Natural Dye recipes

Cheers I've sent you an email....hugs....Cher

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Well, at least if you did and found a kind that would produce color, it should happen fast. According to the reports, the color change in bright sunlight only takes a minute or two. They blow on the snail to dry it out a little to get fresh snail goop; I think I'd use a portable fan.

LOL. I learned to swim underwater before I could swim above water, and Mom said she used to track me at the lake by the bubbles. I spent most of my time doing - guess what - picking freshwater snails off the bottom! I just threw them back, though. Now I wonder whether they would have produced a dye.


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Richard Eney

I can imagine my neighbours looking on as if I'd gone completely barmy if I did

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I couldn't swim underwater if my life depended on it... I have a built-in floatation device that will not allow me to stay underwater. *tsk* I suppose it could be considered a good thing... afterall, I'll have a hard time drowning! LOL

However... I heard once that if you float in fresh water, you cannot float in salt water. (Anyone heard of this or know if it's true?) I saw and walked along the edge of the Atlantic Ocean once when Matthew won the trip to North Carolina... but I had visions of me going into the ocean to swim and either drowning, or being attacked by a shark. I'm not too terribly brave when it comes to very LARGE bodies of water, or sharks. Although (before all the pollution started setting in) I would happily swim in Lake Huron in calm or rough water anytime at all... and now, definitely in our pool. ;o)


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I think if you can float, you can float anywhere. That being said, I stay out of wind water - I prefer the tame stuff in an indoor pool.


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I used to love to go to the beach (Lake Huron) and jump the waves when it was really rough.... I even took Matthew jumping waves when he was little, holding his hand very tightly. However, in light of how many drownings in rough water I've read about within the past few years.... looking back in hindsight, I guess we were playing dangerous games. I know that when I felt the undertow was a bit too strong, I would get us both out of the water and head for home... but still, it's scary now to think what could have happened if Matthew's hand had slipped from mine. :o/


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We all have stories like that. I am terrified of water, even though I can swim.


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About the Snails ,,,,, Tchelet =Light Blue can be made from a ceratin snail , and was done so in biblical times , for religious purpose.... you need Many many to be able to dye one thread ... mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Everybody can float on the Dead Sea [ salt sea ] the LOWEST place on Earth ,,the water reeks with minerals and fats ,, great for your complexion and bones .... and you float ,,,, mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

That was the reason that in summer camps we entered the sea , being enclosed in a big rope held by our guides. mirjam O

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Neat to know. Thank you, Mirjam! :o)

Umm... when you say the water reeks, you don't mean it really smells bad, do you?

We went to a mineral hot springs in British Columbia when we went to visit my sister a few years ago... and the actual springs (that have been abandoned for the most part) way off to the side smelled very strongly of sulphur. No one goes in that water anymore, instead they go swimming in an inland (I think, man-made) lake that is quite warm. Just beyond the ridge there is a huge mountain lake where the water was freezing cold. Matthew (who was 16 at the time) refused to get in the mountain lake, staying in the warm inland lake... I went into the mountain lake and loved every second of it. Of course I was the only person in there. LOL


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P'raps I'll give this a miss\ cher x

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