OT - It's Sunday! I'm back....

and up *before* the crack of dawn again! (It was 6:30 AM and BLACK outside when I started this message) :o/ I drifted off to sleep on the sofa at about midnight last night, and woke up at 4 AM. I went to bed, but laid there for two solid hours unable to go back to sleep. No sense in laying there when you're awake... so I got up and let the dogs out for a couple of minutes and here I am after FOUR hours sleep.

Got a couple of things accomplished since I was here last (no nothing yarn related). I decided to try to get some laundry done on Friday while Matthew was still away because (a bit of good news here) he was re-hired at the place that fired him in July after a previous supervisor of his (not the one who got him fired... she quit a couple of weeks after having Matthew fired) pulled some strings. I think he has to start in training again, but I'm not positive on that, we haven't spoken much... but he starts on Monday and will need clean clothes. Anyway, I made up three lighter weight (because I had to carry them myself) baskets to take to the laundry, washed the clothes, and since it was a beautiful sunny day I hung them on the clothesline when I got home.

Other stuff happened during the afternoon that I would rather not get into, and by the time I finished taking the clothes in (I started while there was still daylight) it had gotten dark at only 5:30 - 5:45 PM. I realized that I hadn't gone to the cemetery, and I *always* do on Remembrance Day, so off I went (yes in the dark... it was the first time I ever did that too). Because it was dark and my parents are buried on a row where the town has decided to block off people driving, I had to park the next row over... so I left the van lights on so that I could see where I was going and not fall, as I wasn't planning on being there very long. I fixed the wreath into the ground better that I had set up a couple of weeks ago (it had been blown over in the strong winds we had last week), had a chat with my parents about things going on, said a prayer, and went back to the van. It wouldn't start!!! Just sat there making a brrrrrrrrr sound at me. Wonderful... just the thing to add to my already bad day!!

My parents' gravesite is at the FAR end of the cemetery, so I had to walk through the cemetery in the dark (and bitter cold) alone. Walking through the cemetery in the dark didn't bother me as much as I had always thought it would... although my mind *was* preoccupied with the van. I walked up to the first couple of houses that were just outside the cemetery that had all their lights on and vehicles in the laneway, hoping that someone could come give the van a boost. No one answered their doors! Someone else backed out of their laneway and drove away *just* before I got to them, and as I was walking along that dark road (with my cane, I might add) someone drove by me without slowing down to ask if there was a problem... when I looked back I could see that it had been one of the vehicles from one the first places I had rung the doorbell of. :o/

By this point I was frozen and ticked off, so I really wasn't in the mood anymore to walk up to a stranger's door and ask nicely if they could help me... so I walked all the way home which is about FIVE to SIX blocks away from my parents' gravesite at the far side of the cemetery. I had been going for walks on the old railway path almost everyday (weather permitting), but not that far... more like the equivalent of two blocks (not

*around*, just down the street to the second street and back), so I was chilled to the bone and hurting a LOT by the time I got home.

I called my nephew who lives in town and told him what happened... he came over after finishing his supper, and we went to see if the battery booster box he had bought would work. He recently got a new truck, and because it is computerized he can't boose other vehicle's batteries with it. When we got to my van, I got in to turn the key so he could hear it... and the damned thing started!!! Can I *tell* you how extremely p*ssed I was, after me walking all that way and freezing my butt off?!?!? Anyway, Mark had originally said it could be the starter... but when it did start he said "Considering winter is coming, you might want to consider getting a new battery so you don't have this happen and be stranded outside of town somewhere on the road." I'd LOVE to, but I can't even catch up with my bills, so I certainly can't afford a new battery! He followed me home... it stalled FIVE times on the way, whenever I eased off the accelerator to brake... and into my laneway. He then told me it *could* be that the connectors to the battery may be corroded and need to be cleaned. He didn't have what he needed in his truck, but said he would try to get around to have a look at them this weekend.

