Because we arent discussing whether they were or were not offensive but the appropriateness of such *jokes* on the newsgroup. We all agree that they are offensive. Thats pretty clear. :) Diana

NightMist wrote:

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Diana Curtis
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But it sure generated a lot of discussion didn't it? It also generated a lot of soul searching and self questions and some came away a lot more informed and aware. Worked pretty darned well. As for the self destructive blaming and judgemental rhetoric - well that just goes to prove the point - now doesn't it? Those who feel the most self-righteous usually have to have a foot on the neck of someone else they feel more superior too too get that heady feeling. That defines prejudice.

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SNIGDIBBLY wrote: It also generated a

Some sure didn't..... Taria

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Bingo!! Point proven ... but it sure brings ya'll out of the woodwork and gets ya'll to thinking and probably more alive at that moment than before - just an opportunity to grow and breath and feel your own heart pumping. Worked so very well, too. Education is wonderful.

Thanks for admitting it was personal prejudice against one person based on misinformation - and not value based at all. Sound familiar? Bigotry - pure and simple - the very thing you say you hate in the poster - and are so guilty of yourself. LOL!!

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Dear, I love you but I think you're wearing your hair cloth a little tightly.

I did not think the post about inappropriate posts referred to you simply because you have the courtesy to mark any jokes or non-quilt related posts OT. If someone wants to skip non-quilty posts it is easy because you bother to follow the convention and use OT.

I read that post as referring to posts presumably about quilts and Surprise! people are ranting about hug blocks in very unkind ways, or raging about what they think this group used to be and why it's not that now, or other posts that may start about quilting but then morph into something else but those posters don't bother to change the title to warn those who wish to skip the off-topic.

These are the posts that can offend. They cannot be skipped until after reading the first offensive line and then it's rather too late. They are hard to filter because of the lack of OT.

Honest, I really don't think you were being targeted. I think it was those who post rude, crude and mean things under the guise of a quilty post.


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Marcella Peek

And then there are those who HAVE spoken up and asked POLITELY that some language/phrases be avoided in jokes and/or regular messages.... and been thoroughly trounced. Not fear, just worn out from standing up. One burned, twice wary is the old saying, yes?

PAT, who did not receive this 'joke' and quickly deleted it > I think the answer to that is that many of us kept quiet about our

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Pat in Virginia

I have some questions...

There have been those here who have said God might be killing kids and others in the name of U.S. Gay Rights. Boy Scouts. Really.

Not much of a reaction from everyone here.

Which I found a LOT more offensive than a few jokes.

...How many others did?

Comments that Bush was a yellow striped coward when he left Texas and headed back to Washington to finish putting together an emergency federal relief package before the storm hit.

Typical of the sort of anti-Bush/Gov statements we've come to expect here. Bitter politics.

The anger and virulence continue to amaze me.

...Anyone else?

It seems things have been a lot more nasty and mean-spirited lately than they've ever been, and not just here.

Perhaps it's just unsettling to me because I seem to think of quilters as the type of people that hold things together. I know we're all different but we have a lot in common. You would think we would know how to talk, but we seem to be inconsistent in who we thoroughly trounce.

We do that well.

I haven't always spoken up when I should have. Some offensive things seem to be okay. At least these were labelled. It's when I'm sandbagged that I can get really annoyed. When we can debate something without getting personal, it's great.

I think we all have some work to do.

...What do you think?

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I have been working on a baby quilt with matching shorts today.

I feel the neeed to respond to your other comments, if only to say that a good majority of the jokes and even some of the political stuff annoys me greatly. I also understand people's right to say those things, although I question to myself how appropriate it might be. So, I generally don't read them, unless I get sideswiped with them. However, to purposefully post things that one knows will be offensive...well, that just went over the top to me, and I'm sure for others. It wouldn't have mattered a whit who'd posted it, I would still have said somthing. And if I had posted such a thing, I would hope someone would say something about it.

That's all. Going back to my quilting...someone please call me when tea's ready.

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If you read the authors post that I responded to my remarks were only concerned with that part of their post: "I suspect that part of the reaction is the fact that the person who posted the "jokes" is currently not in the good graces of many of the group, due to the recent brouhaha over a hug quilt."

I have to know and care about someone for it to matter to me what they think about me. I don't know very many of the posters here and they certainly don't know me. I just factor that into the equation.

Their opinions of me are based on their own mirrored perceptions and assumptions. I never take things like that personally.

My personal standards requires me to look myself in the eye - as long as I am comfortable with myself - I don't care about other's opinions of me. I'm not being flip just stating that I'm comfortable in my own skin and know better than anyone what my intent is in any given situation.

I always found it a curious human attribute about group dynamics and that people needed to be liked by total strangers and would amend their behavior to be acceptable to someone they didn't know or that didn't know them. People will do horrible things in a crowd that they would never do as an individual.

The author that I responded to made the point for me because they were practicing what they found so reprehensible (prejudice) and that usually those that think they have the right to sit in judgement of others are usually not practicing what they preach. The author admitted to prejudice against the person - ME - who posted the "jokes" because of a situation that was blown all out of proportion by those not informed or involved in the Hug block situation. I found that humorous - especially in light of the authors chosen topic.

