Need help from quilters.. Heart Quilt Blocks in trade for donation please read!

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Regarding Ebay - each person who uses the computer can have an Ebay identity, even the same person can have more than one. To say the neighbor is using the same ID as your mom just doesn't sound right.

Sorry, you won't see any donation from me.

Ginger in CA

Reply to
Ginger in CA

I still wonder who that might be. No regular poster would advise you to advertise here. They might tell you to ask for advice here! I do that all the time. Several members are here because I steered them from other news groups.

Yes you are in the wrong. You posted an add to a NEWS ONLY group: that is against our charter. There is no ducking that one, I'm afraid.

Freedom of the press is a myth and doesn't exist, not anywhere! It never did. You only have to read a little history to see that. We have more freedom in this respect here in the UK than seems to be the case in the USA, but I would still not say it was true freedom - one is not permitted to publish all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons. And this is a public forum WITH RULES (which you broke), not a newspaper! And what relevance to the present issue has freedom of speech anyway?

Would you like to show me the law of contract that states that one enters a legally binding contract with whoever sends anything by whatever means, physical or electronic, merely by opening it? Sounds like I have a legally binding contract for about 243 penis enlargements if this is the case... Hm - sounds like spammers heaven. Sorry - that is muddled thinking at best. Were it true, we'd all be in the deep brown sticky stuff with no paddles for not honouring contracts all over the place with banks for unwanted loans, insurance companies for multiple insurance policies on the same properties (illegal in itself) and owing millions to book clubs for books we don't want and never received... And all because we opened the junk mail or email to see who it was that sent it rather than binning it without opening it at all.

Why should anyone want to post my name here for me? Don't I do that enough as it is myself? (I was sixth on the list of posters last time I looked!) And what would be the point? Just to say, 'Hay, look! She exists!'? *I* know I exist, and so do lots of folk here. You can find out how real I am if you like - there's a URL below if you want it.

Maybe you should read what I said again, and if there is something you don't understand, just ask. I'll try to clarify any points you missed.

As far as I know *I* did not steer you here. Had we been in contact before you posted I (and everyone else here who has commented) would have told you NO ADDS - not for anything.

Maybe you should just stick around and learn some news group and general netiquet from this group, as well as the power of prayer and the joy we take in both our quilting activities and our world enhancing friendships. We take into account those who are snippy because of personal circumstances, whatever they are, and try to deal honestly with all.

Had you come here and said, 'My mum is trying to raise some money for something, and wants to know how best to go about selling her quilting work. What would you recommend?' you would have been inundated with excellent advice. She would have been steered towards ebay and other selling points, offered advice about how to get her designs copyrighted and published to sell, as patterns, kits, and books, both electronically and in the 'real world', and advised about what sells well and what doesn't. She would have been offered advice about how best to advertise her things as well as wording for her ads. There are folk here who have been in the business of selling stuff like this for years, and who know just what works and what doesn't. As your mother has been trying to sell the same item without success for a while now, that is something she may well need help with. This is not to impugn the quality of her work in any way, just to point out that bad advertising and selling techniques are not going to sell anything, and if what you say is true, it certainly isn't working so far. Being ignorant of good selling techniques is no sin, and something that folk here can correct if you ask nicely. Ignorance is bliss - we love a chance to teach! :)

Occasionally we stretch a rule here or there for an established and respected member, who might let us know that they have to off-load something. They will not try to sell it directly here, but ask anyone who is interested to contact them off the group for details (e.g. We are moving to a house with far less storage space and I have 3 tons of fabric and 23 treadle sewing machines to get rid of. Contact me if you are interested, before I have a massive garage sale!). No notices of eBay auctions, or that things are up on a marketplace site. Occasionally someone will tell someone where to find an example of something they know another person wants, and we are constantly swapping information about where to find supplies and good books.

Sometimes someone will say, Hay, So'n'So - when's your new book out? And the author will reply with the date and where it can be found. They will only do this in reply to a request for that information. Again, sometimes there will be a request for a particular fabric, and a store will pop up with 'We have that in stock - contact me at ----', but they will not advertise here, or at least, only once! You lose a LOT of potential sales, advertising to news groups, and most sellers are wise to this.

