OT rant, after action report

3 o'clock in the morning and just came back from recon patrol of the property. 30 raccoons peacefully eating their meal of dog food in the front yard till I opened the front door and then half of them ran up the trees. Dogs didn't bark. Greyhound doesn't count as nothing wakes him except when he falls out of bed. Wife still swears that she heard someone outside. I just swear, very quietly. In last 35 years how many times have I done this? Not a complete waste as I took a pee. Took me back a few years. Dark , cool, light rain, no sounds except the rain in the trees, perfect infantry weather as you can move quick and quiet. Now I will try and go back to sleep.
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Art Ransom
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Hi Art, An enjoyable OT, thanks. Racoons use their hands so well that you ought to train them to do the grunt work in your turning enteprises. If not, send them to S. Florida. They could probably repair hurricane damage better and more honest than the 'carpet baggers' that have descended on us. Not that all out of state workmen are bad, but certainly dog food wages are more reasonable than FEMA's excesses that set new highs. I don't know if raccoons would have any trouble getting licensed. Probably local agencies wouldn't notice any difference in the applicants, anyway. I know the inspectors wouldn't. Another C.O.C.'s rant? You betcha! :)

Turn to Safety, Arch Fortiter

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======================= Art, That takes me back 40+ years, to nights when we were huddled under ponchos, standing in 2 inches of frigid water, but inside the boots it's 4 inches deep. How did that happen, and why so often?? :-)

Ken Moon Webberville, TX

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Ken Moon

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