D-M Quilting System - long rant

I should have stopped to think.....here's a link to 'blogger's who embellish". There are two that are favorites of mine. #10, Inaminuteago by Sharron Boggins of Austrailia, and #22, Karen South, a wonderful cq'er I met in Omaha this summer. You should SEE the stuff she's been posting lately! Fabulous work.

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Lisa Caryl
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Ain't goin' to happen dear friend. I love you too much - and I'm more afraid of you than you are of me!! LOL!

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Well shoot! I was disappointed. I thought this was a blog for people who tell tall tales - embellish the truth - exaggerate - you know.

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If you have the machine repaired locally, have the service tech document the repair... Pictures of bad components, etc... Then send the bill to D-M. Keep copies of everything.

Of course, depending on where you live, It might be less expensive to deliver the machine to him yourself, and stand there while he repairs it... tests it... and proves to you that it really WORKS!

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HoosierRose (remove NOSPAM to

Unfortunately, that's the problem---he's in Texas and I'm in Washington state. Hopefully this place will be ABLE to fix it. If not, I really don't want to send the machine back to Mr. "No Customer Service" because of cost of having to do so. And who's to say that it will survive the shipping back in one piece again. The only way I'd ship it to him is on a one-way trip. We did give him several options, to buy the machine back at 25% less than we paid for it, to pay for the labor to have it fixed locally, or to pay for the shipping back to him. He rejected all offers.

The guy is a total fruitcake. When I initially complained about it skipping stitches in the beginning he stated it was MY FAULT that I was going too fast. Then the screw fell out and the timing became severely messed up. Since then it has only gone downhill. I won't even go into the amount of money spent on long-distance telephone charges to call him so he could step my husband through the adjustments.

Cheryl, you mus have been reading my mind. What you suggested is pretty much what I've been ranting and raving about wanting to do. DH has been a bit reluctant to let me go on my "rant campaign". But, I do belong to the DMQS Yahoo group and there are frequently people who come on there looking for information about the machine. Prior to this time I have always answered them personally. However, now I believe it will be public answers only. What other big quilting lists do some of you frequent?

LizA. Kent, WA

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Liz A.

Go for it girl!

Just make sure that it is cool and dispassionate and factual! That way there can be no come back. And when you tell the guy what you've done tell him you will repost the account every three months to keep the warning going! It won't cost you anything but a few minutes to copy and resend the info and you might save some other poor victim!

Can't help you with other groups but hopefully the others can and it will be a long list.

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