OT: Getting there

We have had a VERY stressful time lately. I didn't want to go into things the other day as I was feeling quite low and emotional about the whole ordeal... We went into Court on monday morning, regarding the fostering issue. Anyway, to cut a long story short, the magistrate granted interim orders for Tim to stay in our care until the the Final Orders are put in place (going to Hearing, probably in a few months time), there is another Mention in march, where the magistrate wants an update from all parties concerned. (DH and I have to go to court again next monday as the department wants to vary the orders that were made last week. (it's so confusing at the moment, I have to wonder what we've gotten ourselves into).

This has been a bad week, things with my sister (not em, the other one) have been really nasty. Today, though we seemed to make a little bit of progress (baby steps though). I'm hoping that we can sort things out between us, it will be best for all concerned, especially for Tim. I just want her to understand that I'm not against her, I just have Tim's best interests at heart... that means that I'm in agreeance with the department, and that is what she doesn't like.

Anyhow, I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone for all of your thoughts, prayers and well-wishes during this difficult time. I'm sorry, but I have marked most things as "read", there were so many new messages, I just don't have time to go through them all. Prayers offered for all who need them, WELCOME to any newbie's and thoughts being sent out to all.

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Cec...so glad to hear that things are a step further forward and a little less stressful now that another court decision has been made. It would appear that both the department and court are happy that T is in a stable environment...even if there is upsets occasionally caused by his Mum! You have to stay positive that everything will work out best for T!!!

Sadly, it sounds like there is unlikely to be any decision that will suit your sister.....who thinks that everyone is against her. The best you can hope is that in time she will learn to accept that 'everyone' is trying to do what is best for T. Right now she either can't or won't see that! Just you keep hanging in there and perhaps in time a lightbulb will come on...which will make her more cooperative! (((hugs)))

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Cec, {{{BIG HUGS}}} to you, DH and your nephew! I can imagine that all the legal stuff is stressful enough without having your sister so upset. You and DH (as well as the "system") are doing what's best for your nephew. In the long run the rewards will be worth it. He will be able to enter the world a healthy, happy, productive member of society and you'll be darn proud of him! And you'll know that you guys did the right thing. Keep your chin up girl!

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I'll continue keeping you all in my thought for what is best regarding Tim.

Teresa in MD

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