how much is a cm taperunner new?

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Sorry I'm no help, but I just went to the web site to see if I could help and did I read right.... clear photo splits?!


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King's Crown

Tape runner 6.75 refill 4.75 Mini tape runner 5.75 refill 3.75 Photo Splits $7.00

HTH Tina

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T. L. Pope-Green

Thanks for the heads up. I kind of figured what you're saying would be the case, but didn't know for sure. Do you have some and can you see it behind vellum? I haven't found anything that adheres vellum without showing through enough that I don't like it.

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King's Crown

I use vellum tape, I believe it is by Scotch.

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I have heard however that they still show behind vellum. I like the photo splits just the way they are! There is vellum tape by scotch that I have heard works very well but I have yet to try it.


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Hannah Morley

I wish they cost that much! hehe those are obviously U.S. prices :) Us Canadians pay twice that :P

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Hannah Morley

I have the vellum spray and it took some getting used to..and lots of practice (and a permanently tarnished varnish on my table) to figure it out...but if you hold up the vellum and spray on it that way (i usually do this in the doorway pointing outside) i get sufficient coverage and no 'spots' showing thru when i adhere.

Regards, Betsey

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Betsey Terry


I haven't used it myself, but have heard that it is good...just not "completely invisible". I use the Scotch Vellum Tape and have also used the spray (can't remember the name). I read ahead and now can't remember who was commenting about the spray, but thought I would share my "technique". I get a plastic bag (like the kind you get at Wal*Mart or something like that) and put the item in the bag then put my hand in the bag (holding the spray) and use my other hand to hold the bag around my wrist then I spray...wait a few seconds for everything to "settle", open the bag and take out my vellum. It works GREAT. The bag gets thrown out after that and I get a new one for the next time.


Reply to
Cecelia Medbery

I've got some of that, but the thought of the tarnished varnished table stops me. And it seems like a pain to stop go outside and spray for a strip here and there, but I'm going to get it out. I've had a bottle for probably

2 years and have never used it. I'm going to do it!! Thanks for spurring me on Betsey!



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King's Crown

Wow Cecelia that sounds like a great idea. Like I said to Betsey I'm getting the spray out and trying... today... with your bag idea.

Reply to
King's Crown

Hi and I don't know about the prices of stuff..but I do know that the xyron is a good adhesive for vellum and the mini dots as well. Good way to adhere is the tiny brads,too.

Hugs, Sabrina in Kentucky

a good friend is a life long treasure

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