How is everyone??

Forgive me for not posting as much as I would like but we (my family) has been sick on and off for the past month. Although, I check the newsgroup several times a day I never seem to find time to scrap or post. I am recovering from Bronchitis, my son the same, my daughter just came down with 102 fever. Now my Mom has a cough and my husband just got done with his bout of coughing. For all the Birthdays missed (happy belated), Welcome to all the newbie's, etc.... God Bless, Dorothy in NY

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Sorry to hear about the sickness. We all have it too. I think ours is a weird stomache flu. But there has been a spell of MONO (believe it or not) floating around British Columbia lately - so I am praying that we avoid that one.

Hope you all get better soon.


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Dorothy I hope everyone is on the mend and you get the time so be creative soon! Take care of yourself and everyone.

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My brother who lives in Chesapeake, VA said that his daughter has Mono. She's been down several weeks. I hope it stays there! I hear that's not so fun.

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Nice to see you again Dorothy. Hope everyone gets to feeling well soon!


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Glad to hear you're all on the mend. Sounds like my November. The pits when everyone gets sick. Hope to see more of you.

Hugs, Lynne

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King's Crown

I hope everyone's starting to feel better today, Dorothy. I've had my full share of sickies running around my house lately, too. I was sick around my b-day. Then DS came down with strep, missing a whole week of school. Being the loving, sharing, little brother he is, he passed it on to DD. Thankfully, hers hit closer to the weekend, so she only missed 1 or 2 days of school. Then DH started feeling puny. The man, who in the almost 10 years we've been married, has been sick enough to go to the doctor all of 2 times. Number 2 was last week! LOL Slight sinus infection for him. He's still congested, but at least he's feeling better. And to top it all off....DS is sick again! He's been home all week!! Poor guy, ran a fever Mon. & Tues. I had to keep him home yesterday due to a fever Tues. afternoon. Then he woke up crying this morning, said his ear hurt. AHA! One visit to the doctor today, and lo and behold...a doozy of an ear infection. So he gets to miss school tomorrow, too so he can be on an antibiotic for 24 hours before gonig back to school. Sheesh!! Who said everyone could get sick back to back like this? I'm ready for everyone to go to school and work so I can have some quiet during the day. LOL

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Deb in AR

Dorothy I hope everyone in your family gets well soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Sorry to hear you've been under the weather. Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon. Sandy

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