OT: Sick Chick

I am sorry if I haven't been around much. I've been sick and finally went to the Dr since it could no longer qua;ify as a cold. I have an acute sinus infection which if it worsens I've been told to go straight to the ER for. I've had sinus infections before, but they were all in one or the other of the lower cavities under the eyes. The x-ray shows that this one is in all the cavities and is worse in the higher sinus cavities. I guess it explains why I have no energy, get light headed and dizzy when I move around too much. It also explains the confusion and headache. Well ok maybe it doesn't explain the confusion. Plus my throat is terrible so I can's talk for more than a couple of minutes or I start hacking and coughing! Oh well hopefully this will get better in the next couple of days with the new antibiotic, flonaise and anti cough pills, and I won't have to go back to the doctor again or worse still the ER. I've managed t get some things in the mail but have been mostly housebound for more than a week. It's insane, I still have so much left to do before Christmas!!!

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I'm sorry you are feeling so bad M-C. I hope the new meds kick in and you feel better soon. Take it easy.

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Oh wow! You are sure having the devil of things since you have moved back down there shame on you!!

Hope you are feeling better and get back in the swing of it, but when did that stop you?



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MC - no fun!!! UGH! I hope you feel better soon...

If I may, as a sufferer of many sinus infections, (although NEVER one so sever) offer a couple suggestions for home remedies? I know they've helped me at least FEEL better many times. They sound odd - but they work!

1) Nettie pot - can uiually find them at health food stores. Its a small pot that you fill with saline (iodine free salt and lukewarm water) and then hold to one nostril, lean over the sink, and let it drain through the other nostril. It sounds awful, and feels like you got water in your nose while swimming, but afterwards, you'll feel so much better and cleaned out!

2) This is either easier or worse, depending on how you feel about vineagar. Drinking lots of water is always good anyway. If you add a small amount of Apple Cider Vineagar to it (I do 2 capfulls per 32 oz water bottle) and drink 64 oz in a day, within 24 hours you'll feel it loosen up, and start to drain. And, as an added benifit, it boosts metabolism and energy. Frankly, I like it. It's like adding lemon to your water.

No matter what - rest, and FEEL BETTER soon!


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Oh you poor thing. I do hope you get to feeling better soon. It's too close to Christmas to be sick. Take care of yourself and I will be thinking of you.

Hugs. Shannon

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Here's a big vat of cyberchicken soup for you, M-C! Take it easy and try not to overdo it! You don't want to be spending the holidays in the hospital! :*(

Prayers for quick healing and recovery so you can get done what you need to get done,

Carolyne in TX

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M-C you poor thing! What you are going through just sounds awful! I know sinus infections of any kind are bad. Take care of YOU and get better soon! ((hugs)) Linda

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Linda C

Oh M-C, I (ok we) hope you feel better. Sinus infections are not fun. Take it easy (fake it) and have Rick take good care of you.

xoxox Kate

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