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ok, but that's my point.

How did anyone NOT know that suggesting God kills children for political leverage was offensive? Wasn't that over the top? Yet the huge uproar was over a few jokes. Who has the right to say what things and not have comment?

It's like a knee jerk reaction, we have to distance ourselves by denouncing the easy targets yet leave the rest alone. It says a lot about what we think we need to say, not what we think.

I wonder how many even now will venture there, having had the recent opportunity to identify themselves as righteous people who don't like bad jokes. Will they say that's enough, I've made my stand against intolerance and everyone knows it, so let's just talk about quilty things?

Which is fine with me.

Until the next time.


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I didn't happen to read that particular post you're referring to, so I can't really comment on it, that's part of it. Yes, if I'd read it, I would have said something. My point is that it seemed like a blatant attempt at manipulating us into talking about it...sure we went ahead and did it, but I think it was a good thing. It felt to me like a deliberate shock value post. As far as not commenting on other posts until then...I don't know what to tell you. It could just be a straw that broke the camel's back issue, or just that the other posts weren't read. Can't tell you for certain what the reasons are for other people, but for me, it's because I didn't read them. Others have said that they didn't feel safe responding, and I'm guessing that a few don't want to be considered "politeness/politically correctness police."

Yes, sugar would be lovely. Shall I pass the chocolate chip scones?

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LOL!! EXACTOMONDO!! My daddy always says: "You can throw sh*t at me but then you can't cuss me for stinking." I found it so amusing that it was labeled as offensive - in caps yet - and then there was all these posts about how deliciously offending it all was. I love people and just never get tired of watching and learning.

We recently had a lady who wants any book that has even the vaguest reference to sex removed from the Springdale, AR school libraries. Guess which books were cleared off the shelves and have the longest waiting lists?

Want to titillate then just label it as forbidden and then it becomes so-o-o enticing. The absence of the supposedly offensive books on the school library shelves was so remarkable they did a segment on the local news. The poor lady who was trying to get rid of the (to her at least) offensive books couldn't get a forum to be heard till then. Isn't that hilarious?

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LOL!! Well you do make a good point there - dear lady. LOL!!

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WHAT!!! Do you have a comprehension problem or what!? I was making an observation - my opinon as to why SOME OTHER posters MIGHT be so offended by your post, when other "racy" posts were overlooked or "LOLed" by posters here. Just my opinion - maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. The jokes didn't offend me. I merely thought they were stupid and not funny. You are speaking to a person who just retired as a parole agent and who has been exposed to more of the seamy side of life than you can imagine.

Where are you getting the idea that I was "sitting in judgement" or that I "admitted to prejeduce" against you? I wasn't involved in the hug fight - go ahead and look. I never posted on that subject and I really don't know whether I agree with your position or the position of the others. I thought both sides had a point and it was mostly miscommunication and differing expectations. I had no personal stake in the argument and only know what I read on the group.

Up until I read this last post I had no personal opinion about you one way or the other. Now I'm not sure. It does seem that you just can't let things go. And you sure read people wrong.

Iris (wasn't offended, but now I am)

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AMEN! MS. Kitty - you sure nuff said a mouthful, my dear.

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I'll take lemon please - no milk or sugar.

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Join me at my house for tea or cookies or hot chocolate or anything.

I remember when all we discussed in this group was quilt related. It sure prevented much of what is going on now. Then there was this really big battle about the group and now everything and every topic is fair game.

I'm working on a four block applique project. I re-did the faded block and now am sewing zillions of 1" half square triangles to go around each block. They are taking a lot longer than I thought the would. I am using triangles on a roll to make them and today I cut my finger with a rotary cutter while cutting them apart. Lesson learned - do not chat on the phone with a friend while using a rotary cutter. sigh.

What are you working on?


Reply to
Marcella Peek

I'm so sorry for offending you. I would never want to do that and you made your point very well, I thought.

Look I'm not mad at any one - why anyone thinks I have ill will or intent is beyond me. I sure don't believe I am any better than anyone else. I'm not targeting any one person - just generalizing about human kind.

I purposely don't keep a list of people who disagree with me or who don't like what I have to say so I haven't a clue who said what about the situation. Everyday is a brand new day for me and I take it as it comes.

You have known the best and the worst of society - as have I. Any one who spends any time working in the people sciences knows that. You also know as a professional that you must remove your personal feelings from the situation or you won't be able to be effective as a professional. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings and humbly beg your forgiveness. Apparently, my words were ill chosen.

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Any time you get a bunch of quilters together you will find every topic under the sun being discussed. It's been that way always. If RCTQ is a cyber quilting frame then you can expect to read about everything that is on the mind of the participants. When the discussion is only about quilting then it becomes stagnant and boring and people leave. That's why there are more OT topics being discussed and posted than those that are only quilt related. People are more than what they do. It's what makes us the fascinating & awesome creatures that we are.

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Thank you. Forgiven. Case closed!


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