OT Ten Signs You Might Be A Scrap Addict

Forwarding for a laugh:

Ten Signs You Might Be A Scrap Addict

  1. You're the only one at a social gathering yelling, "Just one more photo, folks; I don't have enough for a two-page spread!"

  1. Blue adhesive backings can be found in unusual places - school lunch bags, briefcases, pants pockets, the dog's water bowl.

  2. A regular sandwich is no longer acceptable - it must be cropped and cut with decorative edges.

  1. You try to claim your scrapping purchases as a medical expense because it's such good "therapy."

  2. You buy a new outfit because it matches that great paper you just got.

  1. Your child is the only one in agriculture class who thinks "crop" means to "cut your photos."

  2. You decide to give your child piano lessons so you'll be able to use your music themed papers and stickers.

  1. You redecorate your family room to coordinate with your photo album covers.

  2. Your three year old wants to know if her coloring book is "archival quality."

  1. You're in a fender bender and your first thought is, "I wonder what kit will coordinate with this event?"

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This is most special! I recognize myself all over the place. Like AA, it's nice to know I'm not alone. Yesterday I made my friend get our picture taken. She said, "We're both a mess. Let's wait." I told her, "No. I need this picture to finish a LO. She thinks I'm crazy and I'm beginning to wonder. I actually stopped the car in the middle of the street (no small feat--I live in the suburbs of Denver) so I could take a picture of fall colors.

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lmao i like these Donna :)

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Too funny. I especially identify with number to and there is a LO to prove that the first thing I thought of after my car got hit in March was grabbing the camera and snaping a picture. Thanks for sharing, Donna

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LOL I had to laugh about the blue adhesive papers...they are all over my house! I even have seen them on our sidewalk and in the car! LOL Those little buggers just get away no matter how carefully you dispose of them.

Hugs, Sabrina in Kentucky

a good friend is a life long treasure

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HA! Sabrina that was the one that made me chuckle too! Yes, I have the same problem no matter how neat a scrapper I am. My friends tease me, because I have a little trash bag/cup holder on the table at all times. Yet paper still seems to get all over. I sometimes feel like maybe I am the "Edward Scissorhands" of scrapbooking. Remember the scenes when he was cutting his creations, hair or leaves would be flying every where and when the dust settled you'd see his masterpiece! That's me paper flying every where and when the dust settles I have a scrapbook masterpiece. hehe

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King's Crown

I thought of you M-C when I read the one about car accidents. I remember you sharing the photos of your accident.

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King's Crown

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