I have decided to stitch another female nude.

That's the obvious solution. But, sometimes if you're working a design, and just want a section that is specifically a color, or varied without a part - using a section of the overdye gives a great (perfect) match. Even if you go to the base color - which is sometimes doable - it will look a bit different. So, that's a reason. And besides, the overdye may just be what's readily "right there" and handy.

Also, there are indeed some designer/teachers who have made it somewhat of a custom to manipulate overdyed threads. In general I agree, that if you don't want to use the overdye as the lovely color changing, graduation effect, then why not just use some solids. But, as the saying goes, different strokes for different folks. OTOH, it is a pretty neat effect when you can do mirror imaging with them, etc - just playing with what you have to see what turns up can bring some interesting art to light - as you yourself do with your fiber art.


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The project that first made me aware of this technique was done on canvas or maybe congress cloth. The overdyed thread was slightly less thick than #5 perle cotton ... I'm probably wrong about that and this as well -- the proper "weight" of a single strand type fiber wasn't available in the colors needed.

Frugal thought alert -- Now that I think about it, if the colors were available in the proper "weight", it probably would've cost more to buy individual skeins of each than to cut what was wanted from the variagated one.

I've been using "weight" as a measure of thickness. Is there a better term?

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It is Ok Threads are sold by Weight , the lengths have been added only in the last 20 ++ years ,,, mirjam

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