OT: in need of a little smile (Diana might get a giggle out of this one)

Now, I'm not recovering from anything major like Diana, but I could really use a smile.

And Diana might actually get a kick out of the day I've had, so...let me share........

This morning, I had to go pick up my reject from the state fair. It gave me quite a chuckle when I read the comment on the back, "Flannel is NOT special occassion fabric"...LOL Well, it was entered as a joke, and called "CNY Easter outfit" - I didn't expect it to win anything, just the image that those words gave me. Can you imagine the judge who wrote it, looking completely horrified and/or stunned??? LOL

So, get back home, head downstiars for some computer time, only to be hit by the overpowering scent of cat spray. Did a quick look around....grey, "eeyore-like" kitty had sprayed DSs little foldup couch. Now, normally, this would have just ticked me off, but I had *just* washed the stupid thing from the last time, and gotten it all put back together (yes, I did spray the cushions, apparently that didn't do any good). This time, I can't save it. However, I *am* washing the fabric cover so that DH and I can make a new couch for DS.....whenever life slows down a bit.

Then, when we go upstairs for lunch, it is time for everyone to need the potty . I got there first, and here comes DS, with hispants around his ankles shouting, "I gotta go pee!" Well, the sight of mom in there first must have locked him up. He stared at me with a blank look and proceeded to pee all over the floor (and the throw rug, adn the extension cord for the fan.....). Now, he has his lilttle prtable training potty in his room (so that he can use it at night with no accidents), and he was closer to it than the toilet in the bathroom, but nooooooooooooo, he got the floor.

I had to put both him and myself in timeput until we both clamed down enough to sit and talk. He said that he wanted to use the big potty, not the baby potty because he is a big boy. I had to remind him that big boys don't pee on the floor, and if somebody is on the big potty, his is right there waiting for him. The talk continued, and it came out that.............

-he is scared of what will happen when his baby sister gets here

-he thinks we are going to get rid of him after she is born

-he thinks that we won't love him anymore

-he thinks that we won't play with him anymore and that Bekah will be the favorite

This was something that I thought we had talked through, but I guess he was still worried, and didn't know how to say anything. I also asked him if being scared and thinking we didn't love him/want him was why he was acting silly and doing things he knew were wrong (well of course that was it, MOm, come on, how dense can you be??!??), to which he said yes. I told him over and over that even when he did things that weren't right, and MOmmy and Daddy got angry, it didn't mean that we stopped loving him, it just meant that we didn't like what he was doing.

Now, I know he is only 3 years old, but we talked some more, and I asked him to promise to try and do something - before he does something, he needs to try and think if it would make mommy and daddy angry. If it would, then he needs to not do it; if it wouldn't, then it is okay; if he isn't sure, he should ask mommy and/or daddy....lot to ask from a

3yo, but this little guy is astounding at what he actually comprehends at times (He says he's a big boy because he tries to make his bed, puts his books back on his shelf - he "reads" to his stuffed animals - and empties the little potty...all before breakfast!)

Larisa, needing to vent, and hoping to find some advice from the more experienced Moms in this group

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Oh, Larissa, what an amazing story. My kids are both grown, but I how sincere they are and how they have a constant need for reassurance at that age. It's hard to think like a three year old and the trick is to get them to open up to you. Sounds like you did, so you're on the right track! =20

My son definately felt like this when I was pregnant with his sister. (He's 26 now!) So I tried to get him involved in 'decisions' for the baby such as what color crib sheets to buy, what mobile, etc. Also reassured him that I'd need him more than ever once the baby came along, his being a big brother and all. Still, after she was born he did feel really left out, especially when he'd see me nursing the baby. DH really pitched in and confided that he, too, felt left out! So DH spent extra time with him which helped a lot. Anything you can get your son to do, fetch a diaper, check on the baby, etc, will help. And, make sure to spend time alone with just him (no baby) so he knows you still enjoy his company.