There are groups where some personal advertising is permitted (afr being one), but they are the exception rather than the rule.

We do wish your mother well, in her fight with her weight, and there are plenty folk here going through the same fight, and we wish her every success in the sale of her work, BUT this is NOT the place to sell it. We wish YOU well, too, and success in your chosen career. If you decide not to return here, that must be your choice, and we respect that. Personally I wish you wouldn't just vanish, as that defeats all our intents. We wish to give you a better understanding of how this group works and how it can help you. You got off to a bad start, and being defensive about it doesn't help your case, but you can put things right. ONLY you can put it right. You have been VERY gently treated here, compared with the reception such an ad would have got in other news groups I know of! I'll let you find them for yourself, as I have no wish to revive the memories...

Reply to
Kate Dicey

I know THAT one too! jeeperz, the number of times I've arrived somewhere fully and correctly clad, with everything in tow to teach a class, and no memory of how I got there!

At the moment with the heat I am suffering from fried brain cells! If I am even less tactful than usual, I blame the heat!

Reply to
Kate Dicey

Sharon: Mazel Tov!! I am proud of you. Are you rewarding your success with quilt books and fabric? You deserve it.

Now I have to leave for monthly Day Guild Meeting. We have to bring 'Dogs' .... weird/funky/ugly projects. I have one to show ... wonder if it will be voted "Least Likely to Get Into Houston!"

LOL ... Have a great quilty day y'all! PAT >

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Pat in Virginia

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Royal trumpeters, you stand here, and here. (whistle) hey! The red carpet goes here. Is my crown straight? Punch bowl filled? Okay. Now everybody settle down and we'll have the crowning. Then we can party hearty!!

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Queen of Squishies

This is what I was thinking.................WE do what we have to do

Weight training is really helpful, and alot of people blow it off. YOu use calories using wieghts as well.


Reply to
Barbara Bomberger

And after I posted that, I realized how it sounded.........I beg forgiveness.

WE all do what works best for us. I am glad that you are trying to move as much as possible thougu.

I used to be afraid to move because of my arthritis, and then I realized that moving and lifting weights was what made it better and put me back in the perfect game.

However, having begged I have to say that being a perfect size twelve is not always necessary for health, or much of anything else. I do realize that we have a weight issue these days, but I would say the health issue is greater.

In my case i will always, thiis late in life, probabyly tip the scales between eighteen and size twenty (us). But if I can do aerobics for an horu three times a week, life weights three times a week (Im working on it, not where I wnat to be yet)

Of course, I'd let you break my jaw and make me drink through a straw before you staped my stomach - hehe.


Reply to
Barbara Bomberger

I thought there was a secret formula (sorry, sorry_

Yep, I wore sandals yesterday to work, and then couldnt get on my tennie bobs and the end of the day to walk.

Have to agree witht his one, it has to be a lifestyle change, You can start little. I dont "diet" for example, but being the cola addict I am I made a pact that I would drink my eight glasses of water before I had any soda each day............


Reply to
Barbara Bomberger

Okay let me try to rephrase this for you... so you understand what I am saying.. when you sign up for any group.. via internet... You have to click a button that says terms of agreement.. that means the rules that comply with the web hosting company.. Your provider here would be Google. Googles rules state that you MUST not spam MAIL everyone which I did not do. I posted a post... where you can open it at your own free will correct? No one forces you to click the mouse to read. As far as soliciting, if I was soliciting, I would have come on here and had speech prepared about the great new vacuum cleaner I could sell you. I was offering a trade. One of your members.. who YES posts quite frequently, but has yet to post any comments to this post log at all, linked me to your site. I watch her sitting back being quite and I dont even know the lady only her name. Yet you all respond frequently to hers.. Who could it be? Maybe your terms and guidelines should be more clear or you should have a mail sent out to new members about what they can and cant do. I read nothing or saw nothing OTHER than googles terms.

I wasnt asking for money.. I was stating, if anyone would like a quilt block... maybe to help complete a quilt.. or for new flavor.. or anything... OR if you could offer a kind word, gesture.. anything a prayer.. that would be appreciated... but those words were over-looked and I was shot down into the water.

I have gotten many great emails up until I got a nice letter from CNYstitcher saying that I was an ignorant snotty little bitch last night. Of course when words are thrown at me I will throw them back. I didnt deserve them. Maybe I wasnt supposed to post here in the first place.. or maybe I shouldnt have come here... but there could have been better ways to approach the situation.... Like maybe Hi cheyne... thanks for finding our site, although we would like for you to continue posting here, we really cant offering anything to you, and we ask that your posts not be asking for donations.. Was that hard.... did I get that?? or any decency? No... I was offered the first post back... You would be trying to fool us now Cheyne would you?? Or... sounds like a bunch of bULLOney to me... How can anyone every feel welcomed in your group if thats how you treat them? With disrespect... and then I offer some words to try and explain myself... I dont know what else to do to proove myself... medical bills what??? No one still says you cant post this here... they tell me I am a liar, trying to cheat someone... that I am ignorant.. that I am no child... that I should give up school... get a second job... live at home... dont make anything of myself... have you read this from beginning to END???

IT ISNT until last night that someone finally said... hey... you know what.... you shouldnt have posted this here... maybe trying to be friendly... I give you credit for that.. Nice way to try and rectify the situation but by then, blows had already been thrown... people were already upset and my heart was still broken. You havent tried to make me feel welcome... If anything I feel worse leaving this site then when I got here. I ahve recieved a few wonderful emails that I hold dear to me... But no one tried to step back for just ONE second and see me... desperate looking for anything to help... I didnt shoot your ideas down... I have kept a log book of everything.. but do understand.. if a person is this desperate and offering to sell everything they own just to see someones life better...they have already probably tried to common answers like exercising. I am at a loss for words.. I have been made to feel like the bad guy and I am not... I just wanted to help my mom. I dont have much to hold onto and I reahed for a group who I thought would help me... and let me cry on their shoulder ... but I couldnt get that so I sit in my apartment alone and devastated.. with no one..

I want to apologize to those people who had great things to say to me via email.. and I want to apologize to those people who had to read my post and were offended.. I will even apologize to those people who had to read my last few angry letters... but I WILL not apologize to those people who disrespected me, cut me down... or did anything but MAKE me feel unwelcomed.. I dont appreciate getting emails from people who dont have anything positive to say... and I especially like someone coming back here and stating that I emailed her telling that her that I held her blame for everything started here.. I wrote her back and tried to remain calm.. but wrote the nasty things people had said to me.. and asked her if that is how she would want to be treated.. She totally changed the situation and believes calling me ignarant will make her a better person... I'm glad you believe I had been very gently treated here.. but that is far from the truth.. Peoples ugly sides shown my direction and if you are threatening me as to removing my name, whats the worst that could be done to me??? This group already threw stones... you want to hurt me more??? gently is a term I wouldnt use, I havent been fed any silver spoons, and after this experience I dont know why anyone would want to be here and chance themselves to this kind of experience where they fear someone will talk bad about them in front of everyone else......

Thanks for the welcome.. Thanks for making me feel "good" about myself... thanks for the help with my mother, the few who actually did send a donation and offered prayers... God bless you.. Thank you so much... :*(

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Sharon, I said my mother is A LOT more than 100 lbs overweight... I have said it several times... she doesnt eat bread nor butter.... she has tried all of those methods.. and they havent worked..

And my mom really does exist... Thanks for making me feel welcome to your wonderful group..

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Your sarcasm says a lot about your maturity. This is a very warm, caring, NON-flaming group, and you'd do well to start over, with an apology for the tirade, and an earnest discussion of your problems or whatever went on. I didn't get any of the messages till your tirade. I'm sure you're NOT exactly making your mom proud of you with this behaviour.

The Blessed Fiddy, Patroness Saint of the Disorganized LC in Sunny So Cal Personality Development Specialist (Full-Time Mom!)

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LC aka Fiddy

I know what it's like to be working and going to shool at the same time. Overwhelming. So much so that I don't really have time to *read* all these posts, much less write them. From what I have read it seems like there is some communication barrier here. I hate to be the first to throw out the t-word, but it could be.

Back to quilting: I just found a black (who knew it would be so difficult?) that is of the right scale and nature to compliment my sister's lap quilt-to-be. Everything else is a mid-size floraly print so I couldn't really use plain black! Now I've had enough time shopping that I'm not sure I want to complete the blocks I'd planned, this month's quilt in my year-of-quilting calendar looks really appetizing!

Erica is graduating from the University of Colorado GO BUFFS! next May so knowing my speed I've got to get a move-on now! She loves yellow so using the school colors (yellow and black) was a no-brainer. I'm not as big a fan of it, and I didn't want the quilt to be too garish to use, so I found a lovely print that uses red, orange, yellow and black in an asian looking crysthanthemum. It's hard to describe, but very classy. All I need is the right block and this quilt will be almost as incredible as the intended recipient.

Putting my thinking cap on, and soliciting ideas (I can post a picture of the fabric)


Reply to
Charlotte Henson

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

-- Jo in Scotland

Reply to
Johanna Gibson

If the group is so terrible, why do you keep posting here?

-- Jo in Scotland

Reply to
Johanna Gibson

NAME: rec.crafts.textiles.quilting REPLACES: rec.crafts.quilting CHARTER: [unchanged] This newsgroup is for discussing anything related to quilting. That includes piecing, applique, and tyeing and quilting by hand or machine. Discussions may cover techniques, supplies,equipment, drafting of patterns, templates, dyeing materials, artistic approaches, exhibitions, shows, books and other references, mail order resources, dating quilts and appraising quilts. Discussions may include quilts and quilting both past (historical quilting) and present, ethnic quilting, quilts to be used in a home, quilted clothing to be worn, as well as quilts created for display and any other piecing or quilting applications.

People do get there feelings hurt if someone slam's someone else for not going along with the rules. and even worse when the New users don't know what the rules are until someone brakes one.

posted on 10/21/02, by Christina

Selling and Buying in RCTQ

It's an agreed-upon ground rule of R.C.T.Q. that we don't sell things to (or buy them from) one another through the medium of the newsgroup. The newsgroups rec.crafts.marketplace and rec.crafts.textiles.marketplace are set up for these For Sale announcements. However, many of the newbies here (and some of the oldbies) may not know about the Quilting Traders Newsletter. This is available only online. To be added to the mailing list, send an e-mail message to . Dawn very generously compiles buy/sell/trade 'ads' and sends them out to QTN subscribers. (She said I could tell you all about this!) I suggest (I speak from experience) subscribing for a couple of issues before you take the plunge and place an ad.

formatting link

Perhaps, if you read all of these, you will get your definitive answer on what you are doing. I said you were acting like a snotty, ignorant child because you were shooting down every possibiltity that people, lke me, who approached your post with a good heart, were being shot down. A person who really wanted help, would have simply said a gracious thank you and wouldn't have shot down everything.

Cheyne wrote:

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I responded to like words from this troll when I said these things.

And I certa>

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I was offered

that I am no child...

So, all of you other rctqrs who have said any of the above things (and I'm not researchingthourh google to find them), rest assured, this "child" as she calls herself has decided that she will presonally email me and attack me for everything negative that has been said

Also, when she says: "No one still says you cant post this here..."

Is it just me, or did nearly every one of the initial responses to her

1st post have this in them in some form or another??
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I know, I know, responding to my own post.

She's a geology major. What do you all think of "Fractured Crystals"? Think I can do it? Google hits indicate it's intermediate/advanced. Think it will work up ok in buttery yellow, black, and two accent flowerish related prints?


Charlotte Hens> Back to quilting: I just found a black (who knew it would be so

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Charlotte Henson

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