Re: OT - PDA's

By all means, take it with! Another hint, if you have an alarm feature for appointments and such, turn it off unless absolutely necessary, it's a real battery burner. Ask me how I know.

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Woo hoo!!! Have a ton of fun with the new toy! :)

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Kathy Applebaum

Finally had to jump in here as the original topic made me grin...I can remember when PDA stood for Public Display of Affection, which could get you detention in my high scool!

As a stay at home mom, who doesn't stay at home very much, DH got me a cell phone to have at all times. It is *not* on at all times, but it is on when I am driving, with the headset plugged in. I do *not* make meaningless calls while driving, and I try to pull over if a call comes in. I keep it on in case something happens while DS AND I are in the car and I need to call for help.

I do *not* have it on in restaurants ever, and only once have I had it on in a theater (we were in the back row and there were very few people at the show) - it was the first time my mother babysat my son, and she asked that we keep it on if there were troubles, which apparently there were .

I think that people who have their cell phones permanently attached to their heads get everything they deserve, particularly those that cause accidents while driving and running their mouths.


Sarah Curry wrote:

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At least take the manual! Of course then you'll wish you had taken it to try something out.

Elena the reader geek. lol

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It's getting it's battery charged as I write. I've read quickly through the manual that came with, now I gotta read the manual that comes on the CD.

I think I'll probably take it along. However, when we get on the windy dirt road, it will be too bumpy to do much of anything but just hang on! At least we'll have a bed, cuz we're pulling our 5th wheel. At first we were going to stay in DH's sisters's cabin. But, every time we talked to any of the family someone else was planning to be there. We finally decided to take our bed with us! Sleeping on the floor didn't sound like too much fun!

Thanks for all the ideas, suggestions, etc. Now I know who to ask if I need anything! The next thing is which of the jillions of software applications out there do I want? I've already copied all your ng messages about the software you all have.

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Donna in Idaho

One or two of you have asked for the WW Journal program for the Palm. Apparently it is no longer available on the web. If anyone would like this program, please email me offline and I will send it to you. It includes a point calculator.

I did download the Handy Shopper, now I just have to learn how to use it. Any other good ones folks would like to recommend or share?


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Hear, Hear! I am amazed at the number of women I see driving an SUV with one hand, talking on the phone, and carrying a load of kids in the rear! What are you thinking???

Then, just to completely get carried away...who are those people talking to on the bus at 7:30 in the a.m. on their cell phones??? And how important are these 20 year old students who have a HEADSET for crying out loud, and talk, talk, talk, as they walk between classes. Who are they talking to?? Why? Why???

Apparently some restaurants have banned cell phones. Fine by me!

Off my soapbox now.


Lynne in Toronto

Sarah Curry wrote:

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Lynne in Toronto

When cel phones were not so numerous, my husband had one for his job. It would ring when we were on line at the grocery store. I turned to the lady behind me and said, "It must be the President". Who else would call? I always got a smile from that.

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I love HandyShopper, Alice. I use it for shopping, books I want to read, packing -- anything that needs a list of some sort.

I also use and love Datebk5, which has more functionality than the built-in datebook program. BTW, both of these programs have what I consider to be the most responsive and cooperative of developers!

Another freebie that works really well is McPhling, which allows you to quickly change from one app to another, and I've been using SplashPhoto (not free) for a couple of years now for my photos. TealAuto (also not free) is great for keeping track of your auto's fuel and maintenance. HTH.

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Sandy Foster

The headsets are to keep the radio waves from frying all the brain cells :-) Roberta in D

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Roberta Zollner

I know several 20-somethings that have no brain cells to spare! ROFLOL (Good thing *I* was never a dippy teenager! *grin*)

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Kathy Applebaum

A perfect example of how some of us are controlled by cell phones. My husband is a paramedic and attends many accidents scenes where the injured people involved are madly talking away on the phones. One time his partner was trying to strap a patient down to the bed at the scene and the patient wouldn't quit talking on the cell phone. He asked him to hang up - he then told him to hang up and when the patient refused to quit talking he calmly proceeded to strap his head down complete with cell-phone clutched to his ear. Go figure.

-- mslibra

formatting link

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For the record I don't use my cell phone in restaurants, shops, while driving, and it makes me nuts to listen to half an inane conversation.

I do use my cellphone often when walking from work to class and from class to work, sometimes when I'm walking home, etc.

I work full time and attend classes at night. Most of my friends and family live two time zones away from me. I will admit right now that I'm lonely. I try to keep in touch with everyone to keep from going insane. By the time I'm done working at night I'm just too tired to talk to anyone so I try to steal social time when I can. Kinda like popping into a newsgroup between meetings.


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Charlotte Henson

LOL! That is too funny! I am amazed that people don't realize that they're shouting about such personal things. I wonder if the man read the insert that came with his phone about the dangers of cell phone radiation causing brain tumors?

Poor man.

And you're right, I'm pretty dull on the phone. "no mom, I've just been working" - not very interesting. I haven't even been sewing because my new machine is broken and I haven't had time to take it in. Waaah.


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Charlotte Henson

There was a man at the grocery store this afternoon asking the pineapples if they had recieved the memo about the new deadline for his widget project. At least, that's what I thought until I noticed the cell phone headset.

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but just look at ya now, Kathy. snorfle jeanne* The headsets are to keep the radio waves from frying all the brain cells | :-) | > Roberta in D

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My Mom (stepmom) would definitley agree with you! Her favorite thing to say about herself is that all you need to do is put her in a corner with a pair of

Dad first told me she was the original "earth mother", I keep telling her she is so goofy she fits better into our family than my Mother ever my family you've got to be silly or everyone else knows your weakness


Kathy Applebaum wrote:

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Lynne >

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Lynne in Toronto

Beverage warning, please! :)

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Kathy Applebaum


Kathy Applebaum wrote:

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