OT annoying tv commercials

The Tide commercial that got us upset got me thinking.... there are a few more commercials that bug me. It's slow here on the ng, so let's do some griping. You in? ;-)

I wonder about toothpaste commercials. Have you ever seen an actor/actress with a mouthful of toothpaste foam (and foam running down their chin) while brushing in the commercial? Nope. Even their paid actors aren't using their toothpaste to brush. So why should we?

And those mascara commercials! It's soooo obvious the actress is wearing false eyelashes. If we want eyelashes like hers then we should buy false eyelashes- not their mascara.

Any other commercials/ads that make you want to vent or grump a little?

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie& The Furbabies in MO.
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I also dislike the other Tide commercial, which has a father preparing to feed his children and himself something clearly NOT on the list of approved food in the family. The kids tell him that Mom will find out because of stains, and Dad says the Tide will hide the evidence. And later, Dad lies to Mom. Now -- TWO Tide commercials with lying within families!

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Well, yes . . . but! . . the commercials keep me in great fit shape. I can jump the sewing table or the kitchen counter as needed to punch the tv remote to mute. Have we EVER wanted the advice of the flying nun on our bone health? Billy Mays died and still they bring him back to YELL at us. I won't buy anything that distresses my delicate sensibilities beginning with loud and panic. The worst offender is AARP. Funny Whoopie has mentioned that she doesn't know why the CIA has such troubles locating Bin Laudin. She says AARP can find and persecute anybody. Relentlessly. The worst. Locally? A funeral home. The 'grim' voice and: been helping families ( methinks they are helping themselves to the the pocketbooks of vulnerable families). Oh. Please. Are we to believe they're doing a public service? OTOH, I love the Wee Weee Weee all the way home piggy commercial. Thanks for asking, Leslie. I look forward to what irks / pleases our friends here. Polly

"Leslie& The Furbabies in MO." <

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Polly Esther

Cilit BANG! (BANG and the dirt is gone!). I do NOT NEED some pranny YELLING at me about cleaning. I do not need a different cleaner for every surface in every room in my house! I have a few select cleaning products in my house: dishwasher tablets, washing powder, washing up liquid, soap, shampoo, and bleach. I keep some sugar soap for cleaning really evil things like mold, crayon on walls, and cleaning before paitning, and some laminate floor stuff for the conservatory floor. I use a spray bottle of washing up liquid and water for general cleaning and add a little bleach to the one in the bathroom. The rest of the bleach cleans the po. The great thing about MY cleaners is that other than a faint pong of bleach just after cleaning the bathroom, there is no disgusting CLEANER PERFUME STENCH! (Coff coff choke)

The other ones that irritate are the ones for 'air fresheners', especially those plug-ins that re-stench the house when you move, or every hour, or whatever. Sorry, but if my house smells a bit stale, I open the windows and get some fresh air in! Odd lingering cooking smells from fish that won't go, or from the bathroom, get a quick squish of something I keep on hand. The house doesn't need to smell of any artificial stink, thank you!

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I hate anything underhand, or mean.

Stealing crisps from children, Gary Linneker, and the latest incarnation, knocking someone through a plate glass window!

The abandoned chocolate muffin (HOW can I feel sorry for an enormous man in a muffin suit!? Dunask!)

Blaming the dog when the family has eaten the mother's sandwich.

And then there are the ambulance chasers, the expensive car commercials and the Insurance comparison sites. Don't even get me onto pollyfilling the wrinkles and inserting the eyelashes and pre/pro- biotic yoghurt!

Do I really need to see tortured donkeys, disabled pensioners and fly- blown babies to give to Charity what I can spare? And if I gave =A32 a month to everyone, they would need to support me, as there would be nothing left.

OTOH, I love comparing the meercats; Gaffer, Sydney and his gang and Churchill babysitting for David Bellamy. And I do like to keep up with 'what's about' as my Mum used to say. At least I can sound knowledgeable when I need to choose between supermarkets and cereal brands, and; I suppose it is useful to know about the price of fish (as they say). But there it ends. Too many, too many repeats and yes, I watch too much television.

But then, if I can remember all these, maybe the advertisers have done their jobs? It's just that they don't reckon with my contra- suggestiveness.

Nel (Gadget Queen)

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I only watch TV on the computer. Even then I much prefer to just go out and buy by the season. However on hulu I have seen some ads that just make me want to smack somebody.

The most recent Jimmy Dean sausage ads seem to me to be an attempt at necromancy. Any day now I expect to read that Jimmy Dean has risen from his grave and committed bloody murder on everybody involved in the current incredibly annoying and outrageously stupid advertising campaign.


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On Tue, 12 Oct 2010 22:52:09 -0500, Leslie& The Furbabies in MO. wrote (in article ):

Pretty much every beer commercial ever made (except for the ones where the beer delivery guy goes into the expensive restaurant/hotel/sky box at the ball game and takes away the beer because the people are too snooty). People aren't really that stupid are they?


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Maureen Wozniak

One of my most annoying is the Geico with the man on couch and Dr(?) angry and throwing tissue box at him. Most enjoyable in general are the Publix (grocery store) commercials. They are all very positive and based on family life. No children talking back or parents talking on phones while at the family table. Just feel good stuff. Anna Belle

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Anna Belle

You're so right Leslie ... others that bug the daylights out of me are the drug commercials - it's a split second telling you the drug name, then the rest of the ad covers every warning known to man. Just can't wait to get my hands on some of that stuff ... NOT!

Sharon (N.B.)

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I hate the ED, incontenence, birth control pill/shot, tampon, etc, But they can not show a condom commercial?

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Bonnie Patterson

Me too! Love the DVR, I can watch a one hour show in 40 minutes, another thing that bugs me are the morning "news" shows, do they really need all of those people screaming when they're outside? Now that I think about it, all of the shows with audiences have the screaming people, even the "Doctors" and "Dr. Oz".

Is it just Me?

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Bonnie Patterson

Not to mention male underwear commercials!

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I have a cure for commercials. I have a DVR and record EVERYTHING that I watch. Makes short work of those things. The one I hate the most is the commercial is where they say "I want my cash NOW" ya know the so called opera singers on the bus one.

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