OT Bidding on eBay

I know that there's a service that will slam in a bid on eBay at the final seconds of an auction. Does anybody know the name of this service or something about how it works? Does it cost extra??? I'm tired of losing out at the last moment for mere pennies.

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.
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It's called sniping. Here's one program that will do it. I've never used it.

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Yikes! It costs $45.99 (it's on sale LOL). That's more than the item I wanted to buy! Hope there's a cheaper alternative.....

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

I googled "always win ebay" and I did find a free one as well as this one. Check it out.

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

I use this service and have for years. I th> I know that there's a service that will slam in a bid on eBay at the final

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the one we use is called esnipe

Marilyn in beautiful, sunny Alberta

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When I am interested in something on E-Bay or at my local auction house I decide the absolute maximum I am willing to pay, and submit that for proxy bidding. And then I go away and leave it alone! If I get it, great. If not, that's OK, too. It's very easy to get caught up in the auction process and overspend.

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I usually slam in a bid myself at the last 5 seconds. That works great

1) If you happen to be home when the auction ends and 2) If your internet connection is stable! I never bid on anything until the last 5 seconds. Someone else just outbids you, and it drives the price up higher than it would if you just wait till the auction ends. :-)


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I tried that but waited until it went under 60 seconds rather than your 5 seconds- I lost the auction in that small space of time even tho I bid more. I guess mine didn't register in that last 56 seconds??? But I got extremely lucky and stumbled on a very, very reasonable 'buy it now' (which I won) and the seller emailed that she was listing two other auctions for the exact same items and price. I won all three auctions! I am over the hill thrilled!

So it all worked out and I am a happy camper! Thanks to everybody for the help and advice!

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

If the item was worth a little more money to you why didn't you put in a bigger bid the first time? Adding several individual bids yourself only adds to your cost, so bid the top amount you are willing to pay and let the bid ride. If you win you won't have paid too much, and if you lose the auction you won't feel badly about it since obviously some sucker was willing to pay more than the item is really worth.

The program you want is called a sniper. There are lots of them out there and each claims to be faster than the next one. Basically you pay for the service, set your top bid amount (just like you could do on the ebay bid page), and then the service automatically ups your bid when needed (just like ebay will). Chances are that if you use one you will still lose most auctions because a lot of people do auctions that way, including fraudulent bids by shady auction sellers who want to list an item cheaply and sell it above a certain $ value. Most reputable sellers consider sniper users to be suckers since they are paying for a service to do what e-bay will do for free.

Google for auction sniper, or subscribe to the ebay news group, specific sniper names. But if you go to the ebay news group and ask for sniper program names, be prepared to read the same thing I wrote. Debra in VA See my quilts at

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We used a program called "Auction Sentry" for years.

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OK. fess up! what did you buy???

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I have a dear friend who has been a HUGE blessing in my relative helplessness after my hip surgery- she shops for my groceries, delivers them to me and puts them up in my cabinets and fridge, hauls me to the dentist, calls and checks on me several times a day, picks my tomatoes, surprises me with ice cream, does my banking for me and is my rock thru this difficult time. Case in point- when my son drove me four hours each way to see my surgeon for my one month check-up, I put my meds in the glove box so I could take them throughout the day. When we got home I forgot all about it.

At 11:30 that night I got looking for the meds and couldn't find them- til I remembered they were in my truck. She got out of bed, dressed and drove the

25 min. to my house to hand me the bottles. While she was here, she put clean sheets on my bed and emptied a big bag of dog food into a convenient container for me. A friend like deserves a very special thank you gift. She has a passion for calla lilies. I found some beautiful flatwear that has 3D calla lilies on the handle. She is living on a very modest fixed income- I doubt she has a complete set of pretty, matching flatwear. She will have one now!

Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

PS: Mr. Collins and I have separated. I have been on my own since three weeks post-surgery. I'm now at 8 weeks and doing very well. :-)

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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

Leslie, you are so lucky and blessed to have such a wonderful friend.

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Debi Matlack

What a wonderful friend! She'll love the flatware! My mind was really spinning until I read your P.S. That's a bit of a shocker. I'm sorry. Keep up your recovery and I hope things settle out for you. Hugs,

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WHAT ON EARTH!!...................... Leslie, what a bombshell to drop in a p.s. about bidding on ebay. Oh my. Can you call your good friend to come pick me up off the floor??

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Sorry. There's really no easy way to tell your friends something like that.... I guess I thought I could just slip it in??? :-/


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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

Wonderful people usually have wonderful friends! :)

She's not the only blessing - obviously you are, too, or otherwise she wouldn't be one of your best friends! :)

I see why you'd want to do something special for her ... she DOES sound like a treasure! :)

That was a VERY wonderful thing for you to do! :)

Wow! I don't know whether to say I'm sorry or kudos ... while I'm so very sorry that you're going through this alone (you know what I mean), I'm also very glad that you're doing it so well (and not the least bit surprised) ... My love and prayers to you, Leslie!!!!


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*rolls eyes*

You and me, both! I don't "feel" it as much when I order than when I physically hand over my card ... which is the epitome of silly, considering that I pay MORE with shipping costs than just shopping in my LQS or fabric store ...

I "avoided" going to my LQS - in fear of paying too much (no self-control when I'm fondling fabric) - and instead spent twice as much as what I would have at my LQS by going online (when you consider hefty shipping costs)!

I hate paying for shipping!! :(

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