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I love the diet.. its the first diet i've ever stayed on. Its the Atkins Diet and its online also at

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I can eat all the meat I want as well as eggs,tuna and veggies and salads. I can eat mayo and I love onions cooked in the pan with meat as well as squash. I eat that nearly everyday. For breakfast I'll eat a couple eggs with a some ham or bacon or fried bologna, for lunch I eat onions and squash fried together along with beef (stir fry type) and I will eat it again for dinner if i'm hungy. I change the meats I eat for dinner, chicken, pork chops etc..I also eat a salad at night or tuna with mayo and onions in a bowl. I eat cucumbers dipped in dressing for snacks also. I even made egg salad. Theres lots of variations. I could add more to the plan but right now i'm wanting to lose it faster so I can stay on the induction part for up to 6 months. I take a vitamin and drink 4 16oz bottles of spring water every day. I also can drink crystal light or minute maid light juices. I have to stay at 20 grams of carbs a day for now by choice though. I could add to it but choose not to. Wanna lose some more weight! lol.. Anyway thats the diet for me in a nutshell. There are other things to eat but those are the things I like. I eat when Im' hungry..however since I gave up sugar,flour and caffiene I don't have food cravings. This from a former chocoholic.. I love the diet and its going along pretty good.


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165 pages in 2004

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Wow, that's great. I've been trying to diet off and on forever. I'll look a couple then gain 5. On of these days I will try the atkins. I just love potatoes and bread and pasta. I don't think I could go without.

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