Yes it sounds like you had a " major" day but you also sound like an amaz>Now, I'm not recovering from anything major like Diana, but I could=20

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I just hope I'm as patient and understanding as a mom when it's my turn. You're amazing!

Kudos to you, I think you handled things like a pro.

~Lady Aurora, Guardian of the Royal Bounty P.S. I totally understand the cat frustration. We recently had to replace a piece of carpet due to the same cat problems. I was ready to make hats out of cat pelts at that point. *smirk* But we're doing much better now!

Reply to
Lady Aurora Selene

I hear you!

It's been enough years now that I can look back on it and laugh, but at one time I had four cats (one was "inherited" from BIL, one was a stray, and two were the kittens she brought in the next week). They decided to have "turf wars", and frequently picked my computer keyboard as their target. After all the practice I got, I can completely strip, clean, and reassemble a computer keyboard in minutes. :)

(The cats lived, barely. I am now cat free and intend to stay that way.

Reply to
Kathy Applebaum

I have no advice.... but thanks! I needed the giggle!! :-)) We have just started the potty training.... Hubby too busy with work to listen to my instructions..... Jess runs to toilet.... leans over yelling potty .... he thinks how cute... she knows what it is.... and goes for the video camera.... meanwhile..... guess who potties??!! I was showering.... sigh...... I soooooo love to hear I am not the only one stuck in arghhhhhh land some days!! Thanks!!

And by the way.... flannel is too a special occasion fabric!! That judge just didn't live in the right state!!! LOL!!


Reply to
Jan Dunaway

Thanks for thinking of me here. It did make me smile but also made me feel a bit sad for your little one. Life looks so different when you are less than

3.5ft tall! I wish I had answers for you but there was no sibling rivalry between Jim and Megan. It sounds like you have a good grasp of whats needed ...after all, who knows your son better than you and DH? Hugs, Diana

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Diana Curtis

I have felt like this too on occasion! Poor kittky with sunburned ears! She needs a hat! ;)

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Kate Dicey

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EXCELLENT ears those! I found them again as I was tidying up this last few days... Need more pix of peeples in silly ears! :)

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Kate Dicey

Sounds like you've got it pretty well covered, Larissa. Keep up the good work! BTW, the sense of humor will sometimes be your best weapon, friend &/or savior.

-- Royce A day hemmed in prayer is less likely to unravel.

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Maybe Suzzzie could make a little quilted bonnet for her kitty!

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Donna in Idaho

Sounds like a really "pissey" day.

Reply to
Judy Grevenites

Ah-hahahahaha...........great minds, cause that's exactly what I said to DH after relating the day back to him.


Judy Grevenites wrote:

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Even the Queen may be flogged for bad plays on words. Diana :-)

Reply to
Diana Curtis

Did you see that internet site from Japan where they make clothes and bonnets for cats? Someone posted a link to it a while back... lemme see if I can find it...

ah - Catpr>Maybe Suzzzie could make a little quilted bonnet for her kitty!

-- "From the internet connection under the pier" Southend, UK

formatting link

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Paul & Suzie Beckwith

somebody quick give diana her happy pills

flog our queen her'n with the famous saying of off wid 'er 'ead

redqueen, she didn't mean it, honest, she really didn't

help we gotta save diana's 'ead

butterfly > Even the Queen may be flogged for bad plays on words.

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Would a quick under the table bribe keep my head where I like it? Diana

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Diana Curtis

Nobody touches the queen---don't worry Butterfly, the person who threatened my royal behind is obviously on drugs. We make allowances for people just out of hospitals. That does not mean that anyone else would be allowed to speak disrespectfully. There is plenty of room in the dungeons for those sorts. Where is my carnifex?? RedQueen

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Judy Grevenites

Wullllll then... what if she didnt notice my little faux pas? Couldnt we just let sleeping queens lie? Diana

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Diana Curtis

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