Make your own freezer paper

wow, i didnt know all that about diesel and bio-fuels. maybe i should get dh to stop off and grab some free waste vege oil from all the fish and chip shops around here, tis the favourite takeaway in nz iirc. for me tis dh uses up heaps of diesel cuz he is on the road all day delivering flowers, he uses up more than enough for the two of us. i stay home. nothing to do, nowhere i need to go. he stops on the way home from work and picks up grocerys and will do other outside errands in the morning before his run starts or thru the day when he passes somewhere an errand needs to be done. i'm bored out of my mind sometimes but its the least i can do for the planets survival. jeanne

"Taria" wrote...

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"NightMist" wrote in message news:

You know, I just looked at some of those same sites you must have. It says the coating is FDA approved but lately that doesn't hold much water for credibility does it. Freezer paper has been around a long time and we haven't heard of anybody dropping dead from the use of this product so that's probably a reasonably good sign. Then I went and dug out my roll of paper. I got it years ago from a butcher in Montana, he sold rolls of the stuff to me through his shop because at that time I hunted and butchered and wrapped my own game for the freezer. I paid $50 a roll (his cost), seemed like a lot at the time but I would need way more than a few dozen "store bought" boxes to do a season of big game. Anyway, the box it came in is long gone, I thought that originally the weight on the box was 100 pounds (Montana is full of manly men who just LOVE to help "a little lady" *batting lashes* lift heavy stuff) so you can imagine the size of the roll! I keep it in an old nylon sleeping bag cover now, just happened to fit perfectly when the box wore out apparently. Looking inside the cardboard tube all it says is "Loxol Premium Butcher Grade, bleached white kraft, waxed, #150" (maybe it weighed 150lbs, I'm old, so is my memory). This paper is much heavier (thicker) than the freezer paper you can buy retail and I think this is probably about 25 years old. It's also a heavier weight than what they now wrap the fish in when I buy that at the market. I couldn't tell you if the labeling is now different, being more specific, or if the coatings have changed or what. The roll of paper still left on this tube is about 6" deep and 28" wide so I'm sure I won't run out in this lifetime since I only use it for home crafty projects of one sort or another.

Sorry I can't be more help on the specifics other than the brand name is Loxol and it's a relatively old product. Oh wait! I'm going to conduct very scientific 'spurmintal tests....BRB.

OK.....I ironed, with a hot iron, the paper on some plain muslin and did a close up sniff test. All I could got was the same "hot" scent as when you iron fabric and a *very* faint whiff of "candle", like when you put out an unscented taper after dinner, or maybe it's because I didn't use pre-washed muslin is what I could smell......alright, I'm not THAT scientific and factor in I'm taking a few pain killers today. I put a 6" x 6" crumpled piece of this paper in a small pan of boiling water, left it simmering for about 5 minutes (potty break, make a cup of tea), removed the paper and then dropped ice cubes into the water to get it very cold and what I got was a very small amount of white residue around the edge of the pan, no scent when I rubbed it between my fingers after scraping some off the small ring left on the edge. My sniffer is still pretty good even if the gray matter is turning to oatmeal so I'd venture to say that whatever the waxy coating is it doesn't give off any plasticy fumes. I have absolutely no idea if this tells us anything relevant but it was fun playing Mr. Wizard under the influence of legally prescribed Schedule 2 narcotics!

This is just a thought I had while typing up this post......if you are having a hard time finding a retail source for freezer paper maybe you could sweet talk your local butcher or fish market person or store manager into selling or giving you some from the rolls they use. I'll bet if you're a regular customer and ask nicely they wouldn't mind rolling off some yardage. I'm sure if you explained why you needed it, like perhaps making lovely, warm quilts for poor starving orphans it would probably cinch the deal!


I hope Jennelh's cage is at LEAST gilded. *sigh*

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