Don't want to open another can of worms....

You bet your boots the directory must not ever be published online. Anywhere. That's why I do not participate. I know, understand, appreciate the grave concern from my rctq beloved friends their anxiety when Hurricane Katrina covered most of us with 30 ft of sludge and blasted us with winds over 100 mph for ten hours. I do. I really do. But when that disaster struck, my identity and location got published from the directory. The directory is a happy idea but not for me. My favorite color is yellow, my birthday is too long ago to celebrate and if you want to send me a personal note, ask somebody who's been here a long time for my email address. Just how it is. I wish it were no so but the world has changed. Polly

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Polly Esther
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all the rubbish wrote....everything i write is rubbish....about facebook is all well and good. however there is no way in the world the rctq directory should be published online anywhere at all. in the history of the directory it has only ever been sent to the individuals who are in it. it has never been online and never should be for the obvious reasons. j.

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Louise is right, the new privacy settings are pretty good - I put mine at the highest level and it means that even if people want to find me, they can't. I have my reasons.... If you do a search on me, all it shows is my name and gender, and no photo or anything. And there are 2 other Johanna Gibsons - who knew?

What I don't like is anything posted there, such as photos, become the property of Facebook. Another great reason not to post pictures of your child all over the internet.

-- Jo in Scotland

Reply to
Jo Gibson

YES...the directory did go out. Quite some time ago. There were a couple of responses that came back to me as not being able to be opened. Was not able to get those figured out. No other addy's came back as undeliverable.

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Cindy from GA but wants to be

Reply to
Louise in Iowa

I had no idea that Alice was no longer doing the Directory, Cindy; and I'm sure I have had nothing in 2011. I have changed my e-mail address, but that was 18 months ago - and I have checked in my old address's files.

So I must have been deleted as well? The forms I last saw and filled in were addressed to Alice. . In message , Cindy from GA but wants to be in MO writes

Reply to
Pat S

Same here...I last one I have is from 2009.....and I know I signed up for the newest one.


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hi, everyone! i never got a new directory either! my info has changed as well, my last printed copy is from 2009 as well, and i remember signing up in 2010 and this year. please send me a new list if you decide to re-do it! happy Turkey day to all! amy in SoCal

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amy in SoCal

I think the last directory I received was also in 2009. I dealt with Alice either last year or early this year??? with regard to updated info. Not sure who was helping her with the 'vetting' process. But never received another directory after that submission.

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I filled the form in too at the end of last year I think for a Directory due at the beginning of the year, but it never appeared.

Yes, I remember it be> >> >>

Reply to
Sally Swindells


Yes, I know Alice was doing alot of travel for work as well as having family issues. Haven't seen her post here very much so hope all is relatively well with her. She and I are reasonably close geographically which is why I volunteered to help her at the time. So if face-to-face things need to be accomplished, it's not an undue burden for me.

Kim in NJ

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I also would have no problem using Access, Excel or Word. What I don't have is the expertise to set up the web page for our members to enter their data.

Then we would need to "investigate" any new requests to be included.

I often refer to it when doing "HUG" related communications.... so I miss not having a current directory.

As others have mentioned, no Directory this past year. But I'm also another that does not 'do' facebook. I'd be happy to help with the directory if needed. I know Alice was doing it in MS Access which I am reasonably familiar with if that helps. Let me know.

Reply to
Kate in MI

Polly, my friend felt like you do, but still wanted to access news & photos of the grandbabies, etc. She created a page with no actual personal information about herself. She used a nickname and just fudged on the rest of the info. Don't use your real name unless you want to be "found" by people such as the mean kid who sat behind you in 7th grade, or your son's first girlfriend from high school 10 years ago who still wants to rag on about him. This is the kind of people who "friended" me. And being brought up polite- like, I thought it would be bad form to ignore them, or, heaven forbid, "de- friend" them. I had to toughen up a little. Plus I was getting friend invites from people who I had no clue who they were. Like people I worked with when I was 25 years old. I didn't remember them. Awkward.



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Another thought about Facebook. My friend list got out of control. So, it's like you are in a cozy room with my great-aunt, my sister, my pastor's wife, my kids, friends from my wild and crazy 20's, plus all the crazy cat ladies that I know from my days on the Board of the Humane Society. It's like the most awkward social gathering ever.


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Which is why I now have 3 facebook accounts. Works for me! Now if I could just get back online again for any length of time...

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies


Trying to click the "Like" button on this, Gen. ;-P

Yeah, if you don't want the public to know the private, keep the private parts hidden... wait a minute, didn't they teach us that when we were about 3 yrs old?

I'm rather surprised by *some* people, adding so much detail on FB about their personal (private) biz; when they go on vacation, where they hid the stash, what they smoked last night - really, people! Really?!! Of course, we've seen that happen right here on good ol' RCTQ, way more personal &/or private stuff than some of us are comfortable with; *some* folks would forget that this newsgroup is public around the world. Then, again, if someone wants to find ya', they will. There's no real privacy, is there? How else did AARP find me on my 30th birthday? LOL And one of the local merchants used the quilt guild address book to contact our members when she opened her new shop; I haven't been there, and won't. It was unethical, she knew it, & I have plenty of other places to shop. In conclusion, some folks just don't understand "public" & "private". I try to keep the curtains closed.

Ragmop/Sandy (aka Snadra Ellisor) - quilting, watching The Cazelets, & enjoying a rainy, misty, gray autumn day & a tomato & avocado sandwich!

Reply to
Sandy E

I would click like too, and even a like plus to the lunch menu! Taria


Trying to click the "Like" button on this, Gen. ;-P

Yeah, if you don't want the public to know the private, keep the private parts hidden... wait a minute, didn't they teach us that when we were about 3 yrs old?

I'm rather surprised by *some* people, adding so much detail on FB about their personal (private) biz; when they go on vacation, where they hid the stash, what they smoked last night - really, people! Really?!! Of course, we've seen that happen right here on good ol' RCTQ, way more personal &/or private stuff than some of us are comfortable with; *some* folks would forget that this newsgroup is public around the world. Then, again, if someone wants to find ya', they will. There's no real privacy, is there? How else did AARP find me on my 30th birthday? LOL And one of the local merchants used the quilt guild address book to contact our members when she opened her new shop; I haven't been there, and won't. It was unethical, she knew it, & I have plenty of other places to shop. In conclusion, some folks just don't understand "public" & "private". I try to keep the curtains closed.

Ragmop/Sandy (aka Snadra Ellisor) - quilting, watching The Cazelets, & enjoying a rainy, misty, gray autumn day & a tomato & avocado sandwich!

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