I did call the garage yesterday morning and told them what had happened, just in case I need to borrow one of their vehicles for Monday. They suggested that I take the van for a good run outside of town to really get it running and that might help to reset whatever it was they said. They also said if all else fails I can bring it in on Monday morning, and they will see what they can do... because I have a specialist appointment on Monday afternoon in the city, which took MONTHS to get, and I need a report from him to add to my list of things that I will be sending to Disability when I reapply. Well, yesterday came and went and my nephew couldn't make it here then. I popped out to the store (the van worked with no problem on the way out), but when I pulled away from the store it started acting up again so I had to do what I did on Friday night... keep my right foot on the accelerator and use my left foot on the brake to keep it from stalling again. Of course I forgot three times, and each time... it stalled. I was almost home and decided to try what they had said at the garage. I turned the corner just before our house, and headed out the road... I drove fast and hard to try to kick out whatever was in there making it act up... turned at the first sideroad (I didn't want to go TOO far outside of town, just in case I ended up having to walk back in the cold and dark again), crossed over to the next paved road coming back into town (at the other end of our block)... driving fast and hard again. As I came into town and had to slow down... it stalled AGAIN. So, obviously THAT didn't work! If my nephew can't make it here today to have a look at it, I will definitely be taking the van to the garage in the morning to have them do something with it. If it is something that will take them into the afternoon to fix... they will have to lend me one of their vehicles so that I can get to my specialist appointment in the afternoon.

So that has been my weekend.... crappy all over the place! :o/ I sure hope this week gets better, because I can't take a whole lot more of any of the things that have been happening lately!

Considering my mood lately (not depressed, but VERY anti-social), I *may* be on once in a while from time to time... but definitely not half as much as before anymore! Besides, I have to get used to it... if Matthew moves to the city I will be left without a computer and have to go back to popping in at the library for an hour once in a while. And I can't remember my password for google, so I'll just be reading and not posting again anyway.

*shrug* Whatever... as the saying goes... sh*t happens, then you die! :o/


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Hi Gemini! I am truly sorry about all that mess. And I am slightly worried about you too...I mean M moving away from home...and your medical conditon...I know there is nothing I can do...but I still can tell you that you have my sympathy about car problems - at least. Once my ex-car Vectra...It had gears. Well, those got stuck. Vectra did not go forwards at all, it went only backwards! I was lucky that I was on the parking area when that happened. I told Dad immediately...and he did what was needed to fix it. The next time I saw Vectra it was OK again.

And then I got my current car Polo. Well, once I sat and had "the seat is warm" - thing as active. When one friend of mine tried to start it, the engine was dead! It was battery problem all right. And Dad had to fix that too. So I know how frustrating and frightening it can be when a car refuses to co-operate. Best: Pirjo

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Pirjo Ilvesvuori

Hi Gem,

It's good to see you're posting again, but oh, how I can sympathize with you and the van. I have a car that will take me anyplace I want to go, but when it's time to come home again, about half the time it just stalls, over and over. The driving with your foot on the gas and the brake I'm very familiar with.

I sure hope they can find out what's wrong with your van, and that you get to your appt. ok.

Glad you're back - it was very quiet while you were gone. :)

Bye for now,

Rusty in CT, USA and Dusty the Dog

"Some things I can't remember, but some things I can't forget."

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OH, dear, Gemini! That is too bad. While I am glad that Matthew got his old job back, and hope that things go well this time round, I reall was upset at reading about your knocking on doors with no response. You should write an editorial about it. I'll bet the local paper would publish it. I hope that you don't disappear again, though!

Higs, Katherine

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Unfortunately it could happen! This is Matthew's computer and I certainly can't afford to buy myself one, so if he moves to the city he'll be taking this with him. The only way for me to *read* the newsgroups then is to go to the library once in a while. Like I said, I can't remember my password, so I doubt that I'll be posting anymore.


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Couldn't you re-join somehow?

Higs, Katherine

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I have no idea. *shrug*

By the way... you have email.

