OT and ON update to health prayers

Seen the dr. He says it could take 1or 2 months for my body to go back to normal. Specially meaning the pre-eclampsia. Including my blood pressure. Top number is fine the bottom number though is still in the high 80's sometimes 90's. I don't like that. Before this my norm was

118/63. Dr says he's not concerned at this point. I should concentrate on losing weight and eating healthy. Which is fine but when your retaining water on and off it's hard to track your weight. So I'm guessing saying I have about 20lbs to lose before I'm back to normal. My only big concern right now is headaches that sometimes turn to migraines. It could be this or my thyroid or any of the traditonal causes I get too. Like a change in weather or slept wrong on my pillow. So I'm just trying to stay active and eat a little better.

I'm hoping this weekend I can get started on my next quilt. It's been a couple of months since I did any sewing and I'm really missing it. I have not been sewing because of my health and on going renovations in our house. Hubby has been doing most of the renos but it leads to stuff being moved around and usually ends up covering my sewing area. So today I'm going to spend a couple of hours and try to declutter it.

Thanx to everyone for your prayers. Take Care Joanna

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It took 9 months to get the baby grown and delivered. IMHO, it isn't an instantaneous change back to pre-pregnancy form for anyone. Sounds like the dr is advising caution and patience to get back to what is normal for you. Perhaps the old phrase "slow and steady wins the race" applies here?

You'll get there, we're confident of that!

G> Seen the dr. He says it could take 1or 2 months for my body to go back

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Ginger speaks great wisdom. Patience, good food, rest, the right kind of exercise/activity..... give nature a chance to get your body back into shape.

Hugs, Sunny

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It's good to hear that you are on the mend and your blood pressure is getting almost normal. Time and your good Dr. will help too. Best wishes for a fast recovery..Donna

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2 ways to lower your blood pressure just a little bit: One - walking. Do you feel like walking for 5 minutes? You don't have to hurry or jog or anything big. Just creep or totter. Outside - around the house. Two trips if you make it the first time. Increase at will or don't - just do a little. Remember to breathe. The other? a bit silly But it matters. What is the salt/sodium content of your drinking water? Our own well water carries a handful of salt per quart. DH drinks whatever jugs of 'drinking water' at the grocery we can find with a lower salt/sodium ratio. Of course, it's not just drinking - you have to remember to use it for coffee, tea, soup or anything else you add water to. And I just: used a preposition to end a sentence with and began a sentence with 'and'. So? We just want our Joanna feeling heaps better soon. Polly

It's good to hear that you are on the mend and your blood pressure is getting almost normal. Time and your good Dr. will help too. Best wishes for a fast recovery..Donna

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Polly Esther

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