OT, good thoughts and prayers for DD

My DD has had a very difficult few months....which is one of the reasons I haven't posted here that much lately. She's got into some trouble which resulted in her being arrested last Fall (which is getting resolved without having a record thank God) which has been extremely tough on her.

She also undergoing counseling for some serious issues as well, which were reasons she did what she did last Fall (but at least its come out and she's getting help for that, too).

She is also a senior in college and took on (against advise not to) a full-time job in the evenings just a few weeks ago. It's all proven to be wayyyyy too much for her as she nears finals time at school. Tonight she lost her job, and she is just devistated about it. Certainly there are two sides to every story. She feels they didn't give her good enough training.... but I think a big part of it was from her simply being stressed out...both from the court stuff she's dealing with, to end of the school year, and then not having enough hours in the day to do everything she needed to do (like sleep).

She's just headed off for a drive on her 4-wheeler and I hope she doesn't take her frustration out by not paying attention to what she is doing. I just pray she makes it back OK. At least she has her cell phone with her.

These things will certainly pass but when you ar 22 it feels like the world has crashed down on you.

I believe in the power of prayer and positive thoughts and she could certainly could use some right now....if you could spare just a bit I know it will help.


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Good thoughts and prayers are on the way immediately..........

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Cindy Schmidt

Holding you and your daughter close in our hearts and up in our prayers. Polly

"IMS" My DD has had a very difficult few months....which is one of the

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Polly Esther

It's been 45 min. since you posted, but I'm on it. Hopefully she is back by now and feeling a bit better.

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

Kids certainly put us through it! Prayers on the way for you and DD.

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Sometimes I think I should just have layed my eggs in a warm, sandy pit and left them to hatch and deal with the world alone. But usually, I just pray a lot. For now, I'll add prayers for your young one to the prayers I constantly mutter for mine. You just gotta love 'em.

Sunny Believing strongly that 'this too shall pass'

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Those good thoughts worked, she made it back in one piece!!!!!

I was so worried she was going to hit a tree trunk or something because she wasn't paying attention, and dweling on life being unfair....I know she wanted to ride the thing to get some of the anxiety and the frustration out of her system by going fast (guess that comes from her racing sprint cars for the last few years)....but it just worried me to death, which I'm sure you could all tell.....

You are all so wonderful. Seriously. Thank you. Thank you for dropping what you were doing just then and spending a moment to send a bit of those healing, good thoughts her way. I know this stuff works. Bless you all.

-Irene (who is so relieved....)

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I'm so glad she's home Irene. This parent stuff doesn't get any easier as they get older!!! Darn it.

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prayers to you and your family.

Donna in WA

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Irene, I really hope that your DD can get some rest and calm into her life. Things seem so much more difficult at that age!

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Irene, lots of hugs for you, and for your daughter. Tell her how many people are caring about her. Invite her to come "talk" to us and get to know us. I for one would be quite happy to chat with a young 'un off group and listen to her. My "boys" (men, but it's hard to get used to that word) are 18 and 21. I worry so much and all the time. If it's not one thing it's another. They are just trying to figure out how to deal with a world that seems to be moving all the time under their feet. Our young people face a future that will be different from ours. Jobs are unsure. Money is tighter. It's scary. No wonder they get a hitch in their git-along from time to time. Please tell your daughter that she will stay in our care and prayers and that many hearts are holding her dear.


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smile............ happy sigh

Thanks for the good news!

Karen, Queen of Squishies

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Karen, Queen of Squishies

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