Gem>>> MRH wrote:

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Hi Gemini,

If you ask google I think you can find the password or just go and start another account under another name. We have to find a way so you can post and keep us informed about what is going on in your life. I guess the people up there are like here, you don't answer the door after dark as too many times lately there have been home invasions when someone answers. It's the way the society has become and it's not a good way at all.



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Got it, and replied.

Higs, Kather> I have no idea. *shrug*

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I'm glad to see you back, Gem, and hope you can find a way to stay with us. It just isn't the same without you! Congratulations on Matthew getting his job back. At least that supervisor won't be there any more. And good luck tomorrow with both the van and the doctor's appointment. I hope all goes well.


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I will try at google before (or when) the time comes that I need it. Thank you for the idea of how to do it though.

What's really sad is that this is the small town that I was born and raised in... it is safe to walk around here at anytime of the day or night. People here are normally so very friendly... at least most of them are. Maybe they were nervous answering their door because of where they live.. just across from the cemetery gates, as if someone from there is going to hurt you. Mind you, walking through the cemetery at night wouldn't be my normal choice of things to do... but still.

*hug* Gemini
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Thank you, Janise! :o)


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major snippage:

"MRH" spun a FINE yarn in: news: snipped-for-privacy@corp.supernews.com...

Mind you, walking through the cemetery at night wouldn't be my normal choice of things to do... but still.

Why NOT, Gem? The dead can't hurt you, and it's QUIET! We used to PLAY in cemetary's at nite as kids, and had many picnics there during the days... We've friends who live right next door to one, and they LOVE it, the neighbors surely aren't rowdy! JM2C Noreen

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I think I saw too many Zombie movies in my youth... cemeteries at night just give me the creeps. My Mom used to say the same thing to me... "They can't hurt you, you know!" and after Daddy passed away she would say "And Daddy would never let anything hurt you!"

On my way to the city one day I took the scenic route that passed by one of those old roadside country cemeteries. I saw a lady sitting on a blanke on a gravesite, looked like she was having a picnic... and talking... to her beloved, I suppose. I will sit on my parents' gravesite and talk with them.... but I normally do it during the day, Friday happened because I got doing other things (laundry) and by the time I finished it was dark and I hadn't gone to my parent's gravesite for Remembrance Day like I do every year. So dark or not, alone or not, I was going and that was that.

When I went to England a few years ago, on the way to and from the train I had to pass by a churchyard cemetery that had a short (about 2') cement wall around it. Not so bad going... during the day... but on the way back at night, I would walk very quickly. One night on the way back from the train I noticed as I was coming up toward it, that there was a freshly dug grave... I was on the OTHER side of the road the rest of the way. I know it's silly, but I have seen too many movies, and read too many books about such things.

-- Anyway.... my Dad had a bad experience twice! My parents were in bed, and my Mom was reading as she usually did when she first got into bed. My Dad fell asleep almost immediately. A short while later my Mom heard my Dad breathing a bit odd and looked at him. His eyes were wide open and he was staring at the side of the bed, but above him. My Mom said his name and he didn't respond... she gently reached over and touched his hand... and he sighed and looked at her. The sweat was running off him. My Mom asked him what was wrong. He said "Didn't you see him? There was a man. I couldn't see his face like there was none, he wore a black cloak, but I could see his eyes staring at me. He stood right here beside me and towered over me. He was holding me down." My Mom hadn't seen anything at all.... but the terrified look in my Dad's eyes and the sweat running off him.

What's weird..... the exact same thing happened to me when we lived in that house, during the DAY... my bedroom was upstairs, my parents' bedroom was downstairs. I could hear my Mom calling me, but I couldn't answer her. It felt bad... evil... when I heard my Mom call me a couple of more times I

*made* myself jump up. And just that quick whatever, or whoever it was, was gone!


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Great to hear from you Gemini.

Hugs & God bless, Dennis & Gail

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Spike Driver

Thank you! Great to hear from you too! Please know the both of you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care!

Gem>> and up *before* the crack of dawn again! (It was 6:30 AM and BLACK

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