Away in a Manger

hi all Well the Turkey is well and truly stuffed and tin foil wrapped, the bacon rolls are done as are the tiny sausages.

the special dinner service and cutlery and glassware have all been through the dishwasher and is gleaming, the newly pressed napkins are now in their rings and sit ontop of the newly starched and pressed linen table cloth.

The light that glows into the crib, well both of them are now turned on, They were tried out, but not left on, I have two cribs one with ceramic figurines and one with glass figures, I hang a gold star from a fine thread from the ceiling down, and push a light through the backs of the home made cribs and these go on from Christmas Eve, and are turned off when all the decorations are put away for next year. I used to always leave the crib up, and replace the shepherds with the Kings, but kept forgetting just where the actual crib had been put to the year before, and one year had to buy another one, hence the two.

Table presents are wrapped ready for the 'feast' tomorrow. A plate on one of the little side tables has a mince pie and a carrot waiting for the arrival of Santa, now I can at last get on here and read the mailshots and relax a little but will be going to bed soon...

Goodnight for now, and Enjoy yourselves tomorrow although for some of you I know Santa may have already been.

Higz Cher x

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Sounds lovely, Cher. My house, OTOH, is still a right tip. Keith has been so miserable, and I have been so busy, that very little has gotten done here this fall. I am working my way through things, though, and should be ready for Christmas by Thursday. What??? Tomorrow??? Impossible!

Higs, Kather> hi all

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I meant to come back in last night before retiring, so didn't see your reply, well hopefully all is done now and you are well into the throes of cooking the turkey or whatever your preferred dish is for this big day, the day that we use to celebrate the birth of Christ, and give each other gifts as the wise men did all those years ago.

My wild birds have all been and visited our garden and Mr and Mrs Blackbird have been down for their grapes not greedy these birds but won't stop screeching at the kitchen window til they've had them.

The cat is asleep on a stool by the radiator which isn't on, in my workroom. The Westies have raced around with their new toys squeaking them, and eating one of their xmas treats. Dave is cooking the lunch, I do all the prep and he cooks it today. Edward is up in his room playing his new Playstation2 games and CD's all at once. Me ??? I'm trying to stay sane lol

Have a good day all

higz Cher

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Relish it Katherine. We are unseasonably quiet and tidy with Daniel not being here. I have had lots of pics of him opening his presents though and a tearful daughter on the phone. Thank heavens for technology eh?

I would do anything to have his mess today:))

O xx

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We are about to leave for Kandace's house, where we will have Christmas breakFast. Then home for a nap and some more tidying. It will get done eventually. Trying to stay sane? That sounds like a plan!

Higs, Kather> I meant to come back in last night before retiring, so didn't see your

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LOL Unfortunately, this is not a wee one's mess, but mine and Keith's. We are on our way to Kandace's in a minute, and we will see kiddie mess in an otherwise spotless house.

Higs, Katherine

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Awwwww well, you have had an extremely busy time recently:( It will get sorted in good time. Don't wreck yourself!!! You enjoy that family time:))

Huge great higs darling

O xxx

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Thank you, luvvie.

Higs, Katherine

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Sounds peaceful. Things are a bit active here. I am taking a quick break while there is momentary peace. DH had to sing in the choir at church this am so we told the boys (now men, of course) that unless they really needed to get up early to unwrap presents, they could sleep in and we would have a late brunch and presents when he gets back a little after eleven. Hope the sweet roll dough has risen by then - usually I make it the night before and get up in the early am to make up orange rolls. This year my daughter and grandkids couldn't make it across the country as my SIL is still recovering from surgery - so the boys were only too happy to sleep in.

Last night we had clam chowder, lefse, Swedish potato sausage and ham balls -- DS#1 said that was his kind of dinner - nothing green. I will get a salad in him later today, though. Maybe even a few green beans with his ham.

It has been quiet, soft weather here - sort of misty but no real rain and very little wind. It gets dark so early here this time of year that it is good for cozy times inside.

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ah well that is the key isn't it? So now it is gone six in the evening I've cat napped and am awake with the second turkey almost done, for my son to take home later...gosh what a carry on, the house absolutely stinks of roasting turkey...I've just the beef to prepare for him to roast now..

Just tried a teeny bit of the Christmas Cake yummie ... lol

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being an outdoor girl, I prefer the lighter nights where even if I don't walk the dogs across acre's of sun bleached fields I can at least sit out in the garden, I always feel shut in and trapped in the winter, weird person that I am. Also I have my autistic son home til 9th Jan, and so just popping up to the shop I am not able to do, especially if he won't come with me, so I feel more oh well it's not his fault..

hugz Cher

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"Stinks"???? That is not the word I would use to describe turkey.

Higs, Kather> ah well that is the key isn't it? So now it is gone six in the

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