Ot Birds worms and other things

Years ago , My Oma gave me a headkerchief with all those Folksaying ,,, can`t find it now , but it was in the Manner of ,,, The Early Bird Catches the worm . An apple a Day keeps the doctor away. Birds of a Feather Flock Together

There were more but i forgot them .... Now i must admit that for years i thought why does any bird get up early to catch a worm ,,,,, let others do it for her ... mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen
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I love all those old sayings. My Mom used to say a lot that her mother said before her. :o)

I put bread out for the birds (when it's reached the expiry date for us to use), so I guess the birds can make worm sandwiches. ;o)


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Matthew Hollands

Fruits , grains and grasses we have enough , but we put water out for the Birds , and stray cats. The water before living room French doors . [top a tiny , wall enclosed front garden ] Attracts Many birds to drink and bath , and our cat yhinks it is marvelous to look at Flying Scnitzels . mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

LOL I can just imagine your cat sitting at the windows watching all the birds! :o)

Casper (our older dog, Buffy doesn't pay much attention even when she's actually outside) will sit in the foyer (his favorite room with all the windows) watching the birds and the squirrels in the distance. One day he was sitting perfectly still with ears perked and looking like he was ready to jump.... Matthew and I went slowly to see what he was watching so intently. There was a squirrel who had come all the way over to within about 4 feet from the house and was just sitting perfectly still like a statue. Then he flicked one of his ears, and Casper let go with one very loud WOOF. That poor little squirrel jumped straight in the air and was past the neighbour's laneway and up the tree in front of their house in two seconds flat. I thought Matthew was going to pass out from laughing so hard. Casper was very excited running around the foyer huffing and puffing with tail wagging happily over the excitement he had caused. LOL


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Matthew Hollands

Yes ,,, he also Gores outside , and tries to Grab them... mirjam

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Mirjam Bruck-Cohen

Hi Gemini,

Oh, that is so funny. Sounds like when the dog out back comes out of the house and goes to the corner of the fence and watches the squirrel sit in the pine tree in our yard.



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