OT: Computer down again

Hello all. I have been gone again as my computer crashed, AGAIN!! DH has worked on it for 2 days and today is the 3rd. I have lost many of my programs, but they can be reinstalled. I did not back up my Outlook anytime recently so I've lost a number of contact. I don't know how many files I've lost. The good thing is I didn't lose my digital pictures, which I was in the process of backing up as I had just down loaded a number of pictures from the Military Ball we attended Saturday. I was very happy about that!

Anyway I don't know when I'll be back up and running. I can access from work but that is hit and miss. Depending on if someone else is on computer or how many runs we have. I'll be back when I can. Hugs to all!

Kenda (really disliking computers right now! LOL )

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Didn't you just resurrect that computer a couple weeks ago? I told you, be nice to it! LOL Here's hoping it behaves itself this time.

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Deb in AR

Oh GOODY!!! That is one less thrown object I have to avoid!! LOL!

(darn! forgot about MC and Deb TELLING on me!!)

Anyways, sounds like SOMEONE needs to invest in a new Dell wit 3 year COMPLETE coverage!!

80 for 06 1 card

OKC Dave

Check out my pix and crafts!

formatting link

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OKC Dave

What a pain in the butt... hope you get your puter probs sorted soon so you can be back in full swing!!! luv Cec...xxx

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