OT - info on my condition

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So please do what you guys do best. PRAY and SEND GOOD THOUGHTS. I have this now on about 30% of my body, and it is approaching 50%. I can not take the medicine that this article talks about.


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Karen, Queen of Squishies
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Karen, I'm continuing prayers for you. I hope they can find a resolution to this or at least make you more comfortable.

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Louise in Iowa

I kinda remembered it was gluten related in some way. Bleargh! Sympathis! I have a coeliac friend and an intollerance to excess wheat rather than gluten myself. Big Sis has a stange reaction to gluten and wheat. Hers is more dramatic than mine: mine upsets the innards and causes severe bloating and IBS symptoms, she gets that and fits of narcolepsy! Urk!

I MUST get back to my low gluten way of eating.

So, prayers for your relief are winging their way. Take care!

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That sounds awful! I've known people with celiac disease, without the dermatitis, and that was difficult enough. Like Jack said, though, it really had to be NO gluten for them. (Reminds me of "no such thing as a little pregnant" )

Prayers and good thoughts heading your way from Indiana. Please keep us posted.


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heidi (was rabbit2b)

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"Jack Campin - bogus address" wrote... The Dermnet NZ site is a good starting point. Doctors use it.

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Ok. That's it. Send my Wings back.

You need the Platinum Ones

Butterfly (Mr Joe will use the regular ones)

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(((((Karen))))) Hugs, prayers, and positive healing thoughts are on their way! Hopefully, the time will soon come where it's under control and you can manage your life around it.


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Is whey sufficiently free of casein? Most of the casein is supposed to curdle out in the cheesemaking process, but it can't *all* be removed.

It's amazing you can get him to eat anything that weird. Most autistic kids are far too picky for that sort of experiment.

(Ever tried gjetost, the Norwegian whey-based cheese? Truly bizarre).

==== j a c k at c a m p i n . m e . u k === ==== Jack Campin, 11 Third St, Newtongrange EH22 4PU, Scotland == mob 07800 739 557 CD-ROMs and free stuff: Scottish music, food intolerance, and Mac logic fonts

****** I killfile Google posts - email me if you want to be whitelisted ******
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Jack Campin - bogus address

He won't touch soymilk, nor ricemilk. The milk replacer is sufficeiently milk-like for him to accept it, plus it is lactose free so his mum can drink it too. It is not casien free, it is low casien. growing boys need calcium, and since we are ovo-lacto vegetarian with a bit of fish once or twice a month it is not easy to substitute a new source on a budget. Plus the lad is mad for dairy products, we have been having a heck of a time keeping him away from them, school and grandparents are a huge problem with it. Cheese, yogurt, cream puddings, custards, he adores them all. The milk replacer does not do very well in creams and custards, though I almost have a custard worked out just by virtue of using extra egg whites. DH has recipes for frozen confections using the replacer in the ice cream maker about down pat, and that has been a help.

If a food is white, and smooth or liquid, he will not hesitate to try it. The more color and texture, the more difficult to get him to try it. He has absolutely taken against anything green. Besides being treated to the incredible dancing broccoli and the march of the asparagus, we have discovered that even green Skittles (a fruit flavored candy) are rejected. We managed to convince him that green jello was edible by suspending peaches in it. We are hoping to expand his green repretoire from there.

Nope. The only cheese we have ever made from whey is riccotta. After pulling your pound of cheese (about) from your gallon of whole milk, you can go back to the whey and get a pound of riccotta out of it. Very cost effective. We have tried an assortment of vegan cheeses, and most of them are just nasty. Plus I have very firmly taken against frankenfoods, in the US that makes soy a problem.


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Has anyone told you lately that you are a Superb Mum doing all that for your kidlet.

Butterfly (Kuddos to you)

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