OT: kind thoughts needed

I'm letting you folks know that I'm not 100 percent the past few days. Matter of fact it's probably around 60 percent and dipping. DH has let me know, very kindly, that I won't be driving for a time as of yet to be determined. I can't seem to pull myself together and do anything. Sewing, quilting, etc is officially at a standstill. It may be next week before I get pieces of fabric from my poor paisley into the mail to those who wanted them. Sorry. I'm quite down and quite miserable and really just at a place where I'm sitting, hand stitching the same seam in, taking it out, restitching it, taking it out, trimming the seam allowance cuz of raveling, stitching, taking it out....... you get the picture. I want very much to "create" something to make me feel better. But at these times it becomes a massive task of great organization (usually involving sticky notes) and careful balance to "create" myself a cup of tea or to get out of my pajamas before it's bedtime again.

Hugs to all of you. Please send kindly thoughts my way. If you do prayers, those are always welcome. If you have any "ins" with the dieties of fabric or quilting or such would you please say a good word for me. Ditto if you have "ins" with the dieties of balance, thought processes or pain abatement. If you engage in pagan or neopagan rituals, that works for me too. Whatever it is that druids do these days (i'm assuming that oak tree thing with human sacrifices is far far in the past), I'll take some of that too. Voo doo anybody?

I probably won't post again for a few days. Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate. For those who don't -- enjoy not overeating on turkey and stuffing.


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I can do "kind thoughts". Take it slow and steady, and hope you are feeling better soon.

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Kind thoughts, prayers, a little rub to a very Buddha-like belly on my cat, anything to send you and the powers that be a message of relief and healing. Take care of yourself. We'll be here when you get back. Happy Thanksgiving.

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Debi Matlack

Sunny, I am so sorry to hear you are in this type of situation, been there done that, but that doesn't help you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I'd even send you some fabric if I had your address. Just take your time and remember we will be here when you get back and if you need us before you are ready to get back to the group; email us off the group.

Hugs, kind thoughts and prayers are headed in your direction,


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Jacqueline in KY

UGH! BTDT in spades... ((((((Sunny)))))) Mental and physical healing prayers and waves on the way. Rest a while and let others do the important thinking for a while.

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Kate Dicey

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