Catch Up Challenge Update

I caught up the last 2 days and surpassed my goal. Chatty Cathy and my cousin June suddenly reminded me I needed to make an Alphabet album for my cousin who's having a baby in July. Her baby shower is May 6th! I bought the album in February with plenty of time to get it done. I got the phone call asking if I had RSVPed and I had. So, I called back to say yes I was coming and thought "Oh crap! I need to get that album done." So, I took a couple deep breaths and said, "I can do it!" I've done several of these and I don't feel the need to vary from what's already worked. I have to admit though they are SO cute every time I do one. I do have to do the lettering on the title page and attach the verbiage for the "how much does it cost to raise a child" to the "X" page for "eXpensive" and I'm done. I'm having trouble with the title page "My ABC album" sounds too boring. "Baby Brag Book" caught my ear with the B's, but isn't it "Mommy's Brag Book?" Then thought I'd put "Welcome Baby Smith" since they haven't shared the baby's first name. Oh I don't know any votes out there or ideas?

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King's Crown
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If you are using blocks on the front, how about "Building a Family" or something similar. or the old well used one "Our Baby" Welcome Baby Smith sounds too impersonal to me, but that's just me.


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I agree with you Sandy "Welcome Baby Smith" (that is their last name) just didn't sound right to me either. I do like your other two suggestions thanks!


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King's Crown

WTG Lynne....I have a picture in my mind of you rushing around the craft room, cutting cardstock/paper expertly with one hand , while holding a smoking tape roller in the other LOL.


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Congrats on getting so much accomplished! YAY!! (We won't discuss mine. LOL) I have to ask...what was the final decision on the baby album?

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Deb in AR

"Building A Family" Since my cousin already has a 10 year old I thought maybe the title might make her feel more a part of the whole "new baby" thing. Plus I have an adorable baby block font to use. I'll post pictures soon.


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King's Crown

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