Happy Holidays

we have xmas trees just like we did in usa. tho there is a native tree here called the pohutukawa that blooms around xmas with lovely red flowers, kin to bottle brush i think but much much prettier when they are all in bloom along a street. this is called the nz xmas tree.

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bout the long link but i'm not gonna use tinyurl around here for the timebeing. :)those google image results show lots of good pix in variety of settings. it really is fantastic when all the trees are in full bloom at one time around town.

we always have had a fresh cut tree but keeping it fresh enough is fun and games. our tree stand has a big bucket of water under it. we recut it when we get it home and plunge it straight into a bucket of fresh water overnight, then bring it inside and into the stand/bucket of water. that water is checked daily and topped up as needed. its not too bad actually. the temps here probly not much different to temps some folks keep their homes heated in winter there where it is really really snowy and cold. tho never having lived myself where it does snow in winter or gets really really cold i'm just guessing. i've been thru a winter where there is snow and it is cold but not in my own home so not sure how warm i'd have it. here we dont have central heating or air conditioning....unless you count opening and closing all the doors and windows in the house as the temps call for, lol. all that said, we do have snow in the southern alps in the south island and snow on our active volcano in the middle of the north island(i live up this way but not near the volcano). iirc there is still snow on the alps down south right thru the summer so if your hell bent on snow at xmas here it is available but ya gotta go to the snow. it wont come to you. we dont get snow here in auckland, sea level and we are set on an isthmus between two big harbours so no hope of snow even in winter. :)) the worst part of xmas weather here in auckland is if it is hot and the humidity reaches over 95% so drizzling. sends everyone inside out of the drizzle but still hot so all the doors and windows are open and we're all inside hot and trying to look happy as we shovel down the traditional hot xmas dinner. now that has always seemed odd to me but as i arrived here as the newcomer/outsider i just took what i was given for dinner and its never changed. i keep trying to get dh to go for cold meats and only salads but he insists we do it like his mum did it. hot leg of pork or lamb, roast vegetables, xmas pudding with brandy sauce, pavlova with strawberrys and lashings of whipped cream and trifle of course, we can not forget the trifle, lol. argh, now i'm full just thinking about it. we're doing ds and his g/f here tomorrow for xmas lunch early for them as they leave on the 20th for the philippines for 3 weeks. :( it wont be the same without everyone here on the day but they've made their plans already. gonna be mighty quiet around here on the day, only me, dh, dd and her b/f and ds and the cat who'll run and hide thru the whole day. so tho it is different in the south pacific for xmas weather from up north, we can give ya snow if you really came down south at that time for the snow. best time for snow here is in the winter tho. then there really is skiing down the side of an active volcano in the morning and you can drive a ways and swim in the pacific ocean...well if you're one of those crazy enough to like swimming in the ocean in the winter..some do,i dont. ewwwwwww too bloody cold for me. again, i run off on a tangent and give ya more info than anyone needs or wants. sorry bout taht. cheers, j.

"Taria" wrote in message news:RAo8j.11296$rB1.4750@trnddc03...

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I'd love to have your snow. Will trade the solid sheet of ice that's covering everything here on the frozen tundra of central Oklahoma.


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No pool, but DH has a new wood chipper. I don't get the attraction. It must be a man-thing. He chips everything in sight. He waits on limbs to fall off so he can feed them into that stupid thing. I get real tired of hearing it. It reminds me too much of that horrible scene in the movie "Fargo".


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LOL! I *did*!

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I'm not Jeanne but do live down under.

In Australia some people use real pine trees, these are readily available in supermarkets and many local volunteer organisations.( some people go out to the local pine plantations and 'borrow' them around here)

Others use artificial trees.

This year we have a real tree on the deck and an artificial one inside.

Even though we live on the coast I don't know of any one that has a meal at the beach. Sand in food does not appeal to me. We usually have an overcast day with very often a shower of rain.

