OT still winter and ON topic too

-17C today. (-17 degree Celsius = 1.4 degree Fahrenheit) Snowing in almost blizzarding conditions. Talk about winter depression setting in.

I had a thought though..... with all this snow and winter and whiteness I thought I may as well hibernate somewhere in my home and the logical place was the sewing room LOL I pulled out all my brightest fabric scraps and just fondled and auditioned and had a wonderful time. The bright colours really picked up my mood until I realized I have to keep collecting these OMG brights in order to have enough to put together to make a top out of. That's ok, gives me another reason to haunt thrift stores and scrap bins and beg too (nice work in of a beg huh? LOL)

I also looked at my whites and gray's and palest of blues thinking that maybe I should make a quilt of winter out of my pale scraps. I haven't done landscape kind of thought process before and this one may be something I can sink my teeth into after my brightness one. I would date the sucker and possibly add in things like the amount of snow and how long this winter lasted. Another reason to collect scraps to form into another idea that may or may not take shape.

I am the best at starting and the worst at finishing though.... I have so many on the go's now that I really ought to finish a few before I start into yet another one..... really, I should..... but where is the fun in that?

~KK in BC~

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~KK in BC~
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Leslie & The Furbabies in MO.

How about and end of winter quilt with some bright spring flowers poking out of the snow to announce spring is just around the corner? Keep warm and take care, Kris

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Kris in Portland, Oregon

ooooooooh what an awesome idea! incorporate my brights into my snow ...... ~KK in BC~

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~KK in BC~

Oh wow, that was just like the idea going on in my head only without any darks just shades of light and white! ~KK in BC~

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~KK in BC~

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