Spiders NOT ot

Was busy making a hug square and digging thru my bag of goods when YIKES two count em TWO bigger then huge ugly long- legged brown spiders were inside one of my stash bag.

Not to worry. They're long gone and everyone can sleep in peace tonight.....but winter is coming and it's time to get out the bug getter stuff and put it around my home.

Donna in WA

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Um, not that pirates are scared of spiders or anything, but you can take me off your squishie list. (shaking off the heebie jeebies and calling it a pirate's jig)

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Gotta love those giant house spiders, don't ya? I get them all the time.

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Oh no you don't gotta love 'em.

I was visiting a neighbor's dog the other night. The neighbor is undergoing chemo so I am playing with her 5 month old Aussie Shepard puppy whenever I can.

I walking back to my house and my husband pulls this HUGE spider off of my shoulder. As a friend of ours that was over put it. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO SHOW IT TO ME!

YIKES. Need to get the Clarke guy back out pronto.

Another Jenn - in CA

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Ahhhhhh can I come over and play with the puppy????

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I always hang a clean uniform over my bicycle, so that I can't forget in the morning. Well a spider tumbled out the other day, when I was folding it for work. A day later, an earwig fell out. I know that autumn is on the way....

-- Jo in Scotland

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Johanna Gibson

Its September - Spider month - and Paul has already removed 2.5 from the bedroom...

half? I hear you ask?

Well, the d@mn thing lept out of the tissue as he tried to squidge it, and it fell on the floor and ran for it - the next day we found a similar one in the lounge - but cannot be sure it was the same one!

Suzie B (major arachnophobe - ask Donna D!)

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Paul & Suzie Beckwith

isn't it amazing that as women we can handle childbirth and poopy diapers and spit up and mouldy whatzits in the fridge and unknown substances on shoes and floors but one itty bitty teeny little spider and we freak and run and scream our fool heads off? What's up with that?????????

~KK in BC~ who has an adamant HATE for itty bitty crawly things........and this from a person who once "fished" in the toilet bowl when it wouldn't flush for some odd unknown reason which turned out to be a rubber ducky.....

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~KK in BC~

Angina or no angina I would beat you getting out of the room. Shivering and hair standing on end at the thought of them. I keep a can of hairspray here in my workroom. A spray of that slows them down until they can be got rid of and they cannot disappear round or behind the cabinets. Shirley

In message , Paul & Suzie Beckwith writes

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Shirley Shone

Ok... I wasn't going to tell this, but we all need a good laugh.... yes, I'm terrified of spiders... even my 3 year old daughter knows just yelling spider will make me jump.... so last night my husband went out and started the grill and came back in for a hug, and he had a spider on his ... uhm.... groin area.... so I just start pointing and screaming.... and he's like honey...we've been married 11 years... what's up.... I finally get the word spider out... lol..... I don't know what the reprecussions for all that will be ;-)

Jan... aka Dirty Jane... buttscar???

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Thanks for the best laugh I've had all week! A huge spider was crawling across the floor in the staff dining room..... I mentioned this to the lassie working there, so she wouldn't get scared by it later. She didn't believe me. I took the ketchup and sat down to enjoy my chicken sandwich. The spider came running out from under a table, straight for her... oh the joys of work. I thought some bloke would step on it or throw it outside, but I think it ran under the drinks machine. It's probably breeding now.

-- Jo in Scotland

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Johanna Gibson

omg, not the rubber ducky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Don't get me wrong - I don't love spiders. They give me the creeps. But I don't usually kill them - just sweep them out the door.

If you got'em in your house it's a sign your house is dry and "comfortable". And think of the bugs and other crawlies they eat. I even had a couple in my last house - those big brown house spiders - that became kinda pets. We had an understanding - if they stayed above the picture rails (very high ceilings in the house) I didn't evict them. They were around for ages.

I live in an area infested with red backs, white tails and funnel webs - all dangerous. I reserve the right to kill those ones if they are inside the house. And I unhesitatingly squashed the really big ones we got in the tropics - 7-8" and hairy!! YUK!! (Although apparently not dangerous to humans I just couldn't overcome my creeps for them)

BTW Did you know that the bite of a funnel web spider (sometimes fatal to very young/old humans) has no effect on cats? Different metabolism apparently. I used to panic to see my cats "playing" with them in the Blue Mountains and the vet said not to worry.

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Hey!! I saved him!!! He lived!! He was never quite the same though....... and for some reason the kids refused to have him in the bath with them anymore..... and when asked about the weird looking darkish mark on the top of his head I always answered with......... no comment.

~KK in BC~ who kept the damn duck to remind the brats to never let him swim in the potty again....

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~KK in BC~

Poopy diapers don't bite.


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the black rose

I've noticed the same thing here...the weather is changing and the buggers are coming indoors! To make matters worse, we are surrounded on four sides by woods. Sigh....I *hate* spiders....


-------------- You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.=20

--Mae West=20


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Hey! These were not your normal ordinary run of the mill spiders. These suckers were HUGE! I did NOT freak and run. I shivered, swallowed whatever and grapped some paper out of my garbage can and got em! Got em good.

Donna in WA

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nope, too slippery, eh. jeanne

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ok ok, calm down already. sounds like u are still affected by this. take a tot of rum and call us in the morning. getting closer and closer to pirates day, lol. jeanne

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ya do what works, eh, but ewwwwwwww, nasty nasty nasty. who you calling a damn duck? reckon its the kids should use that adjective. :) ok, at least in my house when those things happened. jeanne Hey!! I saved him!!! He lived!! He was never quite the same though.......

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