Dee in Oz

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Dee in Oz

DH calls that vacuuming the yard. He did it a week ago. It didn't last.


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Kellie J Berger


T, y'all have a chipper/shredder? Ooo, be still my heart.

I do lots of yard work this time of the year, too. However, mowing wet soggy leaves just doesn't do much good; the leaves & grass get compacted down into the mud, everything is too slimy to suck into the mower or blow off.

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If they'd come by here I'd teach them to quilt, the perfect activity for a day like this (gray & drizzly), and I'd feed them Lebkuchen. ;-P


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This is the time of year I am convinced the cottonwood

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Sandy Ellison

roflmao. yep we do have pine trees here also. iirc, we export the excess timber to somewhere. if i put ours on the deck would be even harder to keep it well watered with the sun and sea breezes that during the time it was up. getting if off the deck we'd have to go thru the house or toss it over the side but there is nowhere to toss it over the side with trees right up to the side of the decking. low trees mind but there nonetheless. keeps our neighbours driveway out of the view, lol.

now whatcha do> I'm not Jeanne but do live down under.

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sorry bout the long link but i'm not gonna use tinyurl > around here for the timebeing. :)> those google image results show lots of good pix in variety > of settings.

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Oh...I just made Lebkuchen today for the first time ! I"m not quite sure I like them just yet ! I cooked them in a T-fal pan ..which is dark-lined...as I couldn't find another pan quickly that was the same dimensions that I eeded -- 15 x 10". And I think they cooked too fast in that T-fal and even though I took them out of the oven a couple of minutes early I think they are a bit overbaked. Do you have a recipe that you could share for them???? TIA...Mary in VT...where we are to get tons of snow Sunday.

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Our deck is covered so the tree is out of the sun otherwise it wouldn't last long either. 'New Zealand Christmas' trees grow well here too.

Well, we do often have a rainy overcast Christmas day, unlike DH's sister who until earlier this year lived in Sydney and would tell of temps in the

40's on Christmas Day.

We do have a small beach area that has BBQ and lawn but the idea of dragging food down there and having to cart everything home again isn't appealing not to mention watching the alcohol consumption to drive home. We also have more cliffs than beach here. We are a small town of about 10,000 and I have been told that our temps are similar to Auckland.

Dee in Oz

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Dee in Oz

where abouts exactly are you. i'll look for ya on the map and to see if you're waving out the window with a wet FQ. we can have warm muggy 100% but not yet raining humid drizzly xmas day. tis no fun at all when it gets like that. tho this year will be so few of us wont much matter.

in the 40s, eeeeeeeeeek, nope, that is not a good temp for doing much of anything.

32 is the highest temp i ever recall(> Our deck is covered so the tree is out of the sun
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Chipper/shredder is a power tool thing, not just for guys. I'd love to have a c/s, but don't have a place to put one right now. Would have to be electric, just big enough to take care of the huge pile of brush that's gathered up 3 or 4 times a year (have a friend who will haul it off or we cut it into 4' lengths and bundle it for the city trash pickup). Dear Santa, please include a pair of strong ear-muffs w/ that chipper/shredder: I want to be able to hear the Christmas carols next year. ;-D

Ya' know, if SOMEone would open a quilt shop/power tool shop combo, what a hit that would be! See Rosie:

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Sandy Ellison


My Lebkuchen recipe:

Go to Munich, meet up w/ RobertaZ, go w/ her to the shop in the MarienPlatz where they sell real Nürnberg Lebkuchen.

Alternate plan: go to World Market and get real Nürnberg Lebkuchen; the German Deli in Southlake sells Lebkuchen but it's not from Nürnberg (aka Nuremberg).

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Elisenlebkuchen are an elite form of Lebkuchen and may only contain 10 % flour.

R/Sandy--th> Oh...I just made Lebkuchen today for the first time ! I"m not quite sure

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Sandy Ellison

I had the feeling that that would be the best !!!


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