OT - Weather

We have THUNDER and LIGHTNING with our snow and sleet currently here in central NJ! Now, I've lived up and down the east coast - Mass. to Md. and have seen some pretty violent storms. But I must say in my 55 years that I have NEVER seen/heard thunder/lightning during a snow storm!

We got about 6 inches of snow this morning which was a treat driving in -- not! We'er supposed to get another 6-10 inches of snow between now and midnight tonight. DH is currently on a fire truck at a motor vehicle accident - at least that was the last I heard. Roads are extremely icy. Fortunately we're only a block away from the firehouse so he won't have far to travel for what I am sure is going to be a busy night for them and the ambulance folks. Just heard another fire call for an appliance in someone's home. Wonder if that was brought on by the lightning. It's a good thing dinner is going to take an hour to cook and I just put it in the oven.

Ugly isn't coming anywhere close to describing things here at the moment. Keep warm everyone!

Kim in NJ

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It's been nasty up here in the western suburbs of Philadelphia too. We had thunder with the snow around dinner time. I'm glad the temperature dropped again and turned the precipitation back to snow. Our forecast had been for icy rain and sleet overnight. The roads would have been impassable in the morning. Now the forecast is for tomorrow to be clear but another chance of snow coming in on Friday. Aaack!


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By 5:30 this AM we have about 18 inches of snow that fell by the end of the storm last night. DH had to call for a ride to work as we can't get out of the driveway. He had to shovel the end of the sidewalk so he could climb over the mound there just to get out. I'm watching our friend across the street try to plow the parking lot there and his truck won't plow the amount of heavy snow that's there. The branches on our pine tree in the back yard are down to the ground and you can normally walk under them. I suspect we'll have some power outages today once the forecasted wind picks up. I tried to take some photos out of our back, second floor deck but I can't open the screen door to get out. The poor dog wouldn't even walk across our lower deck. Fortunately part of our lower deck is covered and she could get to the back yard but she came in with her belly covered in snow - and she's a big girl - 80 lb. lab! I'm watching our friend now use his backhow to move snow out of the parking lot across the street! I think I might be officially snowed in today!

Kim in snow covered NJ

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I don't think we are up to 18 but we have a good 12. My DH is out snow blowing the driveway so the heating co. truck can get down when it gets here. It was supposed to be at 8 but just got a call that it will be more like 10. I have an aging black lab and she made one quick trip this morning to earn her morning biscuit.


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I'm hoping some kind soul will come with their snowblower this AM. Both of my BIL's have access to plows and usually do the driveway. One also has a snowblower. DH just sold his last month - what was he thinking! - and will normally use BIL's unless someone gets here earlier. He's busy digging out the school where he works.

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I cannot top these reports.

We will be mid-70s today with strong winds. Before you get all excited, it is causing a lot of people to have allergy issues, plus drying out our hills, and power outages. While we have had more than our normal season rainfall total already [due to big storms late Dec/ early Jan], we are looking at severe fire hazard soon. I think there must be a happy medium somewhere in all this....

G> >

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Ginger in CA

We will be mid-70s today with strong winds. Before you get all excited, it is causing a lot of people to have allergy issues, plus drying out our hills, and power outages. While we have had more than our normal season rainfall total already [due to big storms late Dec/ early Jan], we are looking at severe fire hazard soon. I think there must be a happy medium somewhere in all this....

G> >

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Good Lord! Poor Kim! I can't even begin to visualise what it must be like. No ballooning hey. One day we should visit mid winter but then again, the last thing you'd want is visitors who can't go home coz of the snow! Do take some pix, would love to see your yard.

Cheers Bronnie in hot Queensland (flooding rains have gone away).

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Bronnie, so glad to hear your flooding has subsided. Visit anytime - snow or not. Spent about 1.5 hours yesterday shovelling out the end of the driveway. Fortunately our friend came by with his backhoe early in the AM and got the 4.5 foot piles from the end of the sidewalk and driveway so I didn't have to do that by hand. Managed to get my car out of the drive with no problem but had to have BIL push the balloon van with his tractor so I could move that so he could finish clearing the rest of the driveway for me. We're about out of room to put any more snow. The front yard is under about 3.5 feet of frozen snow now. Supposed to get more flurries today and tomorrow and local weather folks are talking about the possibility of more 'significant' snow next week. Can't wait! I'll take some more photos today and get them up over the next couple of days. We have Flat Stanley visiting right now so we'll be out and about this weekend with him doing lots of photos as well. Should be fun and interesting.

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