
One of the parts I least like when quiltmaking is measuring and putting on those last borders. It gets rather unwieldy and it's hard to accurately measure to cut the border pieces. I'm working on my own personal quilt from H*** right now. It's a pineapple that resulted in several sizes of blocks all from the same pattern. Ugh! Some of it will "quilt out" but there are several places with a tuck and the little bubbles from major easing that are just going to be a part of this project forever. I'm not doing it over. Now my dilemma is where to take it to be quilted. I'm not sure I want any local quilters looking very closely at this stinker. My reputation will be ruined......snicker snicker. tongue in cheek.... I should have the last border on tomorrow....I'll take a picture. But for now, you can see some of the blocks here....

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There is an inkling of trouble in River City on the bottom row, the first two blocks from the left. They appear to match at the top, but not the bottom. The colors are fun though, aren't they?I am usually a good piecer. If I ever do another pineapple, I will paper piece it. OH...another thing. Does anyone have any good pictures or quilting suggestions for a pineapple? I'd like a way to emphasize the circles and be whimsical too. Thanks everyone.

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That quilt is really pretty colors and looks good from here. Years ago I had to put a log cabin together from blocks all made by different people. I ended up sorting by size since they were all different. That worked out as good as it could be. MAybe something over all would help to ease in the bad spots? A good MQ'er should know what works best for them to get the best result for you. I would hate to see your reputation ruined. LOl I feel your pain on the borders. Today I had to rip out a whole long one on a quilt top I was finishing up. Mitered corners but I managed to cut the end at 60 instead of 45 degree angle. Luckily the other end was still untrimmed. Still a lot of ripping though. I am curious to see what folks think about your quilting choice. TAria

KJ wrote:

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Happy, HAPPY dancing for you. To all of you who have survived tedium, I'm proud of you. Polly

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Polly Esther

YES, your colors are gorgeous. Just looking at them made me feel good (after a pretty dreary day-it was like spring!) I'm no critic, but I think it looks great. I've also had stinkers that I was tempted to tell the quilter that they were made by a "friend." Yours looks like something I'd be pretty proud of though. Sometimes I stop and think "How does it look from a galloping horse?" / And the answer is, it looks just fine!


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Yeah, I know this would probably pass the galloping horse test. But it would have to be a Kentucky Derby entrant. Thank you for your kind words. :-)

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Looks great from 5000 miles away Kathyl. And I'm sure I would love it up close and personal too! Adore the color palette. Bronnie

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I remember falling in love with those colours when you started. It is like bluebells and snowdrops - beautiful.

I do agree with your future plans - I would never even do the simplest log cabin now other than on a foundation; just takes all the 'worry' away.

Unusually for me, I could see a possible quilting pattern straight away! I don't about whimsy - I don't think I have a whimsical bump? However, for what it's worth:

Taking what you said about circles, look at the 'green and pale' as a full circles, and the blue part like a square with inward-curving sides. So you could do a surrounding circle + spirals on the green sections, moving continuously to graded half moons on the blue sections - the direction of these would be changed at the centre of the blue piece, then moving out to the next green section with the full circle and spirals again. It could be made continuous by using doubled spirals i.e. getting to the centre then coming back to the outside again. I have done loads of those just lately!!

Good luck with getting the border on today. It's going to be beautiful. . In message , KJ writes

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Thanks Pat. I've saved your suggestions and since I haven't cleared my head yet this morning, I will print them out and see what I can visualize when standing in front fo the quilt. Thanks again.

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Kathyl, I love your colors! I hope the tucks and bubbles will go away for you -- have you tried steaming them? The pineapple quilt I made some years ago is here: . I quilted two sizes of pineapples into it -- lack of imagination ruling there. ;)

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I don't know. I do love the circle theme to it. We'll see.

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Omigosh, that IS BEAUTIFUL, KJ!

Since you are the quilt's creator you see all of its flaws, but believe me, everyone is going to be so busy looking at the beautiful design and colors, no one is going to notice a couple of puckers and bubbles.

I love it!

Michelle > One of the parts I least like when quiltmaking is measuring and putting on

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Michelle C

If anyone busts your chops about it, just tell them you are trying a new artistic style. That is what I do.

Brian Christiansen

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Brian Christiansen

LOL! Or I could just play dumb and let her think her bifocals are bad.

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