OT: selling hand crocheted scissors cases

It's Croatian. Hungarian is completely different.


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I believe it is Croatian and not very complimentary either Shirley

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Shirley Shone

I did notice that while she was posting to sell her items, she used very nice English. Once she was taken to task for her post she switched to Croatian (assuming that is the language). Now, most of you know that Sheena & I don't often see eye to eye (now THAT is an understatement, if ever I wrote one) but her initial posts were not such that they deserved an uncomplimentary response from Helga in a language that was pretty sure not to be understood. Of course, who knows what went on between them over the post to rctnp -- Sheena might have ripped Helga a new orifice or four for her post (rd&h while yelling UNCLE loud & clear so that Sheena and I don't get into another "pissing match" -- LOL). CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

I was certain that it was not English and therefore completely irrelevant to this newsgroup.

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Yep, and had nothing better to do than falling over someone, who just posted a polite message. No wonder that this newsgroup went down so much compared with years before. I don't enjoy a lot of the jokes posted here either. But I keep to myself.

Why is it, that some people just can't help themselves, and instead pointing out nicely that advertising is not wanted in the rctn, attack people?

Obviously it was relevant enough for you.


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So not a word passed between us.

Spam and ads always turn my crank. We are surrounded daily by advertising, everywhere one looks and it is to be hoped we can keep usenet clear. I do know that groups that do not deal harshly with transgressors soon become wastelands. That happened to my local group a number of years ago and it took a lot of effort to take it back. Even the local forsale group has to police their territory to keep used cars out, for obvious reasons.

I do think Dora is correct though, whatever it is she said, looks like it is directed at the USA - she likely thinks everyone around here is American - so with that :)

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lucretia borgia

"SiK" ,in rec.crafts.textiles.needleworkwrote: and entertained us with

It was pointed out to her but she chose to come back with something vituperative - we don't need to know the actual words in order to know they are not complimentary. Probably filthy I expect, or very derogatory.

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lucretia borgia

Hey now...

There are at least a few Norwegian speakers hanging about here that I know of, and probably a few more that I don't know about. You might want to revise that remark. English is my first language, and even *I* find that to be a bit rude.

Sheesh peoples...calm the hell down! Becky A.

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Becky A

But Sheena -- everyone around here (at least this side of the pond, in the western hemisphere) IS AMERICAN -- NORTH AMERICAN! You just happen to be of the Canadian persuasion and I am of the U.S. persuasion. Seems that a lot of those who have never lived in this part of the world or deal with those of us who do, get us all jumbled together and think of us as the same. Similar, yes but certainly different. That's like saying that all Northern Europeans are the same (apologies to all of you living in Northern Europe -- or Scandahoovians as DD's Swedish EvilMIL says)! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

Reminds me of the observation that the way to tell a United Statesian and a Canadian apart is to make the statement that there's no difference. The USer will agree and the Canadian will start squawking.

Hmm. What else could we call you? Unitarians is taken. Usaicans?


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I believe my sister told me that in Esperanto they are called Usanos or something like that.

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Melinda Meahan - take out TRAS

I haven't found that at all and I don't think you would want to hear what they perceive the difference to be.

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lucretia borgia


How about you come over to this side and try that theory out? People are VERY aware about the Canadian/American thing.

I'm thankful that my personal dialect has always had an Old World tilt to it. It's served me well the past few years, especially with my habit of frequenting ethnic grocers.

The things they CAN'T seem to differentiate between are the individual states. There is Texas, New York, Florida, California, and West Virginia (on merit of John Denver and the Sago disaster)...and the Other States.

Though I have to point out Virginia vs. West Virginia sometimes... Becky A.

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Becky A

Heeyy - world of difference between Virginia and West Virginia. Of course, there's a huge difference between Northern Virginia (the DC metro area) and the rest of Virginia.

You be careful about that - we wear shoes in Virginia.....

Ellice, rd&h from any West Virginias that may be around

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Oh I like that. Very classy - I was thinking they could also be called Uni-statics but that sounds like a rock group. Dora

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Oh, I'm sure I have a fairly accurate idea of what others perceive the differences to be between Canada & the USA. I still think that a lot of people who have not had dealings with our countries tend to lump us together together. And I'm also not surprised you say you don't agree with MOI. I mean, we don't want the sky to come crashing down or anything and we do have our reputations to consider :-). CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

In Esperanto a person from the US is called "Usonano", which is better than saying "a person from the United States" or "a US citizen". I wouldn't support "Usano" because is only one letter away from being a unkind Spanish word. I would vote for "Usonan", any other ideas? I made a bumpersticker that has the American continent and the sentence "God Bless America". MCardenas

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Mar Kardenas

Perhaps better than "God Bless America", which can be a difficult pill to swallow for some residents: United We Stand

That isn't said often enough.


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Dianne Lewandowski

Well, you know, in actual practice, a little advertising is acceptable, as long as the poster is a fairly long-standing member who actually participates in other conversations...

...which I haven't been doing enough of lately. I'll have my husband spank me later.

There are a lot of reasons for that. Firstly I would say the release of AOLians* on the Networld to fend for themselves and having NO IDEA what Usenet is, much less what a news reader is, a news server is, the difference between them, and how to get here from there.

*Don't hate me! Some of my best friends are AOLians.

Mmm, well, there's an old principle involved, which is the "do it now" principle. As Sheena pointed out, if left untended, a newsgroup will be run over with spammers in no time, leaving the regular denizens angry, frustrated, and basically looking for somewhere else to conversate.

Unmoderated Usenet works on the idea that the regulars police themselves and their group. It keeps out the riff raff and keeps the place relatively tidy.

I can't speak for Sheena, but I'm guessing she's as frustrated as the rest of everybody because they keep happening. Helga's note did sound spammy, but I vaguely recognized her name from somewhere and then Donna confirmed my suspicionings, so it didn't bug me as badly as it did others.

In any case, there IS a legitimate reason for hopping on people at the first hint of a whiff of a suggestion of spam. If it weren't Sheena, it'd be somebody else and they'd be right to do it.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

And that was my PSA for the day. Carry on.

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Lol - just to add to that, since I heard this, I have tried to dig myself out of inertia on many things.

"The opposite of Good is not Evil - it is Indifference !"

Abraham Joshua Heschel

It was apparently said about the fact that many people never bother to vote and make themselves count in a democracy - the more I considered it the more I felt it was indeed a big truth in many issues.

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lucretia borgia

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