Too beautiful to cut

You've talked here before about fabric you just could not cut. I believed you but hadn't come across one myself. Well, somehow it happened to me. It's a magnificent deep sea scene with very real turtles and bright fish. Oh my. So pretty. I couldn't bear to even fussy cut. Scissors in hand, I chose an area with nearly no repeats and cut a 29" square. I bordered the square until it was a good size for a baby quilt. The only problem was not using too many borders - so many fabrics looked wonderful. Quilting the border was easy enough but I didn't want to invade any of the sea critters with stitching. It took a long, long time but I echo quilted around all of the turtles and fish. The result? It is gorgeous! Just gorgeous. The next time you see a fabric too pretty to cut, let it follow you home. Some little fellow's going to enjoy this one. Polly

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Polly Esther
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My sweetheart of more than 50 years is a man of few words. "That's pretty," is about as far as flattery goes. I've often wondered if I could raise our home two levels and turn it to face east and he'd only say "hmmmm". For this one, he said "That's pretty enough to just hang on the wall". Scary, huh? Polly

"Sherry Starr" > It sounds beautiful. I bought a yard of fabric from a speaker giving the

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Polly Esther

Well, no. I can't do pictures yet. However, there were heaps of tv commercials before Christmas for a digital camera for preschoolers. They ought to get to my level soon. Polly

"Ann" wrote> Sounds just so cute. And quick and easy Polly

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Polly Esther

It sounds beautiful. I bought a yard of fabric from a speaker giving the program at our guild a few years ago. She hand dyes all her fabric, and they were all beautiful. This is a soft peach going to a soft yellow to a slightly deeper peach and yellow. I bought it with great intentions that it would make a beautiful sunrise or sunset on a desert scene or a mountain scene I had planned out in my head. I can't make myself cut it. I also think what I paid for it, and then I really don't want to make a wrong cut. I really need to get that done. It has been calling my name lately.

Sherry Starr

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Sherry Starr

I can just picture you, aranging the fabric this way and that, agonizing over where to cut :)

It sounds lovely, wish we could see.

Turtles are one of my favorite critters - my pet of choice when I as a kid. I still like them. In fact, living near a creek as we do, we often have turtles in the lawn. Two years ago, one large gal laid eggs in my garden...took her an entire day. Turtles take their time.


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You are cruel! Talking and not posting a picture is pure agony. You must get a cheepo campera and get some pictures up of your stuff. I want to see this one before you send it away. Do you have a friend with a campera?

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Boca Jan

Polly, do you have a scanner? If so, you can scan pictures and post them that way. We don't have a digital camera, so I scan all mine. Gen

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A similar predicament: fabric I just had to have but didn't have a way to make into a quilt.

I have several lovely pieces that called to me; and I wanted to use them in something so that I could see them more often than I do when they are in my stash. So I am featuring a piece of each on the back of my latest quilt for me. The top is mainly blue and green. The back will be mainly blue, but across the middle I have put a sample of four "sexy" novelties: hula dancers, Mustang cars amongst hibiscus, romance novels, and bare torso construction workers. I finished putting together the mid-section yesterday and hope to add the blue tonight, so I will get pictures up in a day or two.

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Polly, I think I know the material of which you speak!! I was eying it up on-line because we just returned from the Galapagos Islands, and snorkelling with the marine turtles. It just looked like what we saw. I thought I really should get that material to make a memory quilt of our trip. Your description Polly is delicious, I would love to see the finished product.

Woody's Girl

It sounds lovely, wish we could see.

Turtles are one of my favorite critters - my pet of choice when I as a kid. I still like them. In fact, living near a creek as we do, we often have turtles in the lawn. Two years ago, one large gal laid eggs in my garden...took her an entire day. Turtles take their time.


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woodys girl

Well, at least he *talks* to you when he likes something :-). My DH (together a mere 35 years now) just grunts when something is to his liking. If he gets really excited, he raises his eyebrows when he grunts -- and this is a man with an aerospace engineering degree! If I really push him for an opinion on one of my quilts, I *might* get "Yeah, that's nice" but it's like pulling hens teeth, to say the least -- LOLOL! He is right there to take photos for me or help in any way (usually by switching the loads of quilt fabric from washer to dryer) and he would just as soon have me working on a quilt project instead of cooking or cleaning. He'll do all of that other stuff so that I can "listen" to my creative quilting muse. Just don't ask him to actually

*say* anything about what I am working on -- other than an appreciative grunt or two :-)! CiaoMeow >^;;^<

PAX, Tia Mary >^;;^< (RCTQ Queen of Kitties) Angels can't show their wings on earth but nothing was ever said about their whiskers! Visit my Photo albums at

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Tia Mary

Well, I did at least want to show you this deep sea fabric but didn't find it on a search. It is OceanView Wyland for MMFab says the selvedge. I don't remember ordering it online and seem to remember that it may have just hopped in my buggy at Hobby Lobby. Polly

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Polly Esther

My guild is teaching a class on this very subject!

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Melissa in NJ

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Melissa in NJ

Found it on Ebay through a search. Item #330096636081 if anyone wants a peek. Those fabrics hopping in the cart is how a lot of fabric gets here too! Taria

Polly Esther wrote:

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Being a new quilter, I think this is why I do a lot of wall hangings and then I don't have to cut the fabric. Most fabric I come across is too beautiful to cut.

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That surely sounds gorgeous, Polly! I wish we could see it. :)

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Is this it??

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nana wilson

I never thought I'd see the day when you couldn't cut fabric..... but the quilt sounds adorable!

Patti in Seattle

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Patti S

Those are members of the family but mine has turtles as well as fish. I'm going to try really hard not to go back to Craft Connection and buy any others. They surely were calling to me but the stash runneth over. Polly

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Polly Esther

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