Hello from Connie in FL! :)

I could stand to eat more fish. I love it, but my DH can eat crap all the time and not disturb his cholesterol. Granted, he's carrying a few extra pounds, but not the vast amount that I need to lose. I love sushi too, but can't eat with DH since he proceeds to tell me all the diseases and parasites I'm likely ingesting with each bite. He works at a human hospital so he tends to be a clean freak ;-)

Love the doggie story! We get dogs with injuries due to a combination of some exertion and overweight. I'm waiting for my own injury to come for the same reason. I love food, enjoy eating and have a family history of diabetes. You'd think I'd be more careful, but I have no willpower, none at all...don't worry about asking me personal questions... well maybe not

*really* personal questions...LOL
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Debi Matlack
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*blush* I used to be the one who got freaked out by parasites and bacteria ... red tide, anyone? LOL I was always OVERcooking the fish (caps intended for nutty, insane paranoia) and cooking all of the taste out. Then I really got into oysters and mussels ... now, to me, out of season shmout of schmeason ... I don't care, they taste good enough that it's worth the upset tummy later.

With sushi, I really only like the tuna, swordfish, shrimp and salmon ... the other kinds kinda leave me cold (don't know why - it's not so much the taste as perhaps the texture? the smell?). Hubby doesn't care as long as it marinated in salt-water during it's life-span ... but then, he's the same guy who still believes in the 5-second rule as if it's gospel (He's an engineer if it means anything - everyone he works with, male AND female are the same way - in addition, not a single one of them has anything close to a "fashion sense" - pen protectors, slide rule, high-waters, white gym socks with dress shoes & slacks .... you get the picture)!

In my case, my two biggest vices are cokes and smokes (not good for a quilter - but I DO protect my fabric and never, never smoke around it - I also wash my hands thoroughly after smoking before I take up thread and needle - the best I can do short of quitting, I figure) ... and I sure as heck paid for it ... got a blood clot in my leg about 6 months ago, followed up by another in the other leg about 3 months ago, with a side of two in my lungs about 2 months ago. Didn't happen quilting but in doing graphic design. I was working on a tight deadline (putting in

16 hour days, for about 3-4 weeks, all at the computer, smokes in the background, hunched forward, etc) and BAM! left leg swelled up to three times it's normal size and turned BLUE! Yeesh.

So ... you obviously have way more self-control than I do - seriously, pat yourself on the back. It's a big deal. You're taking steps to avoid a serious health issue ... and succeeding. MUCH more than I can say for myself.

And if you're sitting there, NOT nodding your head, look at it this way ... I smoke roughly a pack of smokes a day (though I don't always finish them to the filter) ... that's twenty cigarettes ... do you cheat 20 times a DAY on your healthy diet? I see you probably caving in maybe once a day, tops.

(fueled by hubby an hour ago) And even then, life is STILL meant to be enjoyed ... and if that means a candy bar once a day, well, wouldn't you rather live each day to it's fullest and enjoy it, perhaps shorting life by a couple of months rather than eat cardboard every day (no "naughty" bits) and live an extra couple of months without ANY pleasure?

Not trying to be a total jerk here ... I really hope that I didn't come off that way. If I did, I'm really sorry .... but my hubby loves, LOVES chocolate - but all he eats is the cardboard-y stuff and he's miserable. And for what? An extra couple of months of eating cardboard??? And at the odd occasion that he DOES cheat, he mentally beats the poop out of himself and acts like he's failed ... when it's just about moderation ... at least, that's what I think ...

If I DID come off as a jerk, feel more than free to whack me in the head with my sewing machine ... because I really didn't mean to be a jerk. :/

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No, I agree, moderation is the best way to approach pretty much anything, IMNSHO. Food is my weakness, as is laziness in exercise. I'm not a huge sushi-phile but I like what I like. Not fond of eel, since it smells fishy and stuff like octopus is like eating a rubber band so I give those a pass as well. But I love the other stuff. Part of my vice extended to hitting Publix on my way to class and getting some of their sushi (pretty good stuff), then going home and having supper a couple hours later.

I work with animals and the 5 second rule has been upped to 10, and even then, if there is critter hair on it, it's still an option to brush it off and finish your snack. Otherwise, at my place of work, you might starve to death. Hell, I've fed veterinarians while they've been in surgery because we were so busy. Food analogies to describe certain conditions is also a grand tradition in veterinary medicine. No weak stomachs there!

No, Connie, you don't come off as a jerk at all, though, I'll tell you. I smoked, many years ago. Never a more self-righteous ex-smoker will you ever meet, except maybe my dad, who smoked for 40+ years and abruptly gave it up and has never looked back, thank God. It can be done, just keep that in mind (and if I'm being a jerk, the same rule applies, just tell me;-)

DH is also into small engines and gadgets and whatever he can tinker with. I'm sure he could have as much fun with machinery as he can with medicine. My nerd...*sigh* ;-)

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Debi Matlack

Connie, did you ever get this to open?

Karen, Queen of Squishies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let's play darts together. I'll throw, and you say, "Wonderful!"

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

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