
Miz Polly asked what the latest is so I'm gonna share now that we have answers.

Last week, DS 'popped' his knee to the point that we were expecting major surgery. At this point in time, it's wait and see...including beginning PT for the next week...then back to the Dr. IN the MEANTIME...we wait on him hand and foot..he is literally chairbound for another week...and can use crutches to get to/from the chair. Haven't got any idea how long this will take. Dr hasn't totally ruled out surgery either. Haven't had much time to do more than scan the posts.

Butterfly (ready to cry "Uncle")

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Glad you've reported in, B'fly. Having a husband needing to be waited on hand and foot is okay unless they get cranky too. Have any of the med people suggested heat or ice for the knee? Polly

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Polly Esther

Tis the kidlet, not the hubby this time. Hubby had both knees replaced a few years back. They better NOT pop or we ARE in really deep trouble.

Anyhow.....it's gonna be a long 6 weeks for him. At least, it isn't one of those heavy heavy plaster casts like they use to use.

Butterfly (ready for bed and it isn't even bedtime yet)

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