OT - 38 week update

Hello folks,

Well the baby's head has been 4/5 engaged for about 3 weeks now, and I'm not sure that has anything to do with it, but I've developed SPD which is short for "lots of pain in your pubic joint because it is separating and bone is rubbing on bone". I can barely walk anymore, and am not going outside - well, the paths and roads are all snowy/icy anyway. However, this is not the best situation for living in a 3 story house. I'm tring to look on it as a time to stay off the computer (ground floor) and work on my baby projects and mending pile (2nd floor).

There's not much I can do except take codeine and try to move as little as possible. Mark has been waiting on me hand and foot, but has to go back to work on Tuesday. Thank goodness we have a functional toilet up on the 2nd floor now....

Two weeks to go until Baby Day, unless Baby has different ideas about "due date" than the rest of us. I want the birthday as far from Christmas as possible, since I know what a drag it is to have a birthday

8 days before Christmas, but on the other hand I'd like Baby to vacate the womb!

Builder update: the plasterer has given us every excuse in the book (I thought I had heard them all) as to why he has not done the plastering. Hence, he either has the worst luck of anyone in Scotland, or just doesn't want to do the work. Possibly both. So the building work isn't done, because they can't finish putting up shelves in my someday-sewing-room until the wall is plastered. Until the shelves are up, and various other rooms are plastered, we can't get a painter or carpet fitter in. Result: house will not be finished by January 12th. I'm cramming the cot and the changing table into our bedroom somehow, but it means it will be very difficult to access my sewing items, or indeed get into our bed. Joyous times.

-- Jo in Scotland

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Jo Gibson
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Good luck for the last few days now Jo. Hope Mark is clued up to give us the baby news when it comes. Thinking of you in an unfinished house - despite your best efforts. The baby won't mind as much as you will >g< . In message , Jo Gibson writes

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Yep. Babies only worry about unfinished mommies. :)


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Megan Zurawicz

At this point I had just recovered from spending a week being bored to SCREAMING POINT by a week in hospital on enfoced rest... ;) Baby Day could not have been more welcome. He elected to arrive on his due day, at 4 am. This meant I spent Friday Night in labour and the anethsetist wasn't available when I needed him as he was dealing with an RTA caused by a drnk driver. :(

And yes, I had the same pain. Codiene does nothing for pain in me. I turn it into a hallucogen rather than a pain killer.

Oooh! Luxury! :D

Little sis reached this stage in her pregnancy and had a half built bathroom with three doorways and one door. She got so wound up that she hauled the last remaining door off it's hinges and attempted to throw it at her hubby!

You'll do. And not going out in all that snow and ice is good. It's what Ocado is for, isn't it?

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Ouch! The SPD sounds very painful. At least the baby is due soon--although perhaps not soon enough when you are in that much pain.

I understand your reasoning about wanting the baby's birthday to be further down the road from the holidays. Mine was yesterday. Stuck between Christmas and New Year's, people are generally worn out from Christmas and resting up for New Year's--including me! :-)

I wonder--has any remodel/building job ever got done on time? Sheesh! Sorry about the delays. I know you were so looking forward to having it all done before the baby arrives.

Best regards, Michelle in Nevada

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Michelle C.

They will be joyous times Jo. Don't worry, you'll hardly remember all this in a few months. Here's wishing you a happy new year as a happy new family! Cheers! Kathyl

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(((Hugs))) I remember waking up the morning after the birth of my 1st child and feeling so wonderful. I could sleep on my tummy again! Then a week later, I was ready for them to put the baby back ;-)

Has your builder no mercy >Hello folks,

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