checking IN, and checking OUT (for the night :D)

If anyone heard about the tornado's here in middle TN, we're OK. I was busy most of the day, working on Christy's domain and website. Kelley's NOT 'popped' yet. My eyes are killing me, I'm tired, and it's time for bed. G'night! Hugs, Noreen who didn't knit or crochet a darned thing today.

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Good morning, ya'll! Methinks I'll need to stay off the computer today... my eyes still hurt even after a night's sleep. (It's 8:27am CST -6 GMT, I've been "up" for two hours...) Hugs, Noreen

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On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:28:38 -0600, " YarnWright" spewed forth :

Only two hours? I was awakened at 0345 by horrendous noise to include screeching, spitting, and pounding on my (tempered) glass patio door. There's a new cat in the neighborhood and my two neutered male cats were taking great exception to his presence on their patio.

Never did get back to sleep. Today is going to be a loooooong day.


Reply to the list as I do not publish an email address to USENET. This practice has cut my spam by more than 95%. Of course, I did have to abandon a perfectly good email account...

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And that is my biggest b*tch about cats! I like them when they seem to have no vocal chords... or just very quiet ones that purrrrrr or mew softly, but the loud screeching and yowling that they sometimes carry on with (and

*always* in the dead of night) just makes me want to be standing nearby with a garden hose in hand to scare them the way they scare me when they let go with their loud noises.

However, although I'm sorry that your sleep was interrupted, I have to admit that I did find the humor in the image of your cats being so ticked off by the nerve of the new neighbourhood cat sitting on their patio. ;o)


- who would much rather be awaken by a dog barking (except Jack Russells who have that high-pitched yap)

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Hi Noreen,

Glad to hear you are all right as I saw some of the storms on the Weather Channel last night.

Gemini, The cats sound like a baby crying as around the time of full moon the strays in our neighborhood start carrying on during the night, then around six each morning we have two little black dogs that love to yap. I would much rather be waken with the sounds of the mouring doves and cardinals then the cats and dogs.



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Oh I'm with you... I would much rather be awaken by the sound of bird songs than cats or dogs anytime. I love summertime when the windows are open (especially the kitchen window with the lilac bush just outside of it where the birds perch and sing) and very early just as daylight is breaking the first sounds of bird song comes into the house very softly and sweetly. :o)

-- As for dogs barking... I don't really mind the bigger dogs with actual barks... it's the yippy ones that have high-pitched barks that feel like a nail being driven into your brain (especially if you already have a massive headache) when they start up. Last summer I had to shut my bedroom window, and the back door window a LOT to block out the sound of the neighbour's Jack Russell who yips and yaps ALL THE TIME. When their young German Shepherd barks (not often at all), it doesn't bother me in the least bit. They have a third dog too... a small dustmop type of dog (don't know what breed it is) that barks almost as much as the Jack Russell, but even that one I could handle as it has a muffled "riff" type of bark. What is really annoying about the neighbours (not even the dogs so much) is that they have their TV or radio on so loud in the house that even in the wintertime with windows shut you can hear it outside... so they don't even hear (or if they do, they choose to ignore) their dogs barking unless they happen to be outside with them... THEN they tell them to shut up. When our dogs are outside and start barking, we will give them a couple of barks to air out their lungs (they are dogs afterall and need to bark once in a while)... but if they keep on, we are at the door calling them back into the house.

Even our own Buffy (when she used to be outside more than she goes out now, and used to bark more)... her bark is very annoying to me. When she gets going she sounds like a seal barking.... thankfully she rarely barks anymore. Casper has a deeper more aggressive bark when he tells people and animals off for coming too close to HIS house.

In the house Casper barks in different tones and syllables for different meanings when he "talks" to us... three syllables "GO OUT-SIDE" or four syllables "MAT-THEW BAD BOY" (when he teases him by taking one of his toys) and telling Matthew to "GO LAY DOWN" which has a different sound than the "go out-side" bark.. even though they both have three syllables. He also plays a game with me where he will lay on my bed or the sofa with a toy... drop it (or push it off with his nose), look down at it on the floor and then bark (I used to say this to him when he was tiny all the time) two and then three syllables "OH NO... FALL DOWN TOY" and I have to pick it up for him to repeat until one of us gets tired of the game. hehehe Of course anyone from outside the house has no idea what he's saying, but Matthew and I know what Casper's barks mean. ;o)


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