Totally OFF topic ~ out of body experiences

We know someone who does the drunken climbings and hasn't had any Newfie Screech don't we Katherine:))

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That sounds scarily familiar...

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Enzo Matrix

H onest T o G od, LOL Noreen

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Noreen's Knit*che

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Noreen's Knit*che

Very good, Katherine, you get a Gold Star! Noreen

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Noreen's Knit*che

Okay, I gotta ask -- What is Newfie Screech? Or is that Newbie Screech, when a novice knitter realizes they dropped a stitch eleven rows back?

Karen in MN (who left rcty for just a little while and came back to find her formally normal knitting buds on rcty now time traveling out of body and spinning and riding brooms in their sleep and doing strange screeches -- wondering if maybe there is a new yarn out that is giving off fumes or something :) :)

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Karen in MN

Thenkyew, Noreen.

Katherine (bowing)

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Newfie Screech is no longer that strong, but I hate the taste of rum. I believe that it is a bit stronger than "regular" rum, and that this was written into the articles of Confederation back in 1949, that we could continue to brew it at that strength. Mainlanders come here wanting to try it, and we oblige. I think that I have part of a bottle in the cupboard, but it will stay there forever, as far as we are concerned. I use rum strictly for my rum cake, and then it is usually Bacardi.


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LOL We do, indeed!


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LOL Newfie Screech is rum - slightly stronger than regular rum, and very dark in colour. If you like rum, it is supposed to be good, but I can't stand even the smell of it. It can only be bought in Newfoundland and Labrador, and people who come here to visit always want to try it. In fact, we have a ceremony to make people honorary Newfoundlanders, called a "Screech-In", which involves Screech, a codfish, bologna, and some other things. Tourists love it!


Karen > Okay, I gotta ask -- What is Newfie Screech? Or is that Newbie

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ROTFLMAO Good one!!!

No, Newfie Screech is/was Newfoundland Rum, which during WWII was 100 proof and could very likely peel the paint off walls at 50 paces. The Americans stationed in Newfoundland during the war who drank it (because they were not used to liquor being that strong) couldn't handle it and my parents literally saw them running toward brick walls with their heads bent down like charging bulls and ramming their heads into the walls... and climbing telephone poles, etc too. The Newfoundlanders didn't have too big a problem with drinking the stuff and would sit back watching the Americans and shake their heads at their antics. LOL

HAHAHA It's been a FUN week! ;o)

Welcome back!

*hugs* Gemini
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Yes, I think my Mom told me something about when Confederation came into effect that the Canadian government lowered the strength from what it *had* been, but that Screech was still allowed to be stronger than other rums in the country.

We heard a few years ago (about four maybe?) that Newfie Screech is no longer going to be sold in liquor stores across the country. Can it still be bought in Newfoundland though? I have an *empty* 25 oz bottle sitting on the center shelf of an in-wall bookcase alongside a plaque with Newfoundland tartan & coat of arms, and a cup & saucer and sugar/creamer with the tartan & coat of arms on them as well. On the same shelf is a paperback book of Newfie Jokes, a "Genuine Newfie Mug" (with the handle on the *inside* that someone gave my Mom and she thought was hysterically funny), a tiny seal figurine, and a framed picture of my maternal grandmother who I never met (I have to get a frame for my maternal grandfather to go there too).... proudly displaying my Newfoundland heritage! :o)


- my Newfoundland Mom's *only* foreigner (born in Ontario). ;o)

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Yes, you can still get Screech here. As I said, I would never buy it, but some people actually prefer it to other rums. Yuck! But, then I don't like any rums.


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I was reading this posting and the others leading up to it to Matthew this morning and had him cracking up in laughter. He said "I thought that was a crafty knitting crocheting newsgroup? You guys are all goofing around on there." I said "Yes, it is, but we also enjoy life and laughter and get off topic very often just to have some fun." :o)


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ROTFL Katherine, when I read this to Matthew this morning he said "Remind me NOT to go to Newfoundland anytime soon. They likely give you a fish with the head still on it. I might be able to manage a shot of Newfie Screech, and obviously bologna, but I am not eating a fish that's looking at me." LOL I have to admit that I agree with that statement... I couldn't do that either... IF that's what they do.

Gem I have to find that website you gave me once before so I can read up on the "Screech-In" to see exactly what it does entail... as I do want to visit Newfoundland sometime and want a heads-up in advance. ;o)

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Tell Matthew that they don't eat the fish. I won't tell him what they do with it, but it can be done in front of other people with no problem - maybe some embarrassment, but no problem. Keith Screeched-in a bunch of people at my sister's wedding, and they thoroughly enjoyed it. However, we never Screech-in anybody who doesn't want to be done. It is loads of fun - especially for the audience!


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Oh yeah, I think I remember now what it is that you have to do with the cod. Still yucky! LOL


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Dennis & Gail

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Spike Driver

Not yarn related, but my Dad (also a Navy man) used to fall asleep reading a book (or comic book, whatever he had in his hand at the time) and hold it straight up as if he were still reading it. My Mom would give him a tiny shake of his shoulder and wake him to go to bed, and he's say "What? I'm awake, can't you see the book standing up? I was reading it!" My Mom would laugh and say "You are amazing then, because you can read with your eyes shut!" LOL


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