Pattern for the "cute boxy sweater"

I have finally fixed my Adobe problems and converted the pattern to a PDF. If you'd like a copy drop me a line and I'll send you the URL to get it.

reverse and replace the obvious with a period

gro DOT hsyf AT yknils

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Tried every which way to get this to work. No go.

Possible typo?

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Did you start with the `s' and work your way to the left and up?


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GrubStreetNM may have been confused by the AT and DOT which are not to be turned around; their replacements are the obvious part.


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Richard Eney


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UPDATE: You were correct re email address. However, no reply.

Thanks again.


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Excuse me for not sitting in front of my computer all the time waiting to send out free copies of my pattern. I've been busy having a life that's included a puking kid and a MIL with an atrocious cold who's needed to be shuttled about to various medical appointments.

Check your email, enjoy the pattern.

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Sorry to hear that you've had a few added stresses at this already insane time of year. You are a good and generous person - I'm still stunned that you shipped a circular needle halfway across the globe for me! May everyone in the family get well again soon. Best wishes, Vintage Purls

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Vintage Purls

My kid can puke further than your kid. Nyah.

She just finished doing so all over the back seat of the car. For an excercise in futility, try this: herd a 2 year old with an acorn fixation, a 5 month old who is teething but finally fell asleep in the car, and a puking 5 year old out of the car and into the house without (1) gaining any new acorns; (2) awakening the Beast That Is The Boy; and (3) smearing icky all over the other seats in the car, the apartment hall, the front door, and all rooms in between the door and the kid bathroom.

I deserve a %#$@!% medal. One acorn, baby still sleeping, and only two smudges on the wood arm of the couch.

Hubby's coming home from work early to "help". Early meaning 4:00 instead of 5:00. I'm going to let him help his little heart out: I'm taking the yarn and hook out for a walk in the park. I need to escape for a while. :)

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Dunno about that. My newly-minted 9yo managed to barf into his father's hair - over the high back of the bucket seat, from the back seat. He also overshot the porcelain receptacle such that I had to dismount the tank to clean adequately behind it.

We stopped while we still outnumber him. Most days we outnumber him. Some days he's smarter than both of us put together...

I'll knit you one tonight!

Go go go go!

How's the house coming along?

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I'm just about rolling on the floor laughing! Sorry ladies - I have truly been there and done that, and I don't want to do it again. I wish you all the best with all your assorted, darling, puking little rug rats, etc. You have my profound sympathies. When my kids used to barf, I was having the dry heaves along with them. I don't do well with puke.

I do, however - have one puke story. A number of years ago, when I and my whole family were a lot younger (in other words, my kids were still at home)..... one spring, we took our kids and motorhome to go skiing at Lake Louise in the Alberta Rocky Mountains. We were having a great time, until one evening, my 14 y/o son decided to consume MANY Wonderbars and Cokes. In the middle of the night when we were all sleeping we were awakened by the sound of awful heaving, then the true barf sounds. He was on the top bunk, sleeping one way, along with his sister (5 years younger) sleeping the other way. She was screaming "don't you puke on me you brat!!!", so he didn't - he puked all over the sheets and pillow and pillowcase. I was urging him into the closet-sized bathroom to puke in to the plastic (not porcelain) toilet. By then, there was nothing left - it was all in the sheets, seeping through into the mattress (I'm gagging as I write this). My husband had to pull off the sheets, mop up the bed, lay down towels over the damp parts, and remake the bed. There was no way I could even get close to it without gagging. My son couldn't eat for 2 days. Just sipped Ginger Ale. To this day, he can't eat a Wonderbar. (snicker).


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"Shillelagh" wrote

Did you ever get the odor out of the mattress.

Several years ago, I was on the Norwegian Coastal Steamer when the boat was rocking and rolling as it went through a storm. It didn't bother me but three-fourths of the passengers were sick. The boat was still stinking when we got off two days later.

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Midwest poster

Yes - when we got home I scrubbed it, then hung it outside for days. I think the fresh air helped.

Oy......... I'm rocking and rolling thinking of it. Bleeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhh. Gotta love puke stories (grin)


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My son couldn't eat for 2 days. Just sipped Ginger Ale. To this

Oh, that was hilarious! I think that we all have puke stories, either ours or someone else's. I have two, if you can bear with me. When I was tiny, I suffered from projectile vomiting, and didn't eat much. My grandmother told my mother that I was spoilt, and that she was going to feed me. She force-fed me something or other until the bowl was empty and turned triumphantly to my mother, with a "so, there!" look on her face. Then she turned back and I puked right in that face. My mother said later that she wanted to cheer. The other story happened a couple of years ago. As most of you know, I spend a lot of time with my granddaughter. One Christmas, she contracted Influenza A, which she shared with grandma. Generous little soul. So we spent most of Christmas lying on the couch at my house - her mother had to work, so she couldn't stay at home. However, one night I had a social obligation that I couldn't get out of, so I managed to put on enough make-up so that I didn't look like a walking corpse, and went for an hour. I am told that the food was delicious. I really wouldn't know about that, as all I could comment on was the texture of it. On the way home - in Labrador, in December, about 7 km - Keith had to stop the car three times for me to get out and vomit. Oh, dear, that was a dreadful Christmas!

Higs, Katherine

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