OT: About prayers

I did not realize that OT prayer requests were offending some of our members. I thought about this a bit tonight and decided to do something that may or may not work. I created a new Google group just for quilters to share our faith, prayer requests, etc. You can find the group here: :

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named the group "Quilty Prayers" -- not grammatical but perfectlyclear in name and intent. Maybe this will make everybody more comfortable ... let those of use who feel such a need ask for prayers and send them, discuss faith and spiritual matters without offending those who don't want to read about such matters when looking for help with a miter or a pieced border.

I do apologize for offending those who choose to eschew faith. I respect your position and understand why you might not like reading our discussions in the quilt group.

Come on over. I'm going to post a welcome message now. Hope to see some of you there.

Quilty Hugs, Sunny

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Nonsense. No one is forcing people to read the posts that ask for prayer, or talk about answered prayer. If someone is offended by just reading the word prayer in the subject line, well...... they could be reading worse words that that on an unmoderated ng. Just my 2-cents worth.

Karen, Queen of Squishies staying right where I'm at

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Karen, Queen of Squishies


As Karen said, this is silly. I don't live my life on the internet and my beliefs are my own. However, I am fully aware that many, many members of this list are very religious and want to send or ask for "prayers" and it is totally O.K. with me, as it should be with all list members. Nobody is required to read or respond to every post here.

So, how was your Anniversary dinner??

Rita L.

Sunny wrote:

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Rita in MA

My anniversary dinner was heavenly! We went to a wonderful restaurant and had incredible food and spent two hours talking, holding hands and gazing into each other's eyes over wine and a fine meal. Nothing could be better. Then we came home to be greeted by huge hugs from our wonderful sons. Wow.

I am a huge fan of marriage. We've had our rough spots. Could have gone separate ways more than once. But we stuck it out, worked through the hard stuff and came out on the other side. Some thing I highly recommend.

Hugs to all and many thanks for the prayers. Theyworked wonders.


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I am not one of those that are offended, though I'm not particularly religious. When people ask for prayers/good thoughts/mucho mojo it's because they perceive a need for it. I have asked for the members of this group to keep family and friends of mine in their thoughts during difficult times. I figured that's what the OT designation was intended for, to let those know who don't care to read such requests skip ahead to the quilty things. I applaud your Yahoo Group and wish it much success.

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Debi Matlack

Oh "pshaw" Sunny -- don't apologize for doing something that ALL of us do from time to time. From the looks of it, it wasn't your request for prayers that was offensive but someone's actual prayer response that was taken as offensive. Remember -- if you (that "you" is generic, sorta like the royal "we" -- LOL) don't like what someone has posted, you are under NO obligation to read it :-). I'm Irish Catholic and was raised strictly Catholic but no longer practice. I'm not at all religious any more but I still post & ask for prayers when I feel the need. I usually ask for "prayers, good thoughts, positive energy, good vibes" or whatever "you personally believe in. That sort of covers all bases -- LOL. Anyway, it's nice you have started a google group for the more religious quilters here. But please don't stop posting here when you feel the need for a prayer or "whatever". Not being a religious person, I won't be joining your google group but I still like to know when there is trouble so that the kitties and I can send what WE feel are our type of prayers :-). CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

I agree, Karen! Another group I am on tried to do the same thing because someone got upset with a posters prayer in answer to a request. A new forum was started for those that wanted to post prayer request. What happened is that it was never used and no one was asking for prayers/good thoughts/wishes ANYWHERE! That is not what we are about!

I say, ask away. If we want to respond and/or read, we will.

My 2 cents. Laurie G. in CA

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Laurie G. in CA

Sunny: Requests for prayers (or good vibes or other modes of support) have been a part of this NG for as long as I've been here .... about 8 years I think. So, your request was not out of place. The respondent answered with an actual prayer, which is a bit unusual but certainly her option. I had to go back to find this after I read your apology.

Why? Because when I read a request, I answer (or not) and then skip all replies to that thread. Such requests are usually (and correctly) labeled OT, so that is an alert. Sometimes the OT gets stripped when the reply is posted, but the topic is still an alert. I'd say that people who do not care for a topic should move the mouse.

This is not a moderated forum. I often find topics or personal details that do not interest me. I am often astounded at the deeply personal information that some people post about health, money, relatives, etc. It does not offend me, but it surely does not interest me. What to do? I label it 'ignore thread' and then I move the mouse!

In other words, don't worry about it!


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Pat in Virginia

I agree. I've actually been on this newsgroup in one form or another since 1990. It has a lot more access now, but not everyone uses google groups. Many of us still access groups through newsreaders (which is a lot easier once you understand them).

If you don't like the prayer posts, skip them.

BTW - there is no moderating in usenet. We moderate ourselves. The rules are our rules, if someone violates them, through the years we've found that ignoring them makes them go away. I don't know if google pulls posts that are done through google or blocks offensive posts from other areas.

Linda PATCHogue, NY

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I have to agree with Karen here. And I feel I have a leg up on the issue, because I myself am not religious. However, I do not have a problem with people asking for prayers because I respect others' personal beliefs, and know that a prayer--or from me, a kind thought or word--gives a little encouragement to the person who is asking. There is nothing wrong with that. Everyone is always really good to label the subject as OT, so people who do not want to read these posts are apprised ahead of time.

Michelle in NV

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desert quilter

i am in the minority. i know that full well, have always known that. obw, j.

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Sunny, I have absolutely no problem with people asking for prayers. I have a problem with the long, personal one that was posted publicly, when in MHO it should have been sent directly to private email. When people respond to these requests, it's been simply a "will do, I'll pray for you", etc., which is just perfect in my book. I see no need to change things, when they seemed to work well. Plus, most of these requests come at a stressful time in a persons life, and personally I don't think they should have to remember a special site to request such. Gen

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I love each and every one of you! You are the best, kindest community of people. I find it so exciting that we have become a community, all of us no matter where we are physically. This could never have happened a few years back, all of us from different parts of the world joined in fun, play, prayer and sometimes mourning. Just awesome.

A thousand hugs to all of you, Sunny

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Well, I guess I didn't see that one. My response would have just been to glance at it and hit the delete key.

L> I have a

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It doesn't bother me a bit. I would prefer that responses be made directly to the requester, rather than on the news group, but in Firefox, it's really quick to hit N for next message or K to skip the thread if I don't want to read responses.

Julia in MN

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Sunny wrote:

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Julia in MN


In my opinion, some people need to get a life and stop getting all hot and bothered about these things. Asking for prayers, good thoughts, well wishes or call it what you may, is all part of friendship! And I really do believe that this group is full of friends. Like so many have said before me, noone makes you read the messages! So those who are all bent out of shape, should just not open/read the messages asking for prayers!

PEople must be really bored to have nothing better to do than get all upset about this!

Get a life people!


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sometimes easier said than done. j.

"claudia" wrote...

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