushroom from a man mushroom?

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Brenda Lewis
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Only a mushroom can answer that question

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Oh yes, I do do as I`m told when necessary! The doctor listened to my chest, reported that the good news was that there are no untoward noises and the bad news is that it will be about three weeks before it settles. I just have to take painkillers and make sure I do some deep breathing (Ouch!).

I`m certainly all for seeking medical attention when it`s needed - particularly at my age, when falls can be particularly dangerous. My lot would drag me there in any case!

I do wish I could persuade poor little Maggie that I don`t need her kicking me in the ribs when she`s lying on the sofa beside me, though! ;-)


Reply to
Pat P

This one has me puzzled (sometimes not a hard thing to do). How do you park your own car on your own foot? Lowering it off a jack when changing a tire? Not pulling the emergency brake, or putting it in gear, when parked on a hill with a standard transmission? Just call me curious.

-- Carey in MA

Reply to
Carey N.

Pat -- you take care of yourself -- cracked ribs are nothing to joke about -- no pun intended -- you listen to your doctor and get plenty of rest and sunlight and take your viatmins -- and maybe move your floss boxes to someplace easier to reach? say like a shelf?? and you have a very bad sewing chair to attack you like that --

but seriously take it slow and easy "T"

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Wishing you a BETTER DAY Mrs PP,

Good that you let it be checked , dress up well , because cold enhances pains ,,,

Haifa is as Beautiful as always, once a week i walk past 2 of the places that got a direct Hit by a rocket, and i enjoy seeing the restoration building going on , although neighbouring houses still have a zillion little holes , in the walls showing the force of the little deadly metal pellets. We are getting ready for December Festival of the All The Holidays , Chanuka , Christmas , and Ramadan Even though Ramadan has already been here [ because of it`s coming according to the Lunar year it slowly comes earlier every year] , but december was chosen as the Munnicipal All Groups celebration ,,Concerts , outdoor exhibitions , bazaars etc.. We had the honor of hosting the Female Parliament here , a couple of weeks ago. [ this parliament mooves in the country] and the subject was EcoFeministic ,,,,,Haifa has loads of Industry , it seems that women are influenced different than males by pollution. Thus we heard Experts about it and came out with decisions and suggestions , what we could and can do to improove it for all. We are very lucky now not to have rockets, while in the south of the country, people are Daily Shot at with rockets. We still don`t have our 3 kidnapped boys back. And not a Shred of information about the 2 kidnapped by the Hizbulla. Next week there is going to be a photography exhibition , to support the families. many artists will participate. We all left our shelters clean , nobody is using the shelters as storage anymore , and we aren` t happy at all to hear the Iranian threats. But people live and do all what people do. thank you for asking. mirjam

Reply to
Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

You sound accident prone more than clumsy , have you checked your eyes lately ? I have had my share of accidents that made the doc raise his brows , but parking your car on your own foot ,,,,,,,,sure tops it all .... mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

I got a knitting needle in my foot, and when I got to the phone it was a telemarketer! Bet you can guess what I had to say to him! VBEG

Reply to
Karen C - California

I once got a frantic phone call from a friend who lived directly across the street from me pleading with me to come quickly, don't knock, just walk in, I need you.

Hearing that I threw a robe over my pj's and rush in to find that she had put the sewing machine needle through her finger on her right hand. She couldn't reach around to turn the wheel to raise the needle and was just stuck there. Fortunately she could get to her phone and dial me, but sadly the dress she was working on was covered with blood.

It turned out just to be a clean puncture wound and all was well, but it was rather strange.


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And I got one in my thigh! A size E!


Reply to
Joan E.


I drive a manual transmission. Was at lunch w/ a friend. Left the lights on, battery died. When I start the car, I take the e-brake off, put in neutral, depress clutch, etc. Was parked against the curb, when car didn't start, forgot to put brake back on or put back in gear. Feet up on dash, seats back, laughing w/ friend. Unscrewed hook from car roof, which promptly bounced off my head into the back seat. So of course, being a bit OCD, I had to get out of the car & find it. Opened the rear door, put hand on the back of the drivers seat & bent over to look in the floorboard. Ok, remember I didn't put the brake back on? Well, the pressure as I bent forward rolled the car forward, right onto my foot. I threw my shoulder into the frame & rolled it back but couldn't move. Yelled at friend to set the e-brake, right there between the seats. She gets OUT & comes around to the drivers seat & then tries to get in, rolling it forward AGAIN! I spent

3 weeks on crutches & in PAIN!!!!!11 but never got a single bruise, LOL. THis of course is the same friend who's daughter I was bowling iwth when I fell in the gutter, who's dog swept her off her feet, whose steps I've fallen down 3 times in the winter. Lets see..... We've shared an ambulance and an ER before she got her pacemaker - both times I was having asthma attacks & she got chest pain.....OH yeah! Then there was the time for the state fair 2 years ago - had to use a wheelchair b/c my asthma was really bad, I had just gotten out of the hospital after 6 days. DH hit a pothole w/ the chair & I catapulted out, landing on my face & breaking my nose! Then there was the day my friend -same one- had a grand mal seizure at the vets, another day when her dog bit me & I had to go to the ER, the day I put my hand down on a lit gas stove burner (OUCH!) Told you I was a clutz!

Reply to
T Michelle Jensen

Someone should have filmed all that - it would have made you a fortune on one of those TV shows!!! At least you`ve made ME feel better!


Reply to
Pat P

Or at least enough to pay the medical bills! Somehow I suspected a manual transmission was involved.... No, I haven't done it myself but know how easily those things roll when you THINK it is in gear but really isn't.

Reply to
Brenda Lewis

Got to love it!

My son has run over my foot with the tractor (mower deck not turned on)


Reply to
Cheryl Isaak

Cheryl Isaak ,in rec.crafts.textiles.needleworkwrote: and entertained us with

Very lucky ! Verena ran over my sandaled toes with the wheels on her suitcase last year. Just after Christmas the two big toe nails dropped off but fortunately I was able to grow enough in time for going to the Dominican Republic.

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lucretia borgia

My mother once put the needle through her thumb and wasn't able to remove it on her own. She managed to call a friend who came from across town to take her to the ER. The doctor broke the needle trying to pull it out with pliers b/c the needle was embedded so deeply. She's fine now, but still is amazed that she didn't pass out! Good thing she didn't have any blood spill b/c she was making a kilt of wool tartan! :-)

Reply to
Addie Otto

Thankfully, my dear partner in clutz is a family physician. Of course, that just makes the folks at the ER roll their eyes a little more!

Reply to
T Michelle Jensen

Our family doctor is a bit like that - a few months back he broke his ankle playing football with his grandkids! EVERYONE laughed, poor fellow!

(As for me, I`m not groaning quite as much and am breathing a little more easily! ;-))


Reply to
Pat P

Great news! Hope it keeps up.

Olwyn Mary in New Orleans.

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Olwyn